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All change....advice needed please


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Hello, hope everyone has had a lovely bank holiday. I haven't been on here for sometime so feel a little bit cheeky for asking for advice!


Basically at the moment the nursery is managed by a committee of members made up from the governing body of the local school, we have a purpose build unit on school grounds. I was told on Friday that the governing body no longer wish to be responsible/manage the nursery and unless I take it on independtly it closes and there is no more nursery to open in September!!


I am willing to give it a go but would like to hear from you people on how you run your settings.....e.g do you have a committee, who is your committee made up of, who deals with the financial side of things like paying wages etc...there are probably a million other questions i will think of so if you also just have any advice to offer then that would be great.


Many thanks



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Guest SamG

Hi Mrsb


I opened my own preschool with a business partner in November.

There is no committee, just the 2 of us.

I have a bookkeeping background (hubby is an accountant too) so I do the bookkeeping and wages.

We share everything else - safeguarding, senco, health & safety, etc.


Is it easy? NO

Do I regret doing it? NO


At the moment there is no spare money so the 2 of us are not taking anything out of the business, but as an established nursery you won't have that problem.


I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do. At the end of the day you have to do what is right for you and the nursery.

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I am a sole trader. I own and manage my day nursery. It is a lot of hard work, I work VERY long hours and it can take over your life, but I have not regrets. I prefer to work this way than with a committee, particularly one that changes often. I have a bookkeeper who does the payroll (I calculate the hours and email her and she produces payslips and PAYE info) and an accountant who does year end, tax return etc. I do everything else! I have a great team though including two deputies. Good luck!

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Hi Mrsb - nice of them to give so much notice (clearly I'm being sarcastic here) :ph34r:


Like Beehive I own and manage my pre-school and yes it's (ridiculously) hard work - but I know that I would find it very hard to work 'under a committee'


Is your 'building' safe - who does it belong to?

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I'm a committee run, charity.


We are on the school grounds - rent a room from them....this works really well, we have an outdoor area and also use of the schools facilities.


We have 15 committee members at the mo.(this fluctuates from year to year)


We always have Chair, secretary and treasurer, who seem to do lots, then the others on the whole fundraise.


I have managed this preschool for a few years now and find no problems with a committee (well once they have got used to their roles)


Please let me know if you need any further info ;)


Good luck

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I would advise that you get your early years team in and talk about things thoroughly with them. Have you done your sums about sufficiency of child numbers to cover things like rent, wages, heating, lighting, telephone, insurance, water rate etc etc. if you are no longer under the school's umbrella, will you need to re-register with Ofsted, will your local county council need to re inspect you for registration of 3 year old funding? There's a lot to think about! Did the school give you a reason?

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Thank you all for your replies....I have a lot to think about. I have spoken to my early years advisor and she is looking into different options for me!!


It's a long story but basically we have always been managed by the governors of the school, new H/T has come in and decided she doesn't want the resp of a nursery & the gov at present are not supporting her properly let alone a nursery. It really doesn't make sense to me we are established, numbers are very good for September and most of our children go onto her school!!! Although they obviously have to apply like other children do.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone heard of or even changed to a 'community interest company'. This is one of the options available to us to continue running the nursery!


We are a independent private run nursery opened as part of the extended schools facility with a grant from the Capital grant fund, at present we are managed by a sub committee made up of the governors from the school. A new HT started last year and made the decision that the nursery was not part of her job role, this in turn started questions being asked about the committee (governors) and this is where we are now!!!


I have 2 options....stay as we are with a new set of governors on sub committee or go as a community interest company.


Your thoughts and advice very much appreciated.


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Well, for what it is worth I have been part (this includes as a parent) of a committee run preschool. the same group for nearly 25 years. Firstly as a committee member , then as a member of staff and the last 15 years or so as manager and i wouldn't 'convert' any successfully running setting into a committee run for all the tea in China!!


Our last few years have been so hard trying to get committee members and it invariably falls on just one or two parents who end up doing everything. This last year has been particularly hard with most of the treasurers role falling on me as well. I think committee run 20 years ago were brilliant, however we now have 75% of our families with both parents working and to expect a 'lay person' to now fulfil a role that in the real world requires some experience and knowledge is just not feasible. I cant say I blame them, our Treasurer is standing down because she freely admits that having two young children and a full time job , the last thing she wants to do when she has a spare few minutes is to do our payroll or look at the books. The responsibilities are huge as well and I dont think they always realise quite what these are esp nowadays as employers.

Sorry, what a waffle but my advice would be dont go down a committee run route and I too would love to know more about a community interest company?

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I agree re not going down a committee route - I worked really hard to get out of that set-up! I was Manager under a committee run setting on a school site like you, with HT and Chair of Govs on our committee. I could see they were getting fed up doing it and I approached them before they did what yours are doing. I set up a limited company and took over the business. As others have said, really hard work but no regrets at all.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi. I am looking to start up a limited company. At the moment we are a committee run preschool and very busy. I have worked very hard as a manager to get the preschool to where it is but for the last 2 years struggled to keep a productive committee. No one wants the responsibility anymore. I have been doing a lot of the work myself. The hall building we are in, needs so much doing to it and we are not getting support from the church who actually lease it to us. There is a suitable building opposite to us that is up for rent and I have been told that this may be an option for me to use as a preschool. I just feel that this is an ideal opportunity for me although I don't really know where to start!!!! coming out of the charity, starting up a limited company. I know that there is going to be a lot of hard work and long hours but I am passionate about doing this. I have the support from the parents and staff but what now. If anyone can offer any advice it would be greatly appreciated. Hope you don't mind me asking. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi JoJo

I am in the process of setting up a preschool and will do so as a limited company.

I'm going to be leasing a room from a church.

Will you / do you have two year olds? I managed to get some funding from the LA under the 2YO capital grant to put towards renovation. There is also an EY Grant for new businesses (which I guess applies to you).

V exciting but scary at the same time. Would be good to compare notes.

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Hi everyone. thanks for your replies. I have been looking up on information. I have been to see my accountant for the preschool and spoke to the sufficiency team at the local authority. I have received lots of info and my head is still going around. I have also had a visit from Ofsted this week for our inspection. Lovely!!!! even through speaking to them on the issues of trying to get support from committee they have also said that it looks like the best option for me to run as a business.

We changed a couple of years ago to an incorporated company and a charity but still the problem of keeping a committee( trustees) is still arising and I feel that no matter how long I stay as we are things will never get any different. I mentioned to Ofsted that something has to change in the structure of preschools. The paperwork is crazy and they cannot expect parent volunteers to have the knowledge and time to run preschools. so much demand and responsibility on them. more so now!!

I think the best option is for me to stay in the building where we are currently, and take on the lease from the church for the hall and build it up. I am certainly going to speak to the church to make sure the on going issues with the building can be sorted. thats another issue!!!. Very similar to you Marsha with leasing from the church.. yes it would be nice to compare notes further :). I have a meeting this week with the current committee as they are in full support of my decision although we haven't contacted the charity commission yet and there are clauses with the transfer of assets in the constitution. So I am not sure if I can buy some of the resources. yes very scary!!! Does any one have any infor on this????My deputy is covering at the moment so I have 3 days out to look into the next steps and to catch up on paperwork. I feel stressed already :) thanks Marsha I have found the grant for new businesses. I will definitely apply for that.

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