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Child of our Time

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Anyone been catching up with the year 2000 babies on BBC1, what incredible children they are. the older I get the more sentimental and there were some real tearful moments tonight with Eve just so mature talking about how her life changed when her mother died in 2008 and how proud she is of her dad.

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I too blubbed through the end. Eve always was an impressive child, terrific parenting early on and through adversity. Was also very impressed by the Northern Irish mother (terrible with names) who recognised the importance of self-esteem in her child's well-being. Happy, successful, sociable child with Aspergers syndrome.

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aww missed them..I've read Paris' mums book - very courageous and inspirational mummy


iPlayer will be on overdrive at the weekend!


Anyone know if the full series will be out on DVD at any time?


It's a great series. I'd love to see the whole thing again. I've always loved Ivo and Alex the Scottish twins. They are so close (although I'm sure they fight like cat and dog) and have an unusual take on the world. But then there's wise Eve, calm Parys and miracle baby Helena...


Just watched part 1 from the other day. Blubbed through Matthews grandparents part...what a close nit family; so sad to see granddads face when his wife spoke (about having to life apart due to Parkinson's) but so lucky to have such a strong family bond. Loved grandmothers matter of fact, get on with it attitude...ahh memories!


Amazing series...amazing children, fascinating hearing their perspectives..Parys on sharing his mum, sibling rivalry between Matthew and his brother until his brother grew a lot bigger, the child with good financial awareness (I'm also rubbish with names!)


I wonder how many have true memories or have seen their younger selves on film...

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