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Do we ever sleep?

Guest sn0wdr0p

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But then I might not sleep tonight!


I even found the spoiler for Strictly in case the suspense is keeping me awake! I was so desperate!

Some of it I know is impending retirement and concern that the staff won't be up to speed, and they won't care for my 'baby' like I do. But that's general surely, and wouldn't just hit on every Saturday night?


Perhaps I need to start having a glass or two for supper ........

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Well I loved my Valerie Wood book yesterday and it was great to switch off. I have tried hard not to mention work to my husband and I have done a little shopping with the family today. Only logged on now because The Simpsons is on TV and I am not a fan. Can't argue with 4 lads about this. My favourite programme is on tonight - Homeland - so no one gets to argue with me about that. Popping in to work after the little ones are in bed but will definately be back for that. Exploratory surgery in hospital tomorrow so want to know I can go with no worry about work.

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. Exploratory surgery in hospital tomorrow so want to know I can go with no worry about work.

Just wanted to say.....hope all goes well for you Sn0wdr0p........


As for me......well i kept to my plan - no 'computer action' of any kind at all - guess what - the sky didn't fall in! :D

Wish that I could say that I didn't think about work all weekend - 'fraid that didn't happen :( must try harder - somehow re-train my brain for that one........

Awake at 'silly o'clock' this morning - 4 am - stayed in bed for another hour trying to get back to sleep - but gave up........hey ho.....

Have a good week everyone :1b

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Oh nothing drastic just a hysteroscopy so they can have a look round and do a biopsy. Hysterectomy at start of February - I can't wait as it will be life changing. I'm sure many of you will relate to where I am coming from as large fibroids have caused real problems for me to the point where my anaemia has caused hair loss, memory loss, exhaustion etc etc. I had an injection on Friday to put me into the menopause (the family has been warned)so I can recover enough for the hysterectomy. My iron count is at a massive 3 now. It was too low to count prior to that. We want to get it to 11. I had a similar injection some years ago before IVF treatments and I had one heck of a row with my mother in law. She has been a lot nicer ever since.

Doctor said she had never seen anyone so happy about having a hysterectomy. Roll on February.

Booking a cruise for my 50th next summer-could never have gone away before. Very excited as we have only had two holidays in the last 10 years. Partly through health partly because of work. Boys very excited as we are going with Royal Carribean and they want to go on the climbing wall, surf rider, ice arena ...........

Well done Sunnyday, it's quite liberating isn't it?

New Barbara Taylor Bradford out next week and I intend to put time aside for that. Going to make the Christmas cake next Sunday and the boys love to help with that and make a wish as they stir it up. I am trying really hard to switch off and it appears to be working.

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Many thanks. Gosh times have moved on I had a general anaesthetic for the same procedure 30 years ago. I feel so old when I write 30 years ago.

Spoke to my son's teacher at parents evening last night and they remembered Going for Gold as well. (This was a previous discussion some time ago)

One of our seven year old boys in our Out of school Club last night could not understand how 2 year old twins in the nursery were different heights. I explained that we all were different heights despite our age and that my colleague who is 24 is taller than me even though she is younger than me. His response "yes but you are old and you get smaller as you get older".

Oooh someone get me a pink cardigan and some furry slippers please.

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Guest sn0wdr0p

ooh yes please dear and I 've just remembered I could get one of those electric cosy toe things. Bless you.

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My children (as in my class) have recently started saying that the number they get in the line when I count them is how old they are. Very sweet and not too much jostling to be 17th as yet but then when you're 4 7 is pretty ancient! I have to say though I was feeling very flattered the other day as my year ones were discussing ages and especially mine! They were all happily telling me how old their parents were then one girl said "My mummy's one year older than you. She doesn't believe you're 40. She says you don't look old enough!) :D I liked that mum anyway now I'm really fond of her! ;)

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