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Parents putting photos on face book

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What would you do???

At our recent sports day I asked all parents present if they gave permission to allow photos/videos to be taken and all agreed. I did ask that any taken were for personal use only and if posting on social media to just put photos of their own child. I've just been on my Facebook and a parent has tagged me in a video of her daughter running but clearly shows all the other children and staff in the back ground ! What would you do ?? Ask her to take it down as it clearly shows everyone else or has she every right as it is her daughter running the race ??

Does anyone have a blanket " no photos/videos on social media policy" ?