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Arghh! We had a the 48 hour notice call today to say OFSTED on next week! Now Im stressing! Does anyone know what to expect? What sorts of things these new short visits focus on? Anything at all about these new visits please share with me!




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Arghh! We had a the 48 hour notice call today to say OFSTED on next week! Now Im stressing! Does anyone know what to expect? What sorts of things these new short visits focus on? Anything at all about these new visits please share with me!







We waiting for the call and have been told they talk mainly to the children asking their opinions. observations will be jointly with the headteacher. Some teachers wont be seen at all. Our head seems to think they may focus on the Foundation Stage Year2 and Year 6.



Good Luck hope all goes well and try not to stress too much.

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hi joanne, cant help a except to say good luck. Make sure you are as prepared as you possibly can be and have a good weekend.


The inspection will focus on the schools self evaluation, that I do know and also that not every teacher will be observed. I would think that a focus on end of key stages is more than probable. At this stage in the school term I would hope that the ins[ectors will appreciate the need for settling activities etc and establishment of routines. Dont put on a show but do do what you would normally do.


Again Good luck and keep us posted!!

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Hi Jo,


I'm from preschool, so no real experience but they should be considering the 5 outcomes from every child matters - What is it like to be a child here?..



Best of luck, I know it's difficult, but try to see it as a potentialy positive experience where your skills, knowledge and practise is acknowledged. :D



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We're awaiting the call as we speak - don't know what they're looking for, except that they will do a lot from the SEF form, I suppose checking that they agree with Head's evaluation of where the school is up to.


Will they not refer back to the previous inspection and see if any areas of weakness/areas to be developed have been improved?


Anyway, hope all goes well. Have a nice bottle of wine ready for when it's all over.


Best of luck,


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Good luck Joanne.

We are also waiting for the Thursady call any day now too. We were told that the focus was very much on the school SEF as Susan and harricroft said. That they would be loking to see where you are moving on any issues rasied in the last inspection, that the interviews would mainly be with SMT and fewer lessons would be observed and just to confirm really what you have put on your SEF.


But Im sure when its all over we'd like you to come back and tell us how it all was.

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Hello not to put a damper on things, but undedr the new assessment framework there is no room for satisfactory.... They will look at the SEF and at attainment. We have just gone into special measures, it has shocked a lot of local schools, and made a lot of collegues worried. They looked at all areas in school, literacy across the curriculum, ICT, RE, apart from that bad news, The new gradings are very tough, look at the framework and make sure you are doing everything in the 'good' section, let me know how you get on. GOOD LUCK :):)

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Thankyou everyone! Its great to feel supported. Ive been into school today (Sunday!) just to make sure evrything looks organised and ready! You could go on for ever but I have come away and feel ok but am anxious.

As its the new inspection its difficult to know what format they will follow. apparently they will arrive with 5 or 6 preselected areas to look at. It will mainly be management based but if they decide that foundation stage is one of their areas then obviously they will want to look at me and the provision /planning / children / assessment / and probably lots of other things they could throw at me!!

I hope everything goes well and I will let you know to help all the rest of you who are awaiting the dreaded call!

Jo xx

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Joanne - Don't for one minute think you'll be logging on here till after it's all over ........ but just to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping it's all going well.



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Joanne - hope it's all over - and everything's gone well.


Well ... I said we were waiting, and today we got the call - Joanne, if you log on here I'd really appreciate any advise/input you can give. It's funny how all your confidence suddenly goes out of the door when you know 'they're' coming. I'm now in a total flap about what I should be doing - especially as my youngest children will only have been in for one day (could even be the first day in!!). What exactly are they going to expect me to be doing in Literacy?? Normally I would be telling a story (not necessarily to the whole class together) and maybe a few Pips games with those who have been in for the last week, but mainly PSE/rule type things. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!



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All the best to you all with impending inspections - it will be interesting to see how they pan out. I have some reservations about certain aspects in the new type inspections and how they will be inspected. I am all in favour of reflective practice and critical analysis but not too sure to how they will validate and inspect against this in the short period of time they are in. Does this make sense. So good luck, and it would be great to receive any feedback you have on it.


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Good luck to both of you from me too!


harricroft I would just do the things you would normally do - you can justify it and you feel comfotable doing it so stick with it!

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Hello Chill and a big welcome, thanks for your first post!!


Schools will continue to get a bit of notice, but the non-maintained sector will get no notice at all. Which are you in?


Sue  :D



Unfortunately (in this instance) non-maintained. Whilst I understand the need for spot checks, the stress of having an ofsted inspection team just arriving is horrid for all staff. A 48 hour notice would be fantastic in comparison.

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At ten past eight this morning 'the inspector called"! Very grueling but we kept our heads above water, at least she actually talked to the children and appeared to be happy with what they said.


She is back tomorrow to concentrate on the baby room and Birth to Three and the health and safety aspects.


I will let you know what the outcome is,



Teri :(:oxD:( :wacko: :(

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Just a quickie cos one day left! Not wanting to count chickens before they hatch.. but touch wood all seems to be looking well. Regarding notice it is anything from 0 to 5 days notice!

We have two inspectors and a HMI. They are busy with paperwork but have also been round every class observing and talking to children. Very keen to get children's views and opinions on school. They are talking to parents tomorrow. Dont know what he got from talking to my new intake! They seemed stunned at the sight of a man in a suit and tie! Oh well!

Better go and triple check planning! Im paranoid!

I willtell you all more when tomorrow is over and we have had feedback!!

Jo x

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