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Reading mornings

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Hi all, I really want to introduce a parents reading morning on fridays from September. This would involve inviting parents to stay on after school drop off and read with or to their children, maybe practise tricky words and learnt phonemes. I just wondered what everybody thinks and would love to hear from anyone who does something similar. How did you organise it? What feedback did you get from parents? How did the children respond? Thanks in advance.

Jayney x

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Hi Jayney,

We do this and it works really well. The parents stay for 15 mins at the start of the school day once a week. Obviously not all the parents stay but the children really enjoy it and the parents seem to like being involved too. The children that don't have parents who have stayed either join a friend and their parent (who sit in little corners all over the classroom), share a book with a member of staff in a small group or look at a book by themselves or with a friend, whichever they prefer. We have a bell that rings when it is the end of the session and everyone knows it's time for parents to leave and to get on with our day. The first couple of times in the year that we did it some of the parents were a bit slow to leave, but with a couple of prompts they soon got into the habit of a quick kiss goodbye and leaving. We find it quite a valuable way of involving parents and promoting the importance of reading with their child.

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We do the exact same as Rosie but we don't start in September when the children are settling in as we find we have a lot of tears when it's time for their grown up to leave. If we wait til after half term or even January depending on the cohort then they seem to handle it better and are happy to say goodbye.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the sound of these mornings. What books do the children read, is it there reading books, or books from the book corners, or play game (phonics) ?

O r is it all of them?

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It's funny how ideas go round and round - I did this over 20 years ago when it was unheard of!

We did two things, we had parents and we had year 6 children, so every child worked in no more of a group of 2 to 3. They were read to (unknown texts), read with (recent texts, often using big books) or played games that had a language focus, things like retelling already modelled stories (embedded texts) using a set of pictures or similar. The activities were all ready and I had more than enough for the groups to change if they chose to. I also developed a good set of resources as I had to update them and add to them each week or so as they developed competency with different texts. I knew roughly how many parents were coming and could top up with the right number of (competent) Yr6s. Then I went around each group like a massive guided read and supported.


Happy days!


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