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Storage/toys labelled/sorted

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Maybe if you could identify why you feel the need to change what you currently have it might help you decide what would work best for you?


Personally I had items arranged on shelves according to type (construction, role play, small world etc.) and each different variety in their own containers (duplo, bricks, sticklebricks etc.) If anyone was looking for an item it was quick and easy to find and meant that anyone new could very soon pick up on the system for packing away.

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who decides what age a child has to be to play with something? If the pieces were small and dangerous to little ones I'd store them higher up (ie marbles)but something like a teaset could have many uses and can be mixed with other items. I'm trying to sort my area out at the moment and am questioning is it safe, accessible and inviting but until the children are in I won't really know if it works and then knowing me I'll probably have another sort out and re-arrange in a couple of months anyway! Perhaps have a think about which resources the children use most and why and have a few images in your head of what your ideal storage solution would be and go from there. Good luck!

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HappyMAz used to have rather lovely lables on hers which were printed...i seem to remember they had a small photo and then a coloured band according to area they belonged to and some other info...cant remember perhaps she'll come along and tell you...they were very clear! (sorry not a very helpful answer!)

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I have a reception/Y1 class so probably not the same age issues you have. My classroom labelling is a continual work in progress! I am trying to make it as easy for the children to put things away as possible. I have labels with photos on (a mixture of photos of our actual resources and ones I've found on the internet) and then a word label. I have mounted the labels on to different colours to correspond to different areas e.g. construction is blue, making area yellow, mark making red, playdough orange. This is not to say those resources must be used in those areas but that is where they are going back to.


I even put coloured strips of paper round the ends of pens, crayons and pencils for mark making, making and outdoors. Again this is just to try and aim for maintaining a balance of resources in different places. I've spent far too many mornings sorting out a load of mark making resources for outside and I have explained that they need to go back on our outdoor trolley but only 2 children have heard me and the next morning I have to find them all again.


Labels are the same font, layout and size (depending on what it's labelling) which keeps my somewhat obsessive side happy but mostly they are done to make it easy for children to get things out and put them away.

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I also need to do some serious labelling before the autumn term - does anyone have anything they would be willing to share or suggest where I might find some good labels with pictures?

Thank you!


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Thank you Inge ...


There are some on the ELHQ site and some on Teacher's Pet. Hopefully I've linked the names of the sites!


Depending on what you're looking for I can let you have some of mine. I usually do them at school so don't have everything here! Let me know...


... and Helen! I'm looking for every label going ;) from kitchen cupboards for tea towels, cups, bowls, cutlery to storage cupboards for playdough equipment, paint/paint pots/brushes, glue etc etc! If you have anything suitable it would save me a lot of time! Thank you.


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... and Helen! I'm looking for every label going ;) from kitchen cupboards for tea towels, cups, bowls, cutlery to storage cupboards for playdough equipment, paint/paint pots/brushes, glue etc etc! If you have anything suitable it would save me a lot of time! Thank you.



I've sent you a pm with the ones I have.

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For the labels finleysmaid talked about I took photos of all the resources and labelled them with the words too. The colour coding was for the adults so that they could ensure resources were rotated as and when needed, and so that our cupboard could be well organised (we were a packaway group).


The great thing about the photographs was that children could see exactly where things belonged, and so tidy up time was more successful. One thing I intended to do but never got round to was to make a resource book with the same photos in so that children who had difficulty choosing what to do or communicating with others could have a method of showing what they wanted to do next. We did use some of them for children's visual timetables too, so that children could plan their session (or show Mum what they'd been up to!).

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One thing I intended to do but never got round to was to make a resource book with the same photos in so that children who had difficulty choosing what to do or communicating with others could have a method of showing what they wanted to do next. We did use some of them for children's visual timetables too, so that children could plan their session (or show Mum what they'd been up to!).


THAT is a brilliant idea HappyMaz! I have always used photos with words for the toys and most things that the children access but have never thought about making a resource book. I am now looking at labelling the kitchen cupboards; this is, in part, for the benefit of the staff and other adults - 1. to know where to find things and 2. to put them back in the correct place ;). In my nursery class the children have complete access to the kitchen (which is open plan) as it is part of the play room and is where the children cook or use playdough.

Thanks for the idea (another job to add to the list :D ).


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