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lunch club help

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hi, we are starting up a lunch club in September and i would like some ideas on how


you separate the children going home to those staying on all day ?


you work out resources as want to change them for afternoon sessions but at the same time ensure all children have a good variety whether am, pm or all day


to advise parents what to put / not to put in lunch boxes


any letters you sent out for those taking part in lunch club


you sorted out things like sun cream, any medication etc a child might need if doing all day rather than 3 hours


and anything else you can think of or have come across since you started lunch club

many thanks






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1. our lunch club children would collect lunch boxes, put them on table ready for lunch and go wash hands.. rest would sit on carpet ready for collection... one staff with lunch club children one with others.. one to open doors and supervise entry and exit.. as we had some arrive at this time to join lunch club before pm session. as it was all one room it worked well for us.. also ended up with more children staying as they wanted to join friends for lunch and asked parents if they could/ why they could not stay longer...


2. we tended to have same resources all day. with a few tweaks like a story change. but even that did not seem to be always needed.. the change in children at that mid point, often meant that those staying all day would change the way they used them because of the different children . They liked being able to spend ages with crafts/ etc resurrecting the items started earlier or recreating them in a different way. or would ask to add things. Staff would monitor and change as needed, same as we always did working with the childrens needs / interests.


3. we had a lunch box letter/ poster , found it on here but was along time ago... we had no nuts at all.. (saved us changing if/when we had someone with an allergy, easier if was a no go from the start) no fizzy drinks, and no sweets./ chocolate bars.. other wise it was up to parents... we did have a note ready to put into boxes if we found items on the no go list.. and returned them... but seldom had to use it.. from what I remember the letter had suggestions like maybe having wraps, different breads, suggested fillings, fruits etc... Staff always satwith the children and had lunch with them, supporting their opening of packets, containers etc until they could manage themselves.


4. medication we followed our policy... had a locked box in kitchen to put any in medications, other than inhalers or items we needed fast they went in a cupboard top shelf in kitchen or fridge.. not that children were allowed in kitchen but it was a spot we all knew and could get to fast. suncream parents applied before start, ans we would ask for them to supply for us to redo lunch time..


we found it was a bit of trial and error to get the way that worked best for us... must have changed it 4 or 5 times before we got to a routine and method we were happy with...

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We do pretty much as Inge does.

The majority of ours stay as the lunch time is classed as part of their 3 hour provision.


It was the only way to go when we moved to 3 hour sessions to stay in line with school and be able to offer lunch for the children staying all day!


We havent had notes about whats in lunch boxes but are going to after seeing some of the contents!!!!

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Same as Inge too. Staff also sit with children and ensure sandwich is eaten first etc. No letter, just have a polite word if sweets are included and just return them in the box.We provide milk or water and also ask not to bring fizzy drinks.

We also find more children ask to stay. Medication and sun cream as in our policies, same as Inge.

When we first started, we had to alter staffing to ensure everyone got a break and that there were enough staff to supervise the children too. Also to take into account the amount of mess the children made which had to be cleared up ready for next session on top of nappy changes and other usual care routines etc.

Good luck with it all, I'm sure it'll go well

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