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End of year report format

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Has anybody created/ thought about their end of year report format yet?


My SMT would like me to hand in our EYFS format after Easter!


Just wondered if anybody had thought about what they may do and how they will incorporate 'characteristics of an effective learner?'


Many Thanks

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There is an example in the EYFSP handbook.

I am a bit unclear vis a vis do you have to give the exact outcome per ELG as written in the statutory framework:

2.9 Schools must share the results of the Profile with parents and/or carers, and explain to them when and how they can discuss the Profile with the teacher who completed it.


Whereas the handbook is a bit less specific:

All EYFS providers completing the EYFS Profile must give parents a written summary of their child’s attainment using the 17 ELGs.


I'm going to email STA to see if they can clarify this as it's a bit vague.



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My LA is apparently devising a format for teachers to use if they wish. They have described it as being an A3 sheet with a table format. They said they were thinking of putting the CEL on the left and then the ELGs on the right with a space to record the 1, 2, 3 next to them. I think it is probably a good format for sending to Year 1 but I'm not sure I'd use it for parents. My version of it is attached.

End of year report.doc

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am struggling to get my head round the 'characteristics of learning.' Oh, I know what they mean but how we report this to parents and what we write for year 1 and how they will use the information we give them...would really like to see some report templates other schools use, please, please

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Guest LornaW

My LA is apparently devising a format for teachers to use if they wish. They have described it as being an A3 sheet with a table format. They said they were thinking of putting the CEL on the left and then the ELGs on the right with a space to record the 1, 2, 3 next to them. I think it is probably a good format for sending to Year 1 but I'm not sure I'd use it for parents. My version of it is attached.


Oh! My goodness holly35 I agree that format is not parent friendly! Certainly as a Y1 teacher I would find the info useful and succinct but as a parent it is too cold!



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I'm yet to find any other possible formats.


Do we need to inform parents/ provide a commentry about each area of learning in addition to characteristics of a learner?


P.S I have tried to reply previously but it wouldn't let me :0(

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In the FAQs recently sent to LA moderation managers from STA it says that you must report to parents the outcome of the 17 assessments, but whether you write a has reached the expected level in whatever and is doing the following e.g.s or give a straight record of the outcome is down to you I guess.



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I used the format I posted to give the returning teacher for my class an idea of where the children were at the end of the Spring term, and also to provide me with information for parents evening which was just before the Easter break. I didn't share with parents the assessments against the ELGs but I did assess the children against them as a sort of interim assessment purely because I was summing up my knowledge of them to hand over to the teacher I had been covering for (maternity cover role). I think your format i nice and clear millhill, but my experience of using the format I posted is that a lot of my narrative remarks in the CoEL, were similar to those I would have previously have used in the different aspects of the ELGs. So I wonder whether you might be making more work for yourself in trying to write a narrative for each of the 17 ELGs as well as the CoEL. In writing my narrative comments in the CoEL, I drew on examples of things the children had done across the areas of learning, thereby writing what I might have done in the ELG spaces. Otherwise I wonder if the content of the ELG spaces might become like a checklist of 'x can....' listing which aspects of the ELG the child is able to demonstrate competence in.


Sorry a bit rambling and not entirely sure myself. I don't like my example very much, but I wonder if this one is a lot of work, especially if you have 30 to write.

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Millhill, that looks far too long for me! It would take forever to complete 30 full reports. I usually report to parents on cll and lit, pse and maths, then include other strengths/general.

The exemplar format is so unparenty(new word of the day!!) They wont really understand the numbers, although I can see it is good for yr 1 transition.



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I intend to write a sentence per goal, I will have a similar table to millhill's and in each space write...

Making relationships: Sally is working at age expected levels.

Numbers: Sally is working towards age expected levels and now needs to consolidate her number recognition and understanding of 1 more and 1 less in order to reach age expected levels.

Writing: Sally is exceeding age expected levels in writing. She is consistently writing in sentences showing awareness of full stops and capitals and is forming all her letters correctly.


I don't like the stand alone terms emerging, expected and exceeding as I think parents need more to go on rather than one word.

I will also have a part on my report for CoEL, which will be very similar to last year's personal comment.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Phew glad i am not the only one stuggling to think of an effective way of getting alll the info across but in a parent friendly way! we are discussing as a team this evenign so if we come up with a decent do-able, not too lengthly version i will add it! as said got to be achievable for 30 children..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gabysagal

our LA has suggested a format that includes the ELGs on one side of the page and the teacher just notes in a box whether the child is emerging, expected or exceeding the ELG. Where a child is emerging, you add a comment relating to development matters, and where they are exceeding you add a comment relation to Y1 goals. there is a second page to write a comment for characteristics of learning. according to our LA you need to inform parents as to where a child is ie 1,2 or 3 for each ELG

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  • 2 weeks later...

just been reading all of the above posts relating to report formats and stil not sure what to do... has anyone more info???

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We had a good think about this also and we needed a format that would be parent friendly. I have come up with this format which I feel is quite easy to read and hopefully parents will lke it and this will be sent home along with the learning journey to support comments made with the child's work, photo's and obs.

Hope it may be useful and would appreciate any feedback.




Have said I have attached and now cannot work out how to attach file. If anyone can help with directions of how to do this I will attach my format. Sorry first time post. :)

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Any idea where you can find some examples of well written reports, just need something to get me going!


