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Surviving an Inadequate Inspection

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Reading your first comment made me feel so upset, as it could have been written by me and our setting 6 months ago. I could talk for hours on the unfairness of our judgement, but you need to know that you CAN get through it. Listen to what your parents say in support - keep them completely in the loop so they feel they are doing something - focus on your action plan, work with your LA, hold your head up high and keep going. That's what we did - we got a massively supportive interim report (they do come unannounced but in my experience it was a much gentler and supportive experience than the inspection) 3 months later, then we've just had our full inspection 6 months after the first devastating one. I'm not allowed to say here what we got as it hasn't been published but i am VERY happy! The whole experience on the second inspection was different, and I was much more confident as I knew I couldn't leave the ofsted inspector to draw conclusions - I had to show her her great we are, as the first one missed loads of stuff we do as she didn't ask the 'right' questions. The inspector on the second was completely different too - she really knew her stuff (and madde absolutely sure I did too!)but was pleasant and encouraging. The main thing you have to focus on is that you care so much about this you are DEFINITELY in the right job! I really hope you can keep yourself going and that you have the full support of parents, your team and also friends and family. The real sliver lining for us is the number of parents who came out really fighting our corner - many letters of complaint were sent and they were so completely supportive. It's a really tough time but you can and will get through it. We did. Sending hugs

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I haven't been on for a while due to an 'Inadequate' inspection - I have been so busy trying to deal with everything FSF has been put on the back burner. I feel your pain, I was completely unprofessional and just balled my eyes out when the inspector gave the judgement. I wanted to leave the setting, felt I had failed everyone but after a few days turned my thoughts around and decided that I was going to prove the Inspector wrong and fight it.

We were judged inadequate because there was an empty water butt in the garden with no lid on - the water butt was not connected to any downpipes etc and was stood on top of 2 car tyres so there was no way a child could have climbed in but the inspector deemed that we had failed to carry out a correct risk assessment and gave us inadequate, they also pulled us up on 2 yr assessments - we used a form given to us on a course but had failed to set out the 3 prime areas - cannot deny either judgement but felt we had been inspected 12 months earlier and neither of these items were an issue. (moan over)

Staff took it really badly but I was totally honest with parents and we have been overwhelmed with support from parents - totally disagreeing with the inspector and reminding us that they would not leave their children with us if they felt we did not offer exceptional care. This helped us all.

Our inspection was 4th March - report received 14th April - I put in an appeal over some of the wording and it took Prospect 4 weeks to respond - I have now made a formal complaint to Ofsted - who I have been told today have passed it to Prospect to investigate?

It is not only the judgement that is demoralising - I am working stupid hours to make sure everything is double and triple checked for the next visit but am also having to submit an 'appeal' to the County Council to keep the funding. While I fully understand settings that are not providing good care should not get funding it seems harsh to withdraw funding on a judgement based on something that was rectified immediately - I have been ready to throw in the towel with that as well and let county find places for the 40 children we care for but a day in the setting reminds me why we all do it - it only takes one smile, or lovely innocent comment from a young child to make your day.

Caffinefreak - chin up - keep fighting and don't let them beat you - if I have a monitoring visit soon I will let you know what it involves - again I am not sure what to expect but I know that the points raised have been rectified so I hope it shouldn't be too arduous.

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HiI'm looking for some advice about how monitoring visits are conducted? After a heart-breaking inadequate inspection result (haven't got the report yet as inspection was 2 weeks ago) we have put in place a development plan with what we think we need to address, we will jig this around when we get the report.We've set up a task force with the LA and looked started booking visits and training, however, I have no idea what to expect from the monitoring visit. We've been told it will be within 3 months, I presume its unannounced but I don't know for sure?I sincerely hope for all your sakes that none of you have ever had to go through this but if anyone has can you please let me know things like the time scale between the inspection and getting the report, the inspection and the monitoring and the monitoring and the re-inspection (Ofsted website says 6 months but is that statutory or a guideline?)Also, again I hope not but if any of you have been through this, any tips on how to get through the whole thing on a personal level would be appreciated too as at the moment, it genuinely feels like my world has fallen in, I don't mean that to sound dramatic, its just that my nursery means everything to me, to have it pulled apart for things like not being teacher led and 'failing' SEN children (even after explaining how long we have been trying to get parental consent which has so far been met with an absolute NO - with a signed letter to prove it) I just don't think I will ever regain any professional confidence and I'm heartbroken :(Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom on any of this xx

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this, it is all of ours worst nightmare.


Am sending you a big hug and positive thoughts.


Good luck xx

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