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Milk deliveries

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I was wondering if anyone else has had any issues with Scotts Milk service supplying their milk for PVI nurseries?


I signed up to them in August and the idea of it was fantastic, having milk delivered 3 times a week, with a free fruit box and free soya milk/formula.

A couple of weeks into it, we had squashed fruit bags, deliveries went missing altogether or had items missing, very poor customer service skills unless i requested a supervisor, and now, even though i was told there would be nothing to do except to inform them of any changes in numbers.. Ive had to start making 2 validations a month, of which only their own seem to be going through, they keep claiming im not validating the NMRU links and threatening to bill the nursery for all goods supplied and admin too!


I really cant seem to work out whats gone wrong but its very upsetting, and im wondering with the incompetance and rudeness ive had off them so far, if anyone else has had the same issues?





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pleased we didn't sign up! We have an old fashioned milk delivery and the supermarket to top up. Submit the claims at my leisure <usually months behind!>


I couldn't work out how they sustained their business - surely they must be overcharging the NMRU?


how does it work if they are supplying free fruit etc


Wasn't there an uproar in the news about over priced milk or something similar?

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aha; this may answer some things, dated December




taken from the article:

The Department of Health found earlier this year that some specialist providers of milk who act as ‘middlemen’ for nurseries have been claiming back on their behalf double the amount of money they should be.



could you get in touch with NMRU and see if you can source from elsewhere and still claim?

Edited by gingerbreadman
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We've been having a nightmare with Scotts! Finally told them Friday that their services (or lack of) were no longer required. We haven't had a milk delivery since the beginning of December...


Have tried calling them to get it sorted and there was a different excuse everytime! Firstly we (apparantly) hadn't completed the validation, then we hadn't done the NMRU validation, then we hadn't done their validation again, and today we.ve had an email to say the NMRU one needs doing! We've done them all - some twice! When I originally phoned to complain, I was rather abruptly told that they were owed £2 million because settings haven't completed their validations. a) not my problem - where's my milk?! B) But we've done our vaildations twice and we still don't have any milk...


I've given up on them!

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We're with 'cool milk' and must say they've been fantastic (hope I haven't jinx myself!!)


They use a local milkman, three times a week - and I validate weekly with ease online. We did have one glitch when they continued sending milk during the holidays, but that was soon sorted when I refused to validate for what I didn't want. (think they were trying to do a sneaky extra sales move :o )



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We've been having a nightmare with Scotts! Finally told them Friday that their services (or lack of) were no longer required. We haven't had a milk delivery since the beginning of December...


Have tried calling them to get it sorted and there was a different excuse everytime! Firstly we (apparantly) hadn't completed the validation, then we hadn't done the NMRU validation, then we hadn't done their validation again, and today we.ve had an email to say the NMRU one needs doing! We've done them all - some twice! When I originally phoned to complain, I was rather abruptly told that they were owed £2 million because settings haven't completed their validations. a) not my problem - where's my milk?! B) But we've done our vaildations twice and we still don't have any milk...


I've given up on them!


This is exactly the problem! in the first instance they didnt explain the procedure properly i.e. they still require a quick validation, followed up by the same from NMRU. I didnt know this for over a month! Then when they told me what to do, they weren't very clear, so it didnt work right. Then even though i hadnt given numbers are we were not due to start, they delivered to us! then when i did give them the numbers via email they didnt respond or change the delivery. But when i put the validation in, i thought it was with them and said it was wrong, and all hell broke loose.

The customer service woman i spoke to was rude, and i got an apology for that, and finally had the delivery adjusted. from what i can tell, there are not enough staff to man the phones or emails, and some are not very well trained in customer service.

I got a cease form, scanned and emailed it back, it was asking for a months notice! even though its because im unhappy with their service. im now unable to reclaim my expenses for december. its ridiculous. x

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We use Cool Milk too and have the milk delivered by a local dairy which helps keep them in business too! We have a delivery every Tuesday and Thursday and so far have had no problems with them. We just have to verify online each week that we have had the delivery that we should have which takes a few seconds.

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We changed from Cool Milk to Scotts as Cool Milk couldnt deliver whilst we were there and our milk got stolen a couple of times (little charmers to steal milk from a nursery...) BUT Scotts are dreadful, total lack of deliveries, and NO customer service skills (if they even bothered answering) I have now returned to Cool Milk, when I told them why I was going back, she said she was not suprised and that they were getting a couple of hundred calls per week at the moment wanting to return or start with them rather than Scotts, she then explained that Scotts claim more than they should for each pint - this is how they are able to provide the 'free' stuff, but that could ultimately lead to the whole scheme being stopped as it is being a bit abused by these other providers, she told me this after I had rejoined them so I am inclined that it is the truth as opposed to schpiel to get us to sign up. Anyway, the long and short of it is. STAY WELL CLEAR OF SCOTTS!!!

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and the saga continues ...... I made the original thread re: Scotts - had great service and benefit of free fruit and bread - no milk deliveries since middle of last term due to validation queries and unable to get response - NMRU are dealing with it and as selfish as it seems I don't want to part with the fridge we got free but if they are as slow as collecting it as they are delivering milk maybe I should not worry ! good luck - I am considering giving business to local milkman now

Edited by lashes2508
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We used to do just that local milkman delivery and do own claims... I always worried that the companies that were doing it were claiming for all the children in the setting per day but we seldom used that quantity of milk and had no control over what they were claiming on our behalf, how did .I guarantee they were not overcharging for it, kept all receipts separately in case they were needed.. no one ever checked in 10 years i did it!

if you want to see if you can get milkman to deliver try milk and more . not all deliver every day though so you may need storage.. I still have milkman at home and they only deliver 3 days a week..(going for buying from local independents and local shops this year as much as I can, the milk helps someone local remain in employment)

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Well what can i say... very much the same here with Scotts! I thought we where the only ones till i read this, and now it has finally made me realise it's a widespread problem. I can not believe they have the cheek tbh!!


Thanks for the heads up guys, email to Cool Milk already delivered :)

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Ive had lots of problems with scots milk, i stopped having my deliveries in november, they have started them back up this week. The customer service is shocking the validations they send do not seem to reach them. I am currently searching for a new supplier as i am not happy with the services they provide. The only way i could get a response from them was after the ninth email i sent.

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