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For our Nursery and Reception we write a full school report which has a section for each area of learning and a sub paragraph for each aspect. The paragraphs are basically made up of the DM statements which they have achieved within the stage they are working at for example "Zoe has developed an understanding of growth and decay over time and has shown care and concern for living things and the environment blah blah blah..." plus any non DM info which we care to add.


We have a page where we write about the CoEL under the three headings. Then at the end we have to do the dreaded A4 sheet of handwritten comment which is more personal about the child. The whole thing including front sheet and teacher comments sheet runs to between 9 and 10 pages.


I have 27 nursery children to write reports for and I am no where near finished!


Wishing everyone luck getting theirs done!



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We had a good think about this also and we needed a format that would be parent friendly. I have come up with this format which I feel is quite easy to read and hopefully parents will lke it and this will be sent home along with the learning journey to support comments made with the child's work, photo's and obs.


Hope it may be useful and would appreciate any feedback.




Have said I have attached and now cannot work out how to attach file. If anyone can help with directions of how to do this I will attach my format. Sorry first time post. :)



to attach a file you need to go to 'more reply options' which opens up a more extensive reply box. at the bottom left is attach files>choose files>. add the file you want from your pc... then you have an option to add to post or delete..

​hope that is clear enough to follow.. just say if not and I will try to explain again!

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Hi all :) I'm just writing reports for reception..

Are you actually telling parents whether their child has achieved 1,2,3 in each goal? Is this a requirement? My report format is basically a box for each area of learning and text referring to the goals in each area then a general comments page (where I'm going to also include the characteristics of learning)

Thanks in advance :)

E x

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I have made changes to the report I initially uploaded .


Here is my version for a child with 'expected' in all areas.

Instead of writing personalised comments under each goal, I will put in next steps. I have copied and pasted the exceeding descriptors, some of these are not much different to the expected descriptors, but I will be consulting with my Year 1 teacher to see if any need changing.

For an 'emerging' child I will copy and paste part of the ELG or DM statement for their next steps.

For an 'exceeding' child, I will make a bank of KS1 statements to copy and paste in (in consultation with the Year 1 teacher again).

The personalised bits will be in the CoL and the Teacher's comments sections.


For me, this will be a lot more manageable than my Reports last year where I was making personalised comments for each child in the 6 areas of learning.


Example report for expected in all areas.docx

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found an answer to my own post. (Thanks Catma!) Though feel uncomfortable about informing a parent that their child isn't meeting national standards for how a child is supposed to be at a certain, very young, age...


I am a bit unclear vis a vis do you have to give the exact outcome per ELG as written in the statutory framework:
2.9 Schools must share the results of the Profile with parents and/or carers, and explain to them when and how they can discuss the Profile with the teacher who completed it.

Whereas the handbook is a bit less specific:
All EYFS providers completing the EYFS Profile must give parents a written summary of their child’s attainment using the 17 ELGs.

I'm going to email STA to see if they can clarify this as it's a bit vague.



In the FAQs recently sent to LA moderation managers from STA it says that you must report to parents the outcome of the 17 assessments, but whether you write A has reached the expected level in whatever and is doing the following e.g.s or give a straight record of the outcome is down to you I guess.

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You would discuss with them where the child was against dev matters as well, though. P14 of the handbook gives specific guidance on this matter


"Where a child’s learning and development does not yet meet the description of the level expected at the end of the EYFS for an individual ELG, the outcome will be recorded as emerging. Further information is available in the Development matters guidance, which is available from the Department’s website at www.education.gov.uk/eyfs. The child’s learning should be described in relation to these earlier developmental statements.
Practitioners should also record details of any specific assessment and provision in place for the child, and use this comprehensive record as a basis for discussion with parent/carers and to support planning for future learning. This will ensure that parents and carers have a clear, rounded picture of their child’s development and are informed about additional support and future activities."


So yes you must report that they are emerging but you should qualify this through use of your tracking and other information.



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Many thanks! We have a small number of children attending our setting during their last year of the EYFS every year,

and the LA has never asked us for Profile data before. I sent it in last Friday for one child and now, obviously, need

to communicate the comparative aspect of the result to his parents.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to resurrect an old thread so late in the term but I really wanted to clarify the reporting of the 1, 2, 3 or Emerging, Expected, Exceeding bit. My reception class reports have detailed these against the 17 ELGs, as have others in my LA. However I was hanging on to see my nephew's report (reception class also in same LA) because I was concerned about various things that have come up over this year with him. He got his report tonight and it does not include a breakdown against the 17 ELGs.


The school have written a narrative report against various aspects of his development, but I'm sure they are not all the aspects of the ELGs (need to go through it with a fine tooth comb tomorrow!). However from the one or two sections of narrative I read, I couldn't really translate the "teacher-speak" to say whether he is Emerging, Expected or Exceeding. Is theirs an appropriate interpretation of the reporting or not, because if it is it would save my headteacher a lot of headaches with her parental feedback on the reports we sent!

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Well the STA were very clear in their FAQ on the DfE website (see 4th April response above) that parents must be reported to on the outcome for each goal ie are the emerging etc x 17 goals. How this is written is down to the school but the actual outcome must be clear.


When all is said and done, this is a national, statutory assessment and carries the same importance as KS1 outcomes or KS2. Therefore parents should be told the outcome of this key stage final assessment, just like they will at the end of other key stages.



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