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Meeting Graham Stuart this morning

Guest sn0wdr0p

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Graham Stuart is holding a street surgery between 10.30am and noon in my town this morning. Following his recent comments regarding More Great Childcare in his role as Chairman of the Education Select Committee I thought I may try to have a 'little chat' with him. (This does depend on my husband getting back from work in time to look after the children)


Do any of you have any questions you would like me to ask (plus accompanying brief evidence which I can use to justify my question). In honesty I am not confident about approaching him as I have never done anything like this before but feel it is too good an opportunity to miss.


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I'd ask him to refer you to current research which backs up all the proposals one at a time. Ratios are sorted but has research been carried out into how effective ofsted would be in being the only inspectorate? What research was done showing CM agencies would work better? What is meant by 'traditional nursery classes'?

In other words 'prove it'

Edited by Rea
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Possibly too late now. I'd print off just one of our threads on here to show him the strength of feeling of everyone here. Then I'd say that since it is difficult to discuss such weighty issues in a short conversation, I'd ask him to read them carefully so he can understand our concerns.


Then maybe he'd like to come here and join in the conversations? :P


Looking forward to hearing how you got on!

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Guest sn0wdr0p

mmm I had thought about inviting him here to have a question and answer session with us. Am I allowed to do that for the forum? Popping into town about 11am so still time for others to pass on questions. Will try to figure out which threads to print out and how. Not had chance so far as I have been dropping the boys off at their various activities.

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mmm I had thought about inviting him here to have a question and answer session with us. Am I allowed to do that for the forum?


Ask him to contact Steve - as key dude, that's very much his area of responsibility and decision making!


I'd also ask him (Stuart, not Steve) to visit some local settings and see for himself how difficult the ratios would be in practice. I'd like him to see at least one of every type of setting, just to get a feel for how differently we operate.

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Guest sn0wdr0p

I thought that as the ratios question had been shelved by Nick Clegg I would maybe concentrate on the comparisons with nurseries in other countries as regards their practice, the disparity between what the EYFS asks of us (and the fact it was only reviewed last year) and what Ms Truss is saying as regards areas such as free flow, child led play etc. How so little regards has been paid to the Nutbrown Review considering Cathy Nutbrown has so much experience as compared to Ms Truss.

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Guest sn0wdr0p

OK not as easy to speak as I thought as there was a few people waiting to speak to him. Had to wait whilst an old lady spoke to him about a large tree from next door overhanging her garden. Bless. He was sat in his wheelchair in the market square so neither was it an ideal environment for a discussion. I aired my concerns (well babbled a bit as well) but didn't really get much of a response as it was not easy to talk so I suggested he 'speak' to a forum of professionals with many years experience and a wealth of concerns - as oppossed to an easier option such as mumsnet. He suggested that I invite Elizabeth Truss but by the end of our discussion he said he WOULD speak to us all !!!!! and maybe Ms Truss as well I think. I also printed out some of our threads so he can get a gist of the type of questions we have and told him he would need to contact Steve. (Hope that is OK Steve) He has my contact details so I await more info.


I think he will have to sort out the burning question of the overhanging tree first.

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Guest sn0wdr0p

I introduced myself and my occupation and said I was not going to discuss ratios as that was now sorted and that I had other concerns. Tried not to be too disparaging about Ms Truss. He was not pleased about Nick Clegg scuppering his plans for higher ratios though! He did appear to be listening about my concerns about the lack of research and investigation behind the proposals. I really hope Elizabeth Truss comes along as well. I think an invite from a private owner managed setting that's not raking in the money may be extended as well having now heard that nearly all her visits were to Kids Unlimited.

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Oh Rea you have lost me - what debate pages? And tweet - is that a facebook thing? As you may have realised from past postings I'm not very IT savvy.


I really hope the forum pulls together some good questions for him (and Ms Truss hopefully). I am a bit disappointed that we have such a good opportunity to put our case forward and so far only two members have shown any interest - hopefully once we organise our 'meeting' with him things will change.

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I'm more than interested in putting a few points together - I am a privately owned setting operating with mainly funded children only so definitely not "raking it in". I would like to discuss early years funding in general, particularly the imbalance in the statutory make up of Schools forums which discriminates heavily against the interests of early years settings, also how (without an increase in funding) are we meant to pay pension contributions when have to join workplace pension scheme, how they believe that Ofsted on a one day visit will be able to make an informed judgement in respect of quality, how do they envisage training and support for early years workers to be something affordable when the "buying power" of corporate organisations such as the LA is removed etc. ad. nauseum!

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Yes I mentioned to him that I was a privately owned setting and that I was not yet sustainable and that I had not taken any money for the last five years and that his model for expansion would not work for me due to space restrictions (and money for expansion). I think the LA changes mooted are a real cause of concern that really needs addressing.

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