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It's Friday!


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Have been really looking forward to being able to say that! :D


Seems to have been a 'long' week!


Mine was a real mix of 'highs' and 'lows' -'my' twins have come on in leaps and bounds this week and I can hardly believe that they are the same pair - so that's a definite 'high' :1b have had a SIP visit with a brand new SIP - this all went very well so that counts a high too! :1b A couple of my new girls are finding it fairly hard to settle, that is a bit of a worry and definitely counts as a low......


I'm really hoping that the weather is good this weekend - I intend to spend my time gardening, gardening and then I might do a bit more gardening! if I have time I will sit back and admire my gardening! :rolleyes:


What sort of week has it been for everyone and do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?

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Not too bad a week - children beginning to settle down a bit more after the shenanigans of last week with phased new starters. Weather here not too bad either which has helped as lots of outdoor play.


Last week (and remember that for us term time wallahs that was the first week) came home Friday and showered for England as feeling a bit grubby (one case of threadworms and one of headlice) - thankfully not amongst the staff!!


This week no nasties to report (although I may still shower xD ).


On here instead of running the payroll and doing the books - no wine just yet or I will no doubt get my sums wrong :blink:

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Highs......all new children that have started this week have come in with no tears!! big plus!


Low ...am spending the whole dya tomorrow cooking bacon sarnies (about 300) for our big fund raiser


High....had a fantastic card from a gratefull parent today


low...had to say goodbuy to our older ones who have been coming to us for the afternoons...little boy said'it's my last day today so i've got to come and give you all a hug and a kiss :wub:


High.....very very high....had a new student start....he's 6'8" tall !!!!!!!!! :o


Low ....had a parent in tears because she has been removed from the housing list...because she's too difficult to house!! (big family lots of issues!)


high ....had SALT in today....lovely therapist said she could see why we were an outstanding setting and that she was really looking forward to working with us...how nice!


all in all not a bad week....but im very tired!....oh and high....i started my elklan course....low ive still got to do my homework!

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Glad it's not just me with the long week. Had my performance management this afternoon and my head and I were both struggling to find the words we wanted. We were talking about developing the role play area at one point and I was sat there saying, "I need to find more ways of getting... you know... those things... numbers! into it!"


The highs - :D I had a lovely readers group meeting - I actually finished the book for once! I am loving getting to know one new little boy in particular - so many fascinating things to find out about him. The little boy who may have eaten some poisonous berries last Friday :o definitely hadn't and turned up safe, sound and very smiley on Monday.


The lows - immense frustration with a couple of situations at work, already feeling overwhelmed with workload and feeling like I'm never going to catch up, a conversation with someone which probably shouldn't have been but was incredibly hurtful have all left me tired and emotional. Think I'm going to curl up with a book/film and a cherry and walnut muffin and wish that people weren't selfish and that next week will be better.

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Yes bit of a long week, staff coming in with heavy colds - bit of a low, and mine began this afternoon bit more of a low,


High, our twins are settling down very well too sunnyday, doing a full morning and tucking into snack


Had our summer leavers back for lunch today, definitely a high, they looked so grown up in their uniforms and the buzz in the pre-school was fantastic,


Definitely a high - no pooey/wet pants, no headlice, no threadworms to report!!!

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Yes bit of a long week, staff coming in with heavy colds - bit of a low, and mine began this afternoon bit more of a low,



Some of my staff are brewing colds too - I am on the Vit C as a preventative (I hope) - lots of children all new to mingling with lots of others have v. quickly succumbed to cold lurgies.


One v. precious apprentice claimed to have bronchitis however :rolleyes: - told her to get confirmation from GP

One v. deflated apprentice returned to work with just a cold xDxDxD - Told her to get used to it - along with the worms, lice and other nasties it's classed as a perk of the job - perhaps I should put that in the staff benefits section of the staff handbook :D:D


Payroll run, books done - must be wine time ;);)

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One v. precious apprentice claimed to have bronchitis however :rolleyes: - told her to get confirmation from GP

One v. deflated apprentice returned to work with just a cold xDxDxD - Told her to get used to it - along with the worms, lice and other nasties it's classed as a perk of the job - perhaps I should put that in the staff benefits section of the staff handbook :D:D



Love it! :1b


Oh and .......cheers - bottoms up!


Sorry - given the worm situation I probably shouldn't have mentioned bottoms :blink: :rolleyes: xDxDxD

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High: GREAT week, fabulous bunch of new children who have all had a great second week. The new room is working out amazingly and the weather today has allowed fantastic free flow. New staff member is calming down and going to work out well I think. Only two more weeks until our first forest school session and the staff and children are counting it down in sleeps, we are so excited!!

Very high: Have just completed my planning for next week and just have to print out photos and then I am done.(last weekend was constant school) Having parents and in laws done for Sunday dinner, so looking forward to that.

No lows this week, which worries me slightly!!

Happy weekend to you all :D:D

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Things are looking up. Just had half an hour's face time call with my sister and the children (Daddy was hoovering upstairs!) my nephew (5) was in full on friendly, chatty mode being really proud that he can now change his Bumblebee transformer from a car to a man on his own, showing me his lego models and telling me about his maths at school.


My niece (17 months) who has just acquired very cute pigtails burst into delighted smiles the minute she saw my face on the screen, waved properly and then blew me a kiss - the first time she's ever done that spontaneously to anyone! :D (we're not mentioning it to Granny! ;):ph34r: ). Turns out they're coming to visit granny and grandpa tomorrow so I will get to see them for tea.

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High - my baby going off to uni

Low - my baby going off to uni

High - finishing the 40ft mural in the playground

Low - getting both golfers and tennis elbow as a result

High - 15 parents saying how much they love the new Tapestry journals

Low - one parent getting her knickers in a knot and complaining to Ofsted, first one in 21 years

High - 2 bottles of prosecco in the fridge and a hot tub good to go

Low - home alone as hubby away for the weekend. Whoa, hang on, thats actually a High as well.


Have a good weekend what ever you are doing guys

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I've had a lovely week managing my setting; just really hoping Ofsted will give me a chance to keep building and making it a wonderful place - just need time but I'm getting there, always hard to start afresh in a new place and embed you're personal additions to it ?

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finlaysmaid you are more than welcome to pop around. Just plucking up courage to go out in the cold to the tub


I have some friends who live in a self built wooden house overlooking the Firth of Forth. One of my best New Year's Eve celebrations ever was sitting in their woodfired hot tub overlooking the Forth with snow on the ground and fireworks in the distance!

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