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Where have 'my' children gone?

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So where have 'my' lovely confident, capable children gone........sent them all off for their Christmas break.........only to have them replaced by 'aliens'! :blink: xD :lol: xD


Honestly we always notice that some have taken a 'backward step' or two after a break - but goodness me, nothing like this morning......


Some have forgotten........


How to speak :ph34r: and have communicated with 'looks' and gestures.......


How to say yes please or no thank you - these pleasantries have been replaced with nodding or shaking of heads........


How to listen to a group story without shuffling backwards and forwards and or generally poking their neighbours.......


Where/how to find coats and wellies........let's not even mention putting them on........


How to use the loo without adult support (and do they ever wash their hands at home?)


Crikey - I am going to have my work cut out to lick them all back into shape! :o :blink: xD :lol: xD

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I was a little shocked today as my "wild" children from December seem to have been tamed over the holidays!! I'm expecting it is the shock of the early start and that we will be back to "normal" tomorrow but it was a pleasant surprise I must say.


Sunnyday - thanks for the warning. I'll be on the look out for mine - they don't come back until tomorrow. I know after half-term in October I was exasperated beyond belief by lunch time on the first day as they could do/knew nothing!

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Mine too, Sunnyday! Snatching things, pushing each other -to say nothing of getting things out and just abandoning them all around the room! No offers for tidying up, "wasn't me!" was the main cry!


Need to get them sorted!

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Crikey - I am going to have my work cut out to lick them all back into shape! :o :blink: xD :lol: xD


Please don't do that literally sunnyday.................. :blink: especially if they don't wash their hands....



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Well........today seemed quite a lot better........until.........I attempted a 'fire drill' :blink:


Hmmm - what does it mean when the whistle is blown.........apparently it means 'just look up and then carry on playing' :o :blink: xD :lol: xD

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Sunnyday - I've had that look before!


Mine weren't too bad today - 'lively' and a couple of the girls needed reminding hat if I told them to stop doing something then I really mean 'stop' and there would be consequences if they didn't!


I have to say though mine really didn't look like they'd had 2 weeks off - pale, red eyed, bleary and generally poorly looking. I'm hoping that it was just the effects of getting up a little earlier than usual.

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Ah right......well.......we've all learnt how to speak again.........hmmmm.........mainly to say 'no' :ph34r: what on earth........


I have had to take several deep breaths and I've mentally counted to ten over and over........


Tomorrow will be better (surely) :blink: xD


Ours are the same. They are like completely different children! One, usually quiet and well behaved, little girl drew all over a doll's head with felt pen today and then looked at us and laughed!


Oh no! What is going on??????? :blink:

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had one of those today too 8 challenging children = 5 staff all exhausted by the end of the day! Ridiculous


This sounds like the start of a horror film - or perhaps a new version of the Midwich Cuckoos!


Don't get me started on handwashing Sunnyday! I never cease to be amazed by the number of children who clearly don't have any idea that this is expected after going to the toilet. They soon get the idea once they have been around me for a while but it makes me cringe when I think through the implications of this lack of basic hygiene.

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hahaha! Sunnyday that made me chuckle! :D I can just picture them now!



Don't get me started on handwashing Sunnyday! I never cease to be amazed by the number of children who clearly don't have any idea that this is expected after going to the toilet. They soon get the idea once they have been around me for a while but it makes me cringe when I think through the implications of this lack of basic hygiene.


I totally agree! We have one mum who takes her son to the toilet every morning before she leaves- and she NEVER makes him wash his hands after!

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