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in our setting it used to be that supervisor or deputy always did the whole group activities, register/circle time, group physical and read the children a story each day. we changed it in the last 6 months so that each member of staff takes a turn on a rota system and it has worked really well. some staff lacked a bit of confidence at the beginning but have now all settled to it and it means that they really get to know all the key children and gives greater flexibility as all staff will have the confidence to control a large group of children. Also the children then don't see just one or two members of staff as being in charge!

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all staff... good for their staff development to be able to take more responsibility. We used to note on the planning who was doing it each day.. over a week all would usually do it twice (5 staff and 10 sessions)

we found that it helped the staff with confidence dealing with a large group of children, they had support from someone to start with but they soon began to enjoy doing it..

additional benefit was the children listened to all staff equally and tended to behave a lot better for all .. they still saw me as the boss but they really did respond better to everyone..

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We don't have a formal register time.Parents have to sign in their children in the lobby area before we let them into the main room.The children come in and find their name card. There is always a staff member at the name board to give help if necessary. We sit the children down when most have arrived and an adult will ask a child to count the children. The number is checked against parents signing in sheet and names on the board.All adults take their turn to take circle time, they sort it out between themselves,they support each other. Parent volunteers are also very capable to do this. We always start with the welcome song and counting the children then different staff adapt to suit the children that are present.I use this time to answer parents phone messages.Some of the staff use this time to plan or update folders.If they have a concern with a child they will invite a parent in and use this time to chat.

Edited by bubblejack
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The children self register as they enter the playroom, staff fill in a more formal register as children are handed over and do this on a rota as this gives every staff member an opportunity to meet and greet parents. We don't redo this with the children

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Me (Manager) or any staff member complete register as children arrive - just part of 'meet and greet' - children then self-register by selecting their name and 'posting' into the 'name box' :1b

I quite like to 'ring the changes' with 'meet and greet' - all good for staff development :1b and sometimes I don't feel like doing it :ph34r::DxD

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Me (Manager) or any staff member complete register as children arrive - just part of 'meet and greet' - children then self-register by selecting their name and 'posting' into the 'name box' :1b

I quite like to 'ring the changes' with 'meet and greet' - all good for staff development :1b and sometimes I don't feel like doing it :ph34r::DxD

Same here, but name cards go on a magnetic whiteboard

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Parents sign their child in a book in the lobby (a record of what time the child arrived, who dropped off and who picking up), child self-registers by taking their name off the door and putting on the snack wall ready to use later in the session and I sit in the lobby to welcome everyone in and fill in the official register. I then check all the parents have signed in and then lock the door before entering the main room. Since taking 2 year olds we don't have circle time until morning session is due to finish.

After reading some of the comments here I am wondering whether I should set up a rota for other staff members to take a turn registering the children in as it sounds like that has alot of benefit hmmmmmm

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a staff member opens the door and meets and greets the children as they enter, another ticks them in the register as the children choose their name and stick it onto the board- once children in then a member of staff counts the children in the room (usually twice to be sure) and confirms the number with the staff member doing the register - that member then finds the number card and puts it onto the number of children in session note which is on the cupboard - all staff are then aware of number of children in session - it is changed if children come in/leave during the session

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Well if I am there, as Owner/Manager, I do it, I like to open the door and let everyone in and that's when I then record the time on the register that the children arrive, the children go on through to self-register as well and then get on with the important business as far as they are concerned. I do not take it like "school".


If children arrive late, whoever opens the door to the family then writes in their time of arrival.


Similar procedure to going home I open the door, let parents in and I record departure time for the children.

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we all take turns doing meet and greet and standing on door and either myself or deputy take register but I like the point that it gives others more respect from the children , I am always encouraging confidence with my staff but maybe I am a little possessive over the register :D, we don't rely on parents to sign in as this was done before and I did not like it , too erratic and not helpful, parents enter with children and have a quick chat if need be whilst the children play , thanks for all your replies :P

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I think it depends what county you are in and what the funding people say!

