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Targets In Reception


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Ive just come back from a staff meeting on target.

At the moment we have literacy and numeracy folders that we put in a piece of work each half term and highlight the targets the children have achieved.


It has now been decided that we must put targets in the front of lit and num books aswell and highlight the target the children are working on. (SO supply know where the children r up to).We dont even have numeracy books!


I dont think we need these extra targets but Ive got to put them in before friday so can anyone help me out and email me targets they have already done please?

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Ive just come back from a staff meeting on target.

At the moment we have literacy and numeracy folders that we put in a piece of work each half term and highlight the targets the children have achieved.


It has now been decided that we must put targets in the front of lit and num books aswell and highlight the target the children are working on. (SO supply know where the children r up to).We dont even have numeracy books!


I dont think we need these extra targets but Ive got to put them in before friday so can anyone help me out and email me targets they have already done please?




I do really simple targets each time they do a piece of written work on paper or book. E.g practise formation of numbers 2 and 5 or Concentrate on final sounds etc

I also give out a target book which the children take home. This includes one target for the child to work on over about 3 weeks. It might be something simple like, the formation of 5 letters, or learn to write their name, or tie their laces or do up their coat etc. The parents help them to practice then when I assess it and they've achieved it I'll set them another one based on my observations.

Hope this helps.

Boogie :D

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Guest helsha80

:o Why can't primary school Heads get their heads round the fact that we now have our own curriculum and the foundation stage profile? Why do they need to keep creating extra workfor us to do? Keeping on top of the profile, weekly planning, daily planning, evaluation.... surely that is enough.

So early in their school career, we do not yet have numeracy or Literacy books. The majority of work is done through practical activities, whether it is counting out castles and making enough flags to match, or playing I spy etc. Most of my 'recorded' work is done on whiteboards (which can actually be photocopied) but that is not the point. Their biggest targets at least for this half term, will be largely PSED ones and that is how it should be. There may be children who still are not ready for work books even next term.

I am sorry this is of absolutely no help to you at all, but as you can tell I am hopping mad that you are being put under this emense pressure.





Ive just come back from a staff meeting on target.

At the moment we have literacy and numeracy folders that we put in a piece of work each half term and highlight the targets the children have achieved.


It has now been decided that we must put targets in the front of lit and num books aswell and highlight the target the children are working on. (SO supply know where the children r up to).We dont even have numeracy books!


I dont think we need these extra targets but Ive got to put them in before friday so can anyone help me out and email me targets they have already done please?


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Hurray for the last post. Totally agree. I HATE TARGETS. I can't really see how they postively impact on children's learning - group targets are particularly meaningless too, although slightly less time consuming.


Have done them, but don't any more. Also we don't have numeracy or literacy books so pointless to do them 'cos we can't stick them anywhere!! Hee Hee!!!!

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I agree I hate targets but have to do them!!!


I have little target boards for the children. Each child has their picture on a A5 piece of card with the childs name and the title my targets (this is laminated by my long suffering TA). i then type out their half term targets which cover any area of learning, but are generally literacy and numeracy based. These are laminated and stuck on to the childs target board. These are discussed with the children and the parents. At the end of the half term we take the boards down and celebrate what the children have achieved. If they have reached their target they get a green smiley face on target, amber for nearly there and red for more practice. These go home and then the parents can see what they have to work on at home.


the children love ask what their targets are and love getting the praise at the end of the half term. This also forms a good link with parents so they no what the children are aiming for.

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We have had a huge debate in our infant school regarding Targets and we've come to an agreement. In reception & nursery (although I strongly disagreed) We have a target board display. We have found a fun superstar gif, enlarged it and made a speech bubble saying 'our target sound is....' or 'Remeber... Capital letters and full stops'. The children last year really took to our target superstar. They were all able to say what are target was at any given time (Well no, I lie, the majority were). This year we are going to extend this to numeracy. I don't know if this is any use. oh yes make sure your target baord is positioned by your carpet area or meeting point it's a great re-focus strategy.

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We've just started the ISP programme, glad to have some info. on it!

The FS ISP targets have already been set - without consultation!! They don't even relate to the FS Curriculum! Now I have my ammuniton to fight our cause!!

Thanks Catma.



We took part as a school in the ISP last year but our Early years LES people were really good at setting our targets for us. It was very geared to the FS curriculum and worked really well for us. Everything was supported by signs and symbols with lots of practical resources. Cant remember all the topics but some were questioning, problem solving, role play areas.

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I like the idea of your individual target boards - started this last year but with boring cirlces with names on ... so this year i have made ones with photos on - they look beautiful on the wall!!!!!!!! now all i need to do is write some targers... what do other people write that is child friendly and achievable?


i thought things like - learn to write my first name, surname, count reliably to 5 etc.... anyone have anyother ideas?


plus - our school is very into WALT and WILF - i tend not to write it down... cos they can;t read it but with a pre ofsted inspection looming (1st 2 days after 1/2 term) i may need to start writing them down - anybody else use WALT & WILF - what do you write down?




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Just come back from a meeting where we were given our ISP targets for Reception for this term.




Talk about stories and other texts, identify key characters and themes when re-enacting


Must - respond to questions about the story

Should - respond to questions about the story giving own opinions

Could - retell parts of the story in their own words




Orally compose own sentence in correct standard English


Must - use a wider range of appropriate English nouns and verbs

Should - correctly order nouns and verbs in an oral sentence

Could - Correctly order a wider range nouns and verbs in an oral sentence




Must - know the purpose of coins in problem solving

Should - count and comparecoins, coins in a real or play context, in problems

Could - Work out how to pay an exact sum using coins in problem solving


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