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Half Term Topic On Trees

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Anyone got any bright ideas for a topic on trees. It'll be the first time I do this topic. The school I work at has a two year rolling long term plan for the foundation stage so this topic has been covered before but I was wondering if there was anyone with any ideas that could inspire me to do some different things. Think it'll take the general form of moving from trees in autumn to Christmas trees to fit in with that time of year.


(BTW will be doing my first nativity this year :o wish me luck!)


You could use the story of THe Little Fir tree for your nativity


Hi lollipop

Not many ideas I'm afraid - After the storm is a nice story that you could follow up with planting acorns with the children. The magic faraway tree might be inspirational? And Goodnight Owl features animals living in a tree.

Lots of art - bark rubbings, leaf prints, leaf impressions, drying leaves etc

Making Christmas trees for display using tissue paper hands or hand prints.

Looking at different types of wood, including balsa wood. Looking at growth rings, fruits (including conkers, oine cones, nuts etc),


I got some pictures of sillottes( ekkk my spelling is a bit dodgy) of trees. The children made shapes with their bodies like trees...blowing in wind etc. The children made own sillotte pictures of trees using paint for christmas cards and then adding glitter which were pretty. I have a whole topic on trees at school from one of the educational magazines...which i could prob post next week? Not upto scanning yet!


Thanks everyone for the help so far, still not motivated myself to do any planning yet - whoops, will concentrate on it this weekend.


Purplecat - would be great if you could pass on that planning on trees, your idea sounds really good.


Thanks again :D


Animals that live in trees - (birds + nests, owl babies, monkeys, squirrels). Could you do a bit about rainforests and explain why trees are so important? There is certainly plenty about on this! Looking at things made from wood - even do a bit of woodwork yourself, if you have some willing people to give you a hand. Good luck. :)


Email me your add and i'll photocopy stuff and send it on. There's some good stuff from what i can remember.


Thanks everyone for your help. i've found the topic box in the back of the cupboard and think I might have found a copy of the magazine you were talking about purplecat - an old copy of nursery education, thanks for the hint.


Started After the storm with them today am children loved it but have some very challenging children in the pm session who are still struggling with sitting, talking and using the toilet so whilst some of them liked looking at the lovely pictures to be honest any hopes of sticking to a 'topic' seem to be fading away. Ah well I'll keep plugging away hopefully some of them will pick something up from my efforts to teach!

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