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Close Relative at Nursery


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Does anyone have a close relative (i.e. a child) attend their nursery? My daughter has suggested that she would like her son to attend the nursery (maintained) where I teach :rolleyes: - has anyone encountered this before and if so, how have you managed it?! :huh:

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Well, a number of years ago I had my own son at my pre-school. It worked well for us, obviously key worker system had only just begun to be popular and so he had a key person and I left any necessary discipline to her. He would sometimes get upset over silly things like not being chosen to help do little tasks every day, or if he felt on occasion that the whole group were not paying enough attention to me! so sweet. On the whole I think it was a positive experience.


From September I shall have my grand daughter at my pre-school, she came in on Friday for the morning but this was quite a different experience this time round - I am generally at ease with the "responsibility" one feels for the whole group of pre-schoolers, but having her in as well I felt an extra burden of responsibility about keeping her safe and happy. I'm sure as she grows in confidence in September I will feel more at ease but it was a little exhausting on Friday.

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I have my niece and nephew attend. I have a close relationship with them outside of pre-school but it doesn't affect the way I am at pre-school. They are treated the same as the other children and I am not their key person. They seem to understand that pre-school rules may be different from those outside of pre-school

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My son came to playgroup, it was about 17 years ago, so no key workers. It was fine, he played up now and then, he was known as a 'loveable rogue'!! and if a look from me didnt sort him I'd give the nod to another member of staff to tell him. Occasionally I'd leave him at my moms just so he wasnt with me all the time.He didnt attach himself to me, in fact I dont remember doing much with him at all, but that might just be my memory!

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We wouldn't generally feel staff who are related to children would be a good idea but let's face it sometimes it happens!


I took my son with me when I first started at nursery for the half a term before he started school at Easter.

It wasnt every day but when he needed to be there it was fine and it was as I recall a very short half term as Spring half terms sometimes are.


Recently the niece and nephew of a member of staff came in because of the good things they had heard about our nursery! They had a key worker who wasnt related. It was fine.


We do however refuse to have school students in if they have siblings or cousins in the nursery.

We do have various sessions and can sometimes place a student in sessions their relative doesn't attend!

I think generally (though not everyone of course!) these much younger people can't separate their emotions out of their role and we have had previous bad experiences so now we try and make sure students are in classes away from relatives!

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my children attended pre-school with me.............but I sent my youngest to another setting one day a weekuse I thought it would be good for her, as I had stepped up to being supervisor at my own setting. She hated it. Every drawing I have from that period, at that setting, shows unhappy little people ( mouths turned down) and she often said she didn't want to go, but I stuck to my guns. She attended my setting the rest of the time and we had no separation problems when she went to achool and no discipline issues at my setting, because other staff knew I was ok with her being sorted out if she needed it.

Four of my grandchildren have attended my setting and have always been treated exactly the same as the other children. I even had parents tell me they didn't realise they were my grandchildren, so I guess I wasn't favouring them over the others :)


So, in essence, why NOT have your grandchild with you?? Great experience for both of you and once he knows the ground rules are the same for him as other children, then all will be well.

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Everyone seems to be related to everyone round here....so happens all the time!! (do we sound a bit in-bred?)

My daughter attended pre-school when i first started ...many moons ago. I found it a bit stressful but she was fine the other staff always used to deal with her! and i still have a daughter at pre-school now....'cos she works for me! xD ....same rule applies my deputy deals with any matters i feel may put us in a compromising position.

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My son and daughter both attended pre-school with me and their grandma! They both coped really well, my son now 7, has a wonderful relationship with his then key person and she loves him to bits. My daughter was a totally different character and I often barely saw her during the day, sometimes lunchtime was the first time she came up to me wanting me to sit with her.


Now they are both at school, my daughter is in Reception, it's 3 form entry and I teach one day a week in another reception class there. I feel very privileged to have been part of my children's early education and wouldn't change it for the world! My son is thrilled that in September he'll be able to join my lower junior choir!

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I would appear to be the odd one out, as I don't have a problem with staff being Key Person to their own child or a relative. It was the same when my own children were younger.


I believe that there is no need to confuse children when they already have a secure relationship with an adult in my setting; I also trust the staff to be professional and not to "favour" their own child/relative over others.


It works and obviously our buddy system is there to support staff when their child/relative might "play up".

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At present I have children of four staff attending the Nursery, and have always allowed this - it's rarely been an issue and I have also had my niece and nephew at the setting previously, and as my daughter is having a baby in a few months it looks as if I will have my grandchild there in the future too :1b Other parents like that fact that staff children are there, and have never had any complaints - in my view it enhances the 'family' atmosphere of the setting which we all value and parents like too.

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I've had both my own children and a number of nieces and nephews in my preschool in the past. It didn't cause any problems, except that my youngest child thought he lived there after a while! I've recently taught in a reception class with the grandchild of a KS2 teacher. That was potentially more challenging but it was more to do with the child's personality and family set up than the actual fact of having a close family relationship with a member of staff.

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my son came to preschool with me many moons ago and never had any concerns, went quite well. I now have my mum working the lunch time (79!!), bless her, she absolutely loves it and my daughter works in the Nursery.

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my son came to my preschool when he was small but as i ran it in our home it did cause problems when he decided he didn't want to do something when asked and used to threaten to 'go upstairs to his bedroom', unsurprisingly I very quickly decide to send him to another setting for both of our sanities

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