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Dear all


HMRC (FREE) E- Learning for Childminders - click on this link to be taken to the HMRC site


HMRC have developed a new e-learning tool, advising on tax and national insurance issues in starting your own business, and specifically one for Childminders. It takes between 1 and 2 hours to complete and has links to further advice on the Business Link and HMRC website. The NCMA were consulted throughout the development of the E-Learning Tool and are keen to have Tax advice in an electronic format on their website. Currently, there is a link on the NINCMA website to ‘HMRC Guidance’ http://www.nicma.org...ining-a-quality


Although the tool is hosted on the HMRC website, by placing the URL address on your website, it gives Childminders an easy way to access the information any time and use at their own pace. It is also updated and amended centrally by HMRC.


Best wishes


Admin Team


thanks Sue, I'm off to make sure I'm claiming all I can :D



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