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parent complaint

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Hi guys, just had a text from member of staff, she's had a text from a grandparent, her daughter wants to make a formal complaint about a child who scratched her Childs face today. Any thoughts would be appriciated, i can't remember the last time we had a complaint but don't think there's ever been one against a child. Our Senco has said there is no concern about him although I'm not sure that's right, but that's another story.

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It seems a bit strange the way it's come to your attention? I presume the complaint will probably relate to supervision then as they can't just complain about a child, it's the child's behaviour that is causing the issue. Once they have written their complaint or verbalised directly to whoever is in charge then it's just a case of looking into it following complaints procedure etc. If they are in tomorrow I would expect them to come straight in and say, you never know it may blow over? We have had someone come in before complaining about something very minor, when I asked 'do you wish to make a formal complaint' they said oh no no I was just mentioning it! I did document though but I think in the heat of the moment it got a bit blown out of proportion and when the question was asked they were adamant that in actual fact they weren't complaining at all.

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Why is your staff member getting texts from a Grandparent? Not really the right channel to do this maybe? Maybe you just need to be ready armed with your complaints procedure / policy when they come in. Sometimes people bluster in the heat of the moment, but are quite willing to discuss rationally afterwards.

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She's particularly complaining about the child! I think theres been a bit of gossip going on too, I have a suspicion where from and thats going to be addressed immediately.

Grandparent is a close friend of the staff member and was being friendly and informative more than anything else. The parent wasnt happy today, understandably but you know those children who always seem to be in the wars? Well this child is, tripping, falling, bumping into things, so I think this could have been just one accident form too many!

The child who did it is challenging! Our Senco doesnt think there is a concern but we're watching him and recording his behaviour anyway.

Thank you both :1b

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This is always my worry. I had mentioned in another topic about children's challenging behaviour and the possible outcome. My husband (lawyer) stands firm that if we have documented evidence of a child's repeatedly challenging behaviour, i.e. hurting other children, should something substantial happen and we were sued, the lawyer for the insurance company would argue we knew about the behaviour and continued to be inclusive of it. Children who harm others repeatedly need 1:1 support in my humble opinion, although this is sometimes hard to put in place. I have one boy who can't be left alone for a minute otherwise he is punching, spitting, sticking his foot out when others walk by, or pushing other children. We haven't secured 1:1 support yet so he pretty much takes up one member of staff's time the whole morning, leaving two other pretty much coping with the other 20 children!

I agree with the others that this will probably calm down. Parents don't like when their children are hurt and want comfort in knowing something is being done about it. In the heat of the moment they are upset and rightly so, are not happy, however, I am sure if you talk things through and reassure her the procedures you are putting in place, she won't put in a formal complaint. (Hopefully!) Saying that though, I recently had a parent outraged at the behaviour of my challenging child and spent many days reassuring her what I had put in place and gave daily updates, yet she still withdrew her child and told everyone including parents our setting wasn't safe and they should remove their children as they were in danger. Thankfully, no one else has left!

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Hi Rea, i think i would be trying to be pro-active on this one...does the Mum know that you know yet?

If so i would try to take her to one side and say you were very concerned to hear that she was not happy ....let her talk it through and she may not officially complain. If she still wants to go that way just make sure you follow your complaints procedure

Edited by finleysmaid
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Deputy went to meet at her house this morning, she couldn't get to us. She seemed more concerned this was not the first tine the child had grabbed someones face so deputy had to explain these were very seperate incidences. The first was part of a joint game he was too physical in. Mom is happy to let us monitor, shadow and super praise and Senco has at least seen there is a concern. Thanks for all your input, I felt a bit too out of the loop to think right on this :)

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It sounds as if you have all been able to reassure Mum about this, and to put some support in place for the child. Good luck as you re-build your relationship with this Mum and manage the other child.

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