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how do you plan your reception day?

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I am an NQT just started in Reception class. I am ks1/2 trained and finding it very challenging. I wanted to know how your day is planned for a reception class. Does it change from day to day or do you have a more structured day. At the moment I start my day off with self registration followed by phonics and literacy. We then have snack/playtime. After this we have circle time and then lunch. Straight after lunch its numeracy and then child initiated play, story and then home. I haven't included guided reading as we haven't started that. Not sure it should be this way. Other staff in the same year group do not know how to do it. Also I would really be intrigued to see how you plan your lessons as that is another matter altogether that we need sort.

Thanks in advance and I look forward to your feedback. :blink:



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Hi I have attached some plans that show our 'typical' weekly plans. They are plans for our free-flow (child initiated) provision, outdoor space and general timetable for the week. The general timetable has blanks that are where some adults will be doing adult-led activities with groups of children or 1:1 and the rest of the children are on free-flow. We have café style snack available from 9am-10.15am, and don't stop for playtime with the rest of the school. We all stop for singing to allow staff to get a break.

How many members of staff do you have? We are a 2 form entry and have 2 teachers and 5 teaching assistants. This makes it easier for me to plan supervision in our outdoor area and adult-led activities.

Hope that helps a little :1b



outdoor plan 7 oct.doc

Reception Timetable September 2013.docx

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Hi Bev,


Thank you so much. Had a look at your timetables and plans they are very helpful. We are 3 form entry school and have 3 teachers and 3 TAs. We don't really have an outdoor area to ourselves we have to share with year1 and nursery and allocated slots. We have a hall where TAs take a group of ten chn for CP. In terms of your adult led activities- do you teach literacy and maths, I see that you have 1 or 2 slots where you have adult led. Is your planning based on the children's interests? Would be willing to share your planning for adult led and Child led activities?

Thanks again so much for sharing the information. I will definitely be using those to help with timetable and planning activites as I don't really have template yet in a year group.


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How do you do your adult led input, do you teach whole class as my class are finding it hard to sit (some of them). Do you go into small groups to reinforce learning or do you put things in learning environment and observe children?

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Hi Randa, hubby has got the computer at the moment so I can't attach anymore plans now as am on the iPad, but I will happily share planning. We use phonics bug for our literacy and roughly follow Hamilton trust for our maths planning. We do plan from the children's interests, for example our All about me topic went off on a tangent. My class wanted to find out about individuals pets while my colleagues class wanted to look more at siblings. As far as adult led activities go we link them to our main themes either literacy, maths or topic based. These can be things like letter formation activities, word building, simple addition etc.

not having your own outside area must be frustrating, do your children free flow between all 3 classes? Our classrooms are linked so our classes can access activities in both classes and our outside area is open during all free flow time, this really helps to spread everyone out.

I will see what I can find tomorrow and attach on here for. Just had a thought do you have links with any schools local to you that you could visit, or are there any other NQTs teaching reception that you can talk too? I love visiting others schools as you can always pick up ideas.


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Hi Bev, when you do adult led activities after input and you split off into groups is this the whole class doing groups?

I do a rota system as I have 30 children and cannot possibly assess all children!

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Menorca, I do small group work and the rest of class free flow, then swap.


Randa, I haven't forgotten about the other plans I was going to share but have had one of those days. Will get sorted over the weekend and upload them for you. Definitely get into other schools it is always good to magpie other people's ideas


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My day is like this...children come in and play in cp for first 15 mins, this is when we run our intervention groups. Then we have carpet time either phonics/maths/topic followed by adult focus activities and cp until break. After break we have another carpet time and then straight back into the morning's activities, 1 person continuing the adult led and one person on play support. After lunch is carpet time and then back to activities. I don't swap between subjects during the day, if my adult led is maths in small groups then I will do maths all day, until all children have had maths input. I know some schools have adult led literacy before break, maths after break and cp in the afternoon. This is too formal for me, we have cp all day, supported by an adult, withdrawing children for their adult led input throughout the day.

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Yes that's how I try to do it too. Nice to hear someone else does it in a similar fashion as I'm constantly questioning whether its right/wrong and the problem is there's no right or wrong way is there, it's what works for you. X

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Our Reception day goes something like this

First half an hour is continuous provision, time to talk to parents/children etc

First input and then into continuous provision- working 1:1 and also with groups.

Second input is before lunch this means that there is a sustained period of indoor and outdoor continuous provision of approx. 1 1/2 hrs


(We do 3x maths per week, 3x literacy/topic and 4x phonics inputs throughout the week)


In the afternoon we have an input in key worker groups- usually phase one letters and sounds games/activities or a circle time/PSED activity.

Then onto another long period of indoor/outdoor continuous provision. Some adults working with group/1:1 or making observations. (Lasts about 1 1/2hrs)

Then hometime routine- always includes a story.

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