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Using The E-profile


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Calling all you wonderful people out there.....


the assessment co-ordinator at my school is very keen for us to start using the E-profile (she has just been on a course and got the impression that soon this is the only way everyone will be able to do use the Profile?????!!!!!)


I am quite keen, but would really welcome advice, experiences, tips from you guys out there who are using it. Are there any pit falls to avoid?


Is it a good thing? Will it save time?


Hope you can help!

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Hi Bungalow.


I've used the e-profile, this is our 2nd year with it.


I find it much better than those dreadful booklets!


Here goes:

You can block input statements (if that makes any sense!) say CD 1 all the class have achieved apart from 2, block the class and click for them to have the statement then "take out" those 2 who haven't achieve. Same appiles if you group them (although i didn't bother) Much quicker even though you spend the same amount of time deciding about the childrens achievements. So sorry if you can't understand any of that. In my opinion it's better than booklets and it generates class data quickly and produces lots of pretty graphs if your heads into that kind of thing! Can also produce reports but we couldn't do that as use report complete!


Hope that helps!.


Twinkle* :o

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Thanks Steve and Twinkle. Yes Twinkle it does make sense. I can see that it would save a lot of paper as we don't use the Booklet but an adapted 13 page format that I got from this wonderful forum. (thats 13 pages per child!)

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we use the eprofile, I think we have to in our LEA, but I dont complete it personally. It seems much easier to complete but I'll ask the teachers doing it who are members here to look in and give their opinions.

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We use the eprofile and send the data off to our LEA who process it. I used it to write my reports this year too. (needed to do quite a bit of personalisation of statements though) Does great charts so that you can see pupils progress of ELG. On the whole, I quite like it. Dont use the booklets though!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have used the e-profile for the past 2 years and it just makes the whole collation and reviewing process so simple.


Though this years version hasn't worked so well and it won't let me back up my work (rendering it pointless)... not sure if anyoe else has had this problem with the newest version?



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can you use the eprofile at home say on your laptop then go back to school and transfer data to the network?. My reception teacher wants to use it but prefers to work at home.

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For most of the year we use paper tracking sheets to keep abreast of our assessments – a clipboard with 7 sheets of paper, one for each area, with SS and ELG across the top and chldren’s names in the left-hand column. Our general rule of thumb is that we need to observe something three times before we can be sure the child has achieved that SS or ELG. (The eprofile doesn’t allow for this – you have to fill in that the child has got it completely or leave it blank.) We photocopy the tracking sheets every half term so that we can see progress and also in case we lose them. We can see from how the tracking sheets are filling up the areas which we have neglected – either in provision or assessment – and can plan to cover them.


Later in the summer term we will transfer this data to the eprofile. Advantage of this is that the software generates annual reports for parents and produces a range of graphs which can aid evaluation of the year’s work.


We feel we need to use paper for most of the year, not least because we would find using a laptop for observations somewhat unwieldy. We know this isn’t ideal and we, too, would like to know more about how others cope with the electronic system.


Last year we used memory sticks to transfer data beween home and school, which can get confusing. Our technician has advised that we do it all on our laptops this year and take the laptops to and fro. Another downside!

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I introduced the e-profile this September to my setting and have to say, I'm really impressed with it. I filled it in on entry as a baseline measurement for the rest of the year. I won't touch it again until the last week or two of each half term - it's an assessment tool that I chose to use then rather than all the time or I wouldn't get anything else done!


I printed off the graphs and it showed a very manageable image of areas of strength and weakness for each child, as well as a cohort. Pictures make things easier at times! Anyway, it has made me focus my inputs on what is required rather than what I think is required. Yes this is someting we are aware of anyway by knowing our children - but it gives us the dreaded evidence we need to show anyone else who wants to test our knowledge!


I use laptop at home, but also transfer the data by memory stick onto the school system so head can access if he so wishes - but at minute he's just interested in the graphs we print off. It's relatively easy, as all you need to do is copy the backup of the data you saved, then introduce it to the new computer as new profile data - or data from another profile - can't remember how it is worded.


I'm looking forward to the value added being displayed more appropriately - as value added has always been done using the PIPS assessment and I feel that sometimes it is a little contrived - as it doesn't relate to anything other than literacy and numeracy - and that isn't all we do in reception.


Hope that gives a positive slant on the argument for using the profiles for you!



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My LEA is offering courses to support you in using the eprofile so it might be useful to check your LEA CPD folder to see if they are offering the same support.

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  • 2 months later...


We find the e-profile a great help as it produces fantastic graphs which at a glance can tell you areas which need attention for the class as a whole but also for indivual children. We input data half termly and print the graphs which help us to plan the next steps in children's learning.



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Have just started to use e-profile this term- at the moment back dating madly! ( does anyone else ever have to do that or should i just learn to be more organised?! So far they look to be a good thing.How useful are they to share with parents?

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