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Admission and registration forms

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Hi All,

Just wanted to pick your brains if I may regarding the above - as you know I took over setting a year ago and still so much to do and this is a job I have put off - we use several forms really for the same purpose but they do differentiate. When a parent shows an initial interest a regisitration form goes out and then when they come for a visit they then fill out an admissions form although much of the info is either repeated or excluded form one form and then in other and it is time wasting and confusing , so as I begin to redo this - I was wondering if any of you would give me an idea of what you do and what your forms include please

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I'm not sure if I can share my forms as purchased from the PSLA, we have one form (1 sheet A4) which parents fill out to put their child's name on there is a tear off at end of page which is returned to them with confirmation of days/start date. Then about 2 weeks before starting they receive their registration pack, in this the registration form contains all the details such as emergency contact, parent responsibility, alergies etc. The PSLA polices & procedures pack isn't that expensive if you are a member and contains loads of policies plus a prospectus and the admin + registraion forms.

Hope that helps.



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We had one form with all the info on it, they were asked to do this at least a month before the child started.. when they showed an interest all we had was a list of names, addresses and phone numbers, we would call or drop a letter to them about 6 weeks before start asking them to come in to complete the forms and get all the other info and book a visit day....at this point they would be given a start day and confirmation of any fees due. For Sept these would go out beginning of July.


We tried to keep paperwork to a minimum...so tried not to duplicate forms etc.. but have it all on one.

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We have one A4 sheet which is our registration form and is given at first enquiry or interest (either in person, by email or posted with prospectus). This has name, DOB and address of child, parents, contact numbers, when they want to start, which sessions they would like etc. When a child starts we give the rest of the forms. Our information form asks for all medical details, emergency contacts, and parents sign to say they have read terms and conditions (in parents' handbook) and all the declarations such as suncream, photographs, local outings etc. Then there are the usual All About Me booklets etc. We also give information on the EYFS and a fair processing notice for data protection.

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Very much the same as Inge as tress quake otherwise with all the paper work we would produce


we are informal; no fee to register etc

Parent interested - we encourage them to visit etc

If want a place it goes on the list - info (name adress contact number preferrred days D.O.B (child not parent - you'd be surprised!) shared via them writing it down or emailing in

dates discussed for pre-start visits and during these admissions forms, contract, all about me info completed


if they book way way in advance we ask for courtesy calls/emails 2-3 months prior to starting (emphasis placed on them getting in touch not us calling them - I'd never get anything done!) Generally if emailing a conversation starts up and continues until nearer the visit dates...share leaflets etc answer questions


try not to duplicate anything - paperwork must work for us - if it's not useful it's not staying!!


we tried the whole proforma thing for enquiries, posting out brochures etc - unmanageable, not useful (to us!), another thing to update when things change! better things to spend our precious time on. We try to do as much via electronic and have website etc to signpost to but our definite preference is to get them through the door first and foremost (can't get a true feel for the place via a brochure!)


hope this helps

Edited by gingerbreadman
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For us:

Expression of Interest - A4 info leaflet with tear off at the bottom with child's name, DOB, Address, Email (will confirm receipt of application if this is supplied) Days Requested, Preferred start date - this is NOT confirming a placement this is to put name down on list


Once a place is offered and accepted - Information book plus the full Registration Forms


If we can offer a placement straight away eg visit, yes wants a place, we have a place then we go straight to level 2

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Thanks everyone you have all confirmed my thoughts so I shall compose an 'expression of interest' form - i like that too Loubyloo( by the way we do charge a £12 registration fee) and leave all other paperwork as I do anyway til visit. I do encourage all to pop in and then arrange visit 2/3 weeks before start and even considering home visits too. :P

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