Before all the cut backs when we had all the in put from the IA's and their ideas of good practice, (some that seemed a little whacky to me but hey ho) self registration was promoted so children's play wasn't disturbed. In our setting the children do self register but then the funding people at County want to see registers when they audit.

Although parents/carers sign children in and out when the arrive, I have noticed especially when they are late, incorrect times are recorded, so we have our own registers that the staff fill in daily. We also correct the parents signing in forms with the correct times and two staff members initial the correction!

In our county the person that claims for funding (me - manager) is not supposed to fill in the register nor the absence forms.

Our PSU forms have just been changed this term too. First they wanted the funded amount on the form, now they don't. I wonder just who sits around all day thinking these things up? No wonder the country is so strapped for cash. Anyway, no doubt it won't be long before they come up with another idea for us to use more ink, paper and unpaid time.

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In my setting we have a register file where we sign children in, the children can arrive any when from 7:30, and generally are all in by about 9:45, whoever greets the child and parents would then sign the child in within the register. We check ratios every fifteen minutes to ensure there are enough staff members present for the number of children arriving throughout the morning, (this influences future staff rotas dependent on attendance patterns). The same would happen at the end of the day with signing out. The children also self-register by selecting their photos and sticking it next to a peg for their belongings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All of our staff are responsible for signing our children in. The register is in the room and we also carry out head counts every half hour so we can keep track of the number of children we have.


The children also have self registration on the back of the gate, but impressing on parents that the children do this themselves rather than parents doing it for them is proving difficult for some children!

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i've given up up self registration...just didn't really work for us! and the children have lots of opportunities to find and recognise their names elsewhere so ho hum! The register is recorded by a member of staff at the beginning of the session...but not the person on the door...because they need to concentrate on greeting!

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In what way does it not work for you? It's taken some real selling by our staff team but majority of our children now get exciting about "putting their name on the gate" and some of the older children will even help the younger ones to do it.

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We have a table near the mat with all the childrens name cards. Staff have a rota of door, mat, cupboard, snack... Children are welcomed, they find their name card and put it into a pot of the same colour as their key group, sit on the mat with a book and chat with other staff. Then register is called, a quick tell of the activities on offer and away to play :1b

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In what way does it not work for you? It's taken some real selling by our staff team but majority of our children now get exciting about "putting their name on the gate" and some of the older children will even help the younger ones to do it.

I have children from 2.5 up to 5 with lots who are eal or have sen. Coming in in the morning is tricky enough! we tried lots of different methods to self register but i spent the whole time chasing children up and reminding them ...the children preferred to hide the name labels under the cupboard!! They come straight in and go and find their pegs for their coats ...so in essence they are self registering...and having the extra task of hanging up their things too! so ...me not bovered!

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I think as long as someone has a list somewhere that can be grabbed in case of an evacuation then we shouldn't stress too much about all this. Some of our children don't want to self register and the parent puts their name up for them, but their name is ticked off by a member of staff on the grab register

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Too much stress in this job as it is!...what we need to do is assess why we are doing it and whether the children are learning anything from it (is there progression too...if it's the same at the start of the year and the end of the year then where's the progression??) If the parents are all doing it then why do self registration? what's it teaching and to whom??????

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Finleymaid,I agree with your post. I do think we have to accept that some things we do, work in some settings and not in others and not all ways of doing things are right for all of us.

Its important for us all to re evaluate and assess our practice continually but sometimes due to circumstances of our environment or the children we work with we have to adapt to whats best at that time.

Just because many settings do self registration or have access to water play inside every day doesn't make a 'better' learning environment. Its a much bigger picture than that. :1b

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Hi does anyone take a register using an online system if so what do you use. I am at the moment doing it by hand then at the end of each half term I am working out how many sessions each child has attended and how many absences etc. this takes forever. Trying to see if there is an easier way.

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I used to also work out number of days attended against number booked... and at end of year when doing transfer documents I used to put it on there for the year.. was an eye opener to see any patterns and helped knowing when doing records for them the reason for the gaps was often non attendance, not out lack of input/ monitoring...

I ended up doing a spreadsheet on excel that I put the register into each day and that did the calculations for me.

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