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Two year old check


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Hi, I'm just wondering what other settings do with regard to keeping a copy of two year old checks carried out. We currently do 2 copies, 1 for the parents and 1 for our records but I'm not sure where is the best place to keep our record. Do you put them in children's learning journeys or do you keep a file of 2 year old checks all together ?

Appreciate your thoughts

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I haven't done any yet as we have only just started taking rising threes!


However I will have to do the check for anyone who hasn't had a check with their HV before coming to us.


I already do termly summaries of all the areas of learning so I think I will add this check to those summaries which are shared with parents. They live with the profiles in a folder.

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We last year did not keep any copies, the parents had the original


We keep photo copied 1 as record for ofsted


We collect data on progress 3 times a year, so don't feel I need to keep copies.


Not sure that is the right answer but it's what we do, enough paperwork and so little room as there is !

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Like mrsbat - I make three copies - one goes to parents and i suggest they may like to share this with their HV, one for LJ Folder and one for my 'Progress Matters' file........this file has copies of all info gathered - as the title suggests xD with regard to the children's progress - feels useful (to me) to have all of this in one 'place' - as ever, I'm not saying this is the 'right answer' - it just works for me :1b

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I haven't done any yet as we have only just started taking rising threes!


However I will have to do the check for anyone who hasn't had a check with their HV before coming to us.


I already do termly summaries of all the areas of learning so I think I will add this check to those summaries which are shared with parents. They live with the profiles in a folder.

What sort of setting are you? I am in a school nursery and we have had 1 Rising 3 so far with another starting shortly. My Head asked our LA EY Advisor if we needed to do 2year old checks and we were told no, although I'm not convinced this is accurate!

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Only 1 copy at our setting.

We invite parents to read through it in our journals and sign to say they have seen / discussed it with their keypersons.

Sorry but I am of the opinion that we waste enough paper already without adding more ( sorry ducks for cover.)

Please note it is in a punch pocket so could easily be duplicated if the powers that be required it. :)

Edited by Fredbear
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Even the expectations for completing these are so different from one county to another, we do 3 as well, one for us, parent & pass other to HV and I believe we still need to do one even if they have had a 2 year check with HV.....does anyone else think this ?

I wasn't sure about this one and some of the parents were confused about it too so I called the HV this week and they said that if they have seen the child then they have done the "whole" check so we do not need to do one - hope that helps - although again it could be different in different areas......

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See this is where I have a problem, the original is the parents copy which if required is to be shared with HV or any other professional by the parent, who may find it useful when dealing with their child.


So why does a copy need to go into LJ'S for parents at the end of the child's time with you as parents already have a copy.


Any how that's my thoughts!! :))

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All ours seem to be starting having had their HV check since this new system has been introduced - but we still have to do ours we were told HV = Health check Setting = Development


We send report home for parents to read, comment (in an ideal world <_< ) & sign and then they bring it back

We then put a copy in our files and the original goes in the child's learning journey

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Sunnyday, I think you still need to do a check even if they have already had the HV check. At least that is what we have been told in Worcestershire - contrary to what we were told in the initial training! We take from 30 months so all ours have usually had their HV check, and I would think we would know the child rather better than the HV who only sees the child for a brief time, on what might be an "off" day.



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Sunnyday, I think you still need to do a check even if they have already had the HV check. At least that is what we have been told in Worcestershire - contrary to what we were told in the initial training! We take from 30 months so all ours have usually had their HV check, and I would think we would know the child rather better than the HV who only sees the child for a brief time, on what might be an "off" day.




Hi Jo - thanks but I know that :blink: suspect you were replying to someone else ;) :rolleyes: :1b

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I totally agree that we know the children better etc and we were always under the impression that we do the check whether the HV has done it or not but I was told by one of our local HV last week categorically that if they have seen the child and done the check then we did not need to....... I wish they would make their minds up and everyone does the same!

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We have a LA form which is in triplicate - one copy for parent's red book (we have been asked to put it in the red book so parent doesn't lose it :huh: ) for HV info, one for parent and one for us.


We have also been told must still do even if HV has done check too.


Allegedly this check will be an joint check by 2015 although in our area (as in many others I suspect) the logistics of how this is going to happen are still being thrashed out by health and education - not quite sure I will be able to spare staff to go running off around the district to undertake checks and apparently health have no appetite for their HVs trotting round settings to do them jointly either!!

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Ooh I am getting so fed up with all this. Why on earth we cant all do the same thing is beyond me. We even get told different things!

We have a standard format here, 3 copies - one to parent one to keep for our records (our choice- just so we have some proof) and one goes off to our 'designated' H/V team. however I have had a few parents refuse to let it go off to H/V and as a parent myself I would also refuse. I cannot explain to my parents what is happening to it once it reaches it's destination and this is now becoming a common complaint amongst other settings in our borough. As is the fact that the only ones doing these 2 year checks are us and childminders (some) We are yet to get a child start with us that has had this check done. Most of our parents look at us quite blankly when we ask about it- 2/3 probably dont even know who their HV's are- never mind any checks done by them.


I think I am just getting too long in the tooth now for all this- I wouldn't mind all the work and changes if the powers that be could just make their minds up on how they should all be done

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Hi all! We are settling new children at the moment and some of them are over 3 years old and came from other nurseries. When I asked their parents for their 2 year old check none of them knew what am I after. Couple of settings from where our settlers are coming from closed down so there's no way how to contact them and ask for a copy. We are awaiting Ofsted inspection and I'm not sure how would the missing 2 year old checks would go down with them. Any advice appreciated!

Btw..We keep a copy of the 2 year old check in children's files after parents seen and signed them. Copy can be done anytime for the HV or if parents ask to have their own copy.

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Hmmmmm..........have to say that I haven't even thought about querying -'two year old checks' for those starting at age three or over.......I think it would be OK to assume that these will have been carried out.......


I might 'chase up' if I had any 'concerns' - but aside from that - I wouldn't be at all concerned really......


As ever, I'm not claiming this to be the 'right' answer - just my thoughts and current practise...

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have to say i am finding these checks a bit of a waste of time. Children who are entering with known conditions often haven't had them because they have already had intervention and those who are not worried haven't taken them. I have always assessed children and referred on or had talks with parents if i felt this was needed but the timing was up to me (when it was appropriate!) If i felt that i was being supported it would be great...but we currently have no support from SALT (long waiting lists) no support from childrens centres, no support from HV's and have to go through a long process of cafs if we want ed psyc in etc......has anyone found this process helpful? joined up? or has acheived anything you wouldn't have achieved previously?

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Sadly I'm with you finleysmaid - this 2 year check does nothing to enhance the good practice that we were already were and still are undertaking in respect of identifying children who would benefit from additional support. Also sadly that does not always mean that that additional support is forthcoming as thresholds seem to be so v. high and like you if it is a speech and language concern there seems to be a shortage of SALT thereapists in our area too. We have also just had the tiny pot of money (6hrs per week during term time) that we could claim for running in-house SALT cluster groups pulled - not good when last year 33% of the children on roll were in the SALT cluster groups!!!

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I agree finleysmaid we have a problem with SaLT as there's a shortage of them, they all seem to be leaving the practice. HV's don't seem to be interested in 2 year old checks and parents rarely tell us when their children are having them done at HV. All I hear is that 'it's legal requirement' and we have to do them. One of our children was leaving to a pre-school setting last term and I had a request from them to send that child's 2 year old check. I suppose this is the way it should work but don't understand how come we never receive any previous paperwork from other settings E.g. transition reports.

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