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Getting early years plans

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Hi all can I please ask for opinions?


We have had a lot of children in our pre-school on the SEN register and in need of TAC meetings on a regular basis. In the past I have been the lead professional several times and therefore was responsible amongst other things for writing up the Early Years plans.


Now the problem is we have no office and no land line at work and therefore no email or internet connection. In the past all the plans where always sent to me on my home email (as we have to do nearly all our paperwork at home) and I would fill it in. Encrypt it and then send it back with password under separate cover.


My current SEN is dyslexic as such she does everything on the computer which I think is perfectly reasonable, partly as her writing is 'bad' and her spelling is a challenge for her so by typing its neat professional, spell checked and if there are any problems it can be easily corrected rather than have to re-write the whole thing. All reasonable I think. However she has been made the lead professional and is now being told suddenly all the Early Years plans cannot be emailed to either her or the the pre-school email address as they are considered not secure. This means that she would have to write by hand (which she can't do) they wont budge on this despite support from LEA senior SEN support. She is now saying that the thought of writing it is too much and asking me if I think it ok if she steps down from lead professional as she cannot complete the paperwork?


I can't imagine we are the only pre-school in this position, surely there should be some middle ground. They have said they can send it to the local school (which this child isn't at yet) and could my SEN go to the school office and type it there. Well this wouldn't work, we are not on the same site, we couldn't give her time off to do this, the office and computers are always in use for the school and to be fair again because of her challenges it does take her longer to type than it would others (she can do it it just takes her longer) so again would not be practical.


Thoughts would be very gratefully received.

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Well they would want it sent in, in hard copy. But they wont send the from in the first place. There is some information the admin team put on it and after the first meeting then the action points are already there, normally done by the area admin team. So basically they want to either send it hard copy to her or by email to the school (the fact this child does not go to the school seems in my mind and if you are being so fussy, are they not breaking confidentiality as they are sending it somewhere that is nothing to do with the child) and then she would have to fill it out by hand and send back hard copy!!!

It seems to me to be a big fuss! never have we had to do this before!

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This is what I thought Fredbear, aren't they supposed to be inclusive for practitioners and settings too? and I also wondered about the confidentiality of sending it to a school who is nothing to do with the family (I mean we all know the school is reliable and would be professional but that is not the point) this member of staff uses a dictaphone to take obs of children so she doesn't have to write too much, she types all her observations and to be honest if allowed to work like this is very good at her job. All SEN stuff has been complete on the computer so again she is capable of doing the job. However she is very worried and stressed about this, for her this is huge!!! :(


It was never a problem before, I used to have them sent to me and I would complete (at home) and encrypt, then send back with password under separate cover. Always was acceptable before!

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I'd cite the DDA and point out that given this member o staff is dyslexic they must reasonably accommodate her needs.


Thanks Catma I think I will do this


I use a secure edulink site password when sending any info!

I'm not quite sure what this is Scarlettangel what is it??

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well have written a strongly worded email so lets see what happens. Its a shame as the only option if they don't bend on this is for my SEN to step down as lead professional. I still can't believe in this day and age that its ok to hold someone back from a role like this because they need to use a computer to generate a report!!!! the age of technology!!! have also pointed out that not only are they not bein inclusive but that there was a breach in data protection by sending it to the school anyway as this child is as yet nothing to do with the school!!! oh well not here to make friends I guess :ph34r:

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Only skim read the thread, but I will say we had trouble this week when someone - a supply cover employment agency would not send a ref request via email to what they deemed a 'personal email'. this is because our preschool email is a Hotmail account.

Suited me fully - as we do not have a post box, and I wasn't going to give my personal address (me being a tad stroppy- as I can't see the difference anyway?)

BUT MOST IMPORTANLY I didn't want to give the person requested a reference anyway :o:o :o xD )

(not being mean, but it was for a L3 student that had no initiative whatsoever - ok at L2 - and as you cannot give a 'bad reference' I'd rather give none :( )


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Only skim read the thread, but I will say we had trouble this week when someone - a supply cover employment agency would not send a ref request via email to what they deemed a 'personal email'. this is because our preschool email is a Hotmail account.

Hotmail isn't generally considered a secure email account by many organisations

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Actually I found out today it is actually the Equalities Act 2010. But same applies.

I did quote the DDA because when you read it does say it covers dyslexia as well. Although to be honest I am hoping they will just get the point and sort it out!!!


I have had one 'kind of ' reply from the senior SEN that we deal with who has forwarded it on to I guess her manager and she has said she understands completely what we are saying and agrees and finds the whole thing frustrating so I guess that is something.

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Johanna when I send in my numbers and details for nursery funding I do it via the edulink site.


I can also use this link to send SEN extra paperwork to back my inclusion supplement statement

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I did quote the DDA because when you read it does say it covers dyslexia as well. Although to be honest I am hoping they will just get the point and sort it out!!!


I have had one 'kind of ' reply from the senior SEN that we deal with who has forwarded it on to I guess her manager and she has said she understands completely what we are saying and agrees and finds the whole thing frustrating so I guess that is something.

Yup - the DDA was rolled into the Equalities act but would cover Dyslexia.

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