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Average point scores?

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So confused...

Has anyone else been asked to calculate average point scores from reception?

I have no idea how it can be worked out! ?


Do you mean at the end of Reception, or for on entry?


If for the end, you can total the 'scores' i.e. how many 1,2 or 3 and divide by the number of children. You can then do this for strands, across areas or for a total across the whole curriculum. (I'm sure we're not supposed to do this??? Maybe Catma can help?? But all the schools in my cluster did)

Actually the information which helped most was calculating the % with a GLD, because we could (kind of/ish!) compare this to previous 78+, 6+ CLL/PSED/PSRN.

If for on entry.....I have no idea!


Ah ok thanks for that, I'm not sure exactly but I think I'm expected to predict what the average point score will be in the areas of learning!! We have target setting soon so I imagine I will need to do it by then. It feels a little inappropriate.


The profile average point scores are done as a cohort and are indeed the total of every child's outcomes in 1,2 or 3 as per the ARA document, divided by the number of children. There is no individual area APS nor do I know if we will have any in the national data when it comes out in October. I'm sure schools etc have done them just because they hear the words average and points score and get all excited but not sure what use you would make of them as they don't tell you anything the GLD won't really.


To be honest, we're not paying them much attention at the moment.


They are not going to be much use as a prediction, far better to look at who would get the GLD I would say. But after only a week I'm not sure you would be very successful!!!


Thank you catma, my thoughts exactly I'm just getting to know them. I may suggest that I could perhaps predict the GLD by the end of term 1. :)


Wait until you have done your first assessment and then analyse your data to see who is on track or better in the 12 GLD aspects. These should then be your expected GLD target plus your accelerated outcomes group who would become the target children in those aspects. This would give you the prediction for the cohort? Look at what you got for GLD last year and then see how the 2 compare.



Sorry to ask a silly question but never calculated GLD how do you go about this? Do fstage leaders do it for class or whole cohort? Are you supposed to do it at end of term one? Or at end if year? Oops more than one question :-)


Sorry having a blonde moment.....what does GLD mean??? :-/


It's the national Good level of Development measure.


It is the percentage of children who get the ELG in all the PSED, PD, C+L, literacy and mathematics aspects in the EYFSP. It's EYFSP data so is from your end of reception data submission. Your LA may do your data pack or may not, but ideally it should be worked out before the end of the summer term so you can talk to Yr 1 colleagues for transition. It's for the cohort overall but you should know which children have achieved it.

  • 2 years later...

Hello ladies,


I realise this conversation is 2 years old, but I'm just working out our 'predicted average point score' for end of year! Seems ridiculous but there we go.

Do you know to work this out do I add up all of the children's 'predicted' scores across all 17 ELGS's and then divide that by 60 (number of children in our cohort)?


I just didn't know if we included the two areas that aren't included in the GLD (understanding the world, expressive arts and design)? I thought that we did but just want to check.


Hope this makes sense.


Thank you.

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