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More Great Childcare: Response to Nutbrown Review


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Hi all -


(with thanks to Kay Watling for pointing me to it) Here's a new publication from the DfE, detailing 'proposals to build a stronger and more professional early years workforce, and to drive quality through everything it does'. It incorporates the Government's response to the review by Cathy Nutbrown :


More great childcare - Raising quality and giving parents more choice


There was a very interesting piece on the Today programme this morning, featuring Elizabeth Truss and Eva Lloyd, which I'll link to when it becomes available.

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After a brief read, I've read we are to reduce our ratios to make things more affordable to parents and to raise staff wages. This would only work if ther egistration was to change, at present we're registered for 26 children, the only other outcome would be staff redundancies. The money saved wouldnt be enough to pass onto parents and staff.I fail to see how 1:13, whoever its led by, will improve quality.

She say's It is not simply a question of financial constraint – the additional income generated by taking on more children would in many cases support the higher pay needed to attract a qualified graduate.ty of care would reduce.

It IS financial restraint! That and we know one person looking after 6 2 year olds would struggle and the quality.

No-one I know can afford to pay a graduate either way.

I like that we wont have to have inspections by both the LA and Ofsted, they often contradict each other. Taking away the over burdensome powers of the LA and freeing up £160million would be wonderful for staff and our finances. Birmingham LA might then have to remove its clause that we CRB all staff every 3 years (still no answer to my queries about that!) Ofsted inspectors devoted to Eraly years will be only a good thing.

I agree some qualifications need more depth and the amount of qualifications needs to reduce. Ensuring all trainees have a GCSE pass in English and Maths might help weed out some of those who are pushed into childcare because they are academically unable to do anything else. I'm NOT disrespecting non GCSE holders who are good at their jobs.

Allowing schools to offer more places to the under 3s will kill some playgroups, although to be fair, I've said for years the government want us all to close anyway, so thats not really a surprise. I'm not sure about schools being involved with childminders, it sounds ok but from posts I've read on here, it seems Heads can often pressurise EY into doing things which the EY teacher might not agree with, would that transfer onto the childminders?

The references throughout the report to other European countries fails to mention the higher tax people in those countries pay which in turn is fed into early years.

Overall I like it. Not sure about some aspects but it'll go ahead anyway and we'll work with it like we always do.

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I would like to get Elizabeth Truss and put her in a room with 13 3 to 5 year olds some of who aren't toilet trained, many of whom can't sit still and listen, throw in a few boisterous boys intent on running in circles or just trashing anything they can lay their hands on, add a little distressed child crying inconsolably because......well could be any number of reasons and then enter the Ofsted Inspector who has questions she needs answering and see if Ms Truss still thinks that just because you are highly qualified you can give a good level of care and ensure the safety of all 13 children!!!!!

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There were two pieces on radio 4 this morning. Inge's just linked to the first, and the second was broadcast at 8.10am. Unfortunately this hasn't been included as a separate podcast, but was very interesting and contained much more detail about the apparently expensive cost to parents in comparison with other European countries. If you have the time you can find it by accessing the entire Today program on 'Listen again' and moving to 2:10 on the progress bar. Link to Today program is here, if it works in your browser.

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I read it again.

Does it say when any of these recommendations will begin?

I'm thinking of the bit which says "We will make the Ofsted inspection rating the sole test of whether a provider can offer funded early education for two-, three- and four-year-olds."

This is just what I need to speak to our LA again about the CRBs, which they have never answered me on!

Edited by Sue
Just made the font bigger :)
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Elizabeth Truss speaks at the Policy Exchange on childcare



the speech.... ..


reading through a few of the things

needing maths and english will help stop the last resort or easy option feel of the sector...

abolishing the requirement on schools to register separately with Ofsted if they want to provide for children under the age of three. And we will reform the burdensome statutory processes schools must follow if they want to take younger children...(can I hear a death knell for many settings with this one...so much for parental choices.)

We think teacher-led groups with structured activities are a good thing. Ofsted has made it clear to me that they do too and want to see evidence of well qualified staff engaging directly with children.( less play led ?? just as other countries are introducing it.. Australia and America are both heading that way more and more, because they are not close geographically they are never noted for their practice and changes in it.. ) there is quite a lot on more structure needed including for 2 year olds.. wonder how this will be interpreted by some..

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Best start applying for a job at Tesco :blink:


ya beat me to it!! There's gona be a queue! I can see the HR dpt scratching their heads wondering where all the applicants have come from!


Someone elsewhere (could have been another thread on this forum or some other article/response) said it's all coincidental that they are rolling out the funded two's shortly - lots of children = more staff needed...gvt answer? change the ratio's!

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Not sure how two extra children in our baby room (currently 6 with 2 adults) would allow me to pay my staff more and decrease fees to make it more affordable for parents. The thought of 18 children in our toddler room (currently 12 with 3 adults) is just horrific.

And after four years of study and a lot of very hard work...what will happen to EYPS?

Tesco's here I come.

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I am not sure that i wholeheartedly disagree with the report (ducks and prepares to run for cover) but I have to agree that Polly T is absolutely fair in her criticisms. There are a few things in the consultation that I agree with namely:

1. EYPs getting grandfathered in as Early Years Teachers

2. Revsion to the NVQ3 (about flipping time too). Note I have an NVQ3 and EYPS, both were frankly shite qualifications...

3. The need for good basic levels of mathematics and english for all staff. Too right!!!

I would even go so far as to say that some relaxation of ratios would be acceptable, except they MUST and NEED TO BE SEEN as MIN. levels not everyday levels. I would love to know why ratios were only changed for the very youngest in our care...would it not make more sense to keep the baby levels the same, but adjust the others instead. particularly, why leave the over 3's?


Remeber, this is out for consulation and your voice and mine will not be heard unless we respond on the Department of Education website. I'm off there now.

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Just been on to the D of E site and found the following notice:


"Due to technical problems we have had to temporarily take the e-consultations tool offline. However, you can still access details of all the Department’s live consultations, as well as download and submit response forms, from this section"


Is this a ploy to ensure we can't give our opinions?????

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Oh Sue, I nearlly wet myself when I read your comment in reply to the question of what level of qualification should staff have to aplly the new ratios. (I have copied your response below as I thought it was priceless!!!!)

100% of staff qualified to at least level 3 with English and Maths GCSE and with physiological advancements that mean that they have at least four pairs of hands, the ability to converse fluently in several different languages and the ability to interact in a meaningful way with several children simultaneously

I must say my response form was similarly caustic!! I was particularly rude about the question regarding childminders and how this would affect parents. Beggars belief that they don't ask anywhere how any of this might affect the children.

Edited by eyfs1966
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