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Unenthusiastic staff :(


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What do you do when your job is to ensure things are done and you have staff that just seem to dig their heels in at every opportunity... frustrating hardly describes it! Does anyone else have staff issues?

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always lol!!

some staff will always be more enthusiastic than others - enjoying what they do with the children - you can see it when you look at them - and the children around them - they take on the changes with enthusiasm too realising it is all to benefit the children and the setting

other staff seem to find it all too much - doing what they should be doing that is lol - they don't seem to be enjoying their time at work and seem to be all too quick to start tidying up for home time -and you feel like saying if you aren't happy in your job why don't you leave and get a job in sainsbury / tesco etc - these are the ones that moan about changes - why are they happening - why can't we do it like we have always done etc


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What do you do when your job is to ensure things are done and you have staff that just seem to dig their heels in at every opportunity... frustrating hardly describes it! Does anyone else have staff issues?


You may need to (if you can) give a few more details - what is it that they are doing or more to the point not doing?

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I've already been on here about one thing - They won't go in the garden. They won't write THEIR OWN key children's notes for planning in the diary (So how can I plan for their children unless I make my own obs on their children for them). They spend setting up time making the morning cuppa. They grunt instead of respond to requests so unclear if it's even a yes or no sometimes. They don't contribute in meetings and move on to the next point asap so the meeting can be finished then go without waiting for others even when it's dark. So you see some of it is not the kind of stuff you can pin point. Just rudeness in general. (sigh)

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Some of these things are cureable with a little light delegation


Eg - No one has a morning cuppa until X.XXam - remind them that they need to have been working 6 hours before they can have a break - ask anyone who has worked in retail they will confirm that this is the case - Sainsburys, Tescos etc won't seem quite so appealing then xD


As for meetings why not assign each of them an agenda item to chair at the meeting - do this for a couple of meetings to see how it goes - they might find it empowering


Grunted replies - how about the technique you use with the children e.g., I'm so sorry I didn't hear you properly could you just repeat that - do this consistently and you might find they decide to speak clearly in the first instance


It is v. wearing I know but sometimes you have to accept that not everyone in your staff team will be as dedicated, have as much common sense, be as enthusiastic as you are about your job - then make a mental note that when you recruit these are some of the things that you are looking out for

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I've already been on here about one thing - They won't go in the garden. They won't write THEIR OWN key children's notes for planning in the diary (So how can I plan for their children unless I make my own obs on their children for them). They spend setting up time making the morning cuppa. They grunt instead of respond to requests so unclear if it's even a yes or no sometimes. They don't contribute in meetings and move on to the next point asap so the meeting can be finished then go without waiting for others even when it's dark. So you see some of it is not the kind of stuff you can pin point. Just rudeness in general. (sigh)


Oh dear - I really feel for you - sounds like things are pretty awful for you just now......


Some great advice, as ever, from Sue........


I suppose you have to decide if you want to use 'the carrot or the stick'.........I prefer wherever possible to use the carrot but sometimes that's easier said than done.


Do you have one-to-one 'supervisions' or 'appraisals'? They really need to know on an individual basis that this is unacceptable......


Could you/do you have some sort of rota for the garden?


I like my morning cuppa - but for goodness sake it only needs one person to make it while everyone else gets on with the setting up - again perhaps time for a rota......


My staff team are fantastic - but I often find that I do make obs on their Key children and planning is in reality mainly my work - not ideal but I accept that's the way it is.......


I'm not sure how helpful this is but I would advise that you 'pick your battles' - does that make any sense to you?


Good luck with it all :1b

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We are just trialing Supervisions and they seems to bring a ray of hope :) Thanks for the advice.. It is nice to hear that you also agree that these little niggles are unacceptable too.

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