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analysing eyfs data

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Hi all,

So a new term is virtually upon us, unless some have already started. Amongst the many things that flit in my mind/storage box of ' things to do'...analysing the eyfs data.

At the end of term we had not heard back from the LA, presuming they were not so quick in crunching numbers under the new 'profile'. With the consideration of the reformed eyfs curriculum,,, everyone still analysing their data as before? Comparing %, looking at ethnicity/gender/fsm and so forth. ?


Skittles :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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We analyse at the end of term, we group children as:








to look at attainment


We also look at progress, for which I have my own system and spreadsheet that looks at progress numerically term by term - it is solely so I can tick boxes :S


Edited to say - we never get the LA info until into T1, so we always analyse before the holiday to set school priorities for the next academic year.

Edited by Lucie
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As far as I know there is actually no requirement for the LA to do any data analysis for schools, in our LA now the analysis pack is part of a direct service so you'd have to pay for the analysis the LA will do in future anyway! As the responsibilities of the LA are removed by Govt things like data analysis will become more and more the sole responsibility of the school.


However my advice to schools is your data is still telling you exactly what your children and groups have achieved so the same areas of comparative analysis are important, particularly those often looked at by Ofsted as per their inspection handbook.

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I have tried to upload my tracker in a pm message but it won't let me. If you send me an email address I will forward it to you.

But please be aware this is just something I 'knocked up' because I like to work with a numerical system. It follows the principles of expected entry, and progress through development matters, just in a numerical way. Of course, if you like it you can alter and change as you see fit to suit your needs.






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Has anyone read the bullet point in the new OFSTED inspection handbook - p33


'An example of typical progress for a child is to start nursery or reception displaying the knowledge, skills and understanding that are typical for his or her age and then to meet the ELGs by the end of Reception.'


I know I should know this but I've had enough of number crunching already but on entry we obviously do best fit for the age bands. Should my reception children 'typically' come in working in 30-50 or 40-60? By their age I suppose it should be 40-60. I know that there's the whole secure in 30-50 emerging in 40-60 argument but I need hard numbers not border line guesses if you like.


Basically, we are expecting OSFTED for our next monitoring visit in 2 weeks time and I need to be able to say that our children made good progress from Sept to July. I think they did but I want to be sure that my facts and figures are accurate so that I can argue my case.


Does that all make sense? Please tell me that there is an easy way to work this out?!!



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Thank you. That is what I have written on the report for the head.

Can I pick your brain with one more question please... If a child entered reception working within 22-36 months but then reached a good level of development by the end of reception would you be able to say that it was good or even outstanding progress from their starting point?


Thank you so much for replying. My head has been spinning and I've been questioning whether what I know is right.



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