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If your local authority paid for a highly qualified and very experienced practitioner (who listened and you really liked - hehehe! ) to come into your setting two days a week for a fixed period to support you in any capacity, how would you use this resource (to enhance practice etc) and why?

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(are we talking about you alabaloo...mrs consultant!!!!)

well to be fair i would have to say that i couldn't do more than 1 morning as my first point....as i only have one non contact morning and if you came in an ordinary session i would not have time to talk to you.

apart from this point....

it would be good to discuss more global things like how to progress the business, statistical evidence and keeping up with currect thoughts/practise. I feel things like planning /resources etc are things that i talk through with my staff team but there is often no one on my level to chat things through. (except on here of course!)

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Ohh this would be perfect.. they could do important jobs, like washing the pots, changin nappies and Laminating.. we never really get time for those jobs!


Serous note. It would be amazing if we could have this resource, to really improve all areas, in particular behaviour management techniques, or working with our communication champion in activites to really see a trained professional at work.

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Where can I apply for this job please and what is the hourly rate? :P I think a lot depends on the level of training/experience/knowledge of the staff team. So many teams I have known simply need exposure to practitioners who bring a different ethos to their work to show them what is possible when you keep the needs of the child at the forefront of your mind when thinking about the kinds of approaches to adopt when playing with and alongside children. Then with a little bit of support as to why they do what they do, which theories they are making use of in their work, the team can be supported to begin to try out new techniques for themselves, with regular feedback/debriefing sessions about how it felt, whether it worked or not and so on.


Developing the staff team doesn't have to be about high-level discussions and strategy meetings and so on. It can be done through providing really good role models, and having informal, relaxed conversations about how things can be done better in order to more effectively meet children's needs - something about being the change you want to see. Now who said that originally? ;)

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being a lone trader i have no ones ear to bend other than my poor husband and this forum. We have been told today that we are losing all our early years advisors and area sencos this summer so i will have no other person working at my level to run things past so i would definetly take advantage of your offer. It would depend on who they are as they have already tried to get a manager peer to peer group going ( and are going to be trying again next term) which didn't work as we are all in business in the same town so effectively in competition with each other. If the person was not directly involved in a local setting then I can only see this as being a good thing, can you put me top of your list please Alabaloo

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being a lone trader i have no ones ear to bend other than my poor husband and this forum. We have been told today that we are losing all our early years advisors and area sencos this summer so i will have no other person working at my level to run things past so i would definetly take advantage of your offer. It would depend on who they are as they have already tried to get a manager peer to peer group going ( and are going to be trying again next term) which didn't work as we are all in business in the same town so effectively in competition with each other. If the person was not directly involved in a local setting then I can only see this as being a good thing, can you put me top of your list please Alabaloo


Gosh that's sad, thought I was bad with only 1 visit a year but that's awful.

On a training course once we were asked "as a manager sum it up in a few words how you feel" my response was "lonely" and that was when we used to get termly visits! If you are on a school site at least there are other professionals around you, but in a community hall you've no chance, and with training being virtually non-existent (or too expensive) these days ...... Membership to this forum will become even more of a lifeline.

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(are we talking about you alabaloo...mrs consultant!!!!)

well to be fair i would have to say that i couldn't do more than 1 morning as my first point....as i only have one non contact morning and if you came in an ordinary session i would not have time to talk to you.

apart from this point....

it would be good to discuss more global things like how to progress the business, statistical evidence and keeping up with currect thoughts/practise. I feel things like planning /resources etc are things that i talk through with my staff team but there is often no one on my level to chat things through. (except on here of course!)


Finleysmaid hahaha! Nothing passes you! Maybe.... :P

Edited by Alabaloo
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All that finleysmaid said + being sycophantic and patronising :(


I know I'm good, we're good and there is something very irritating with 'praise' that is not called for........d'you understand where I'm coming from or do I just sound like a grumpy old bag? :blink: xD


Yep I know what you mean! There is nothing more demoralising!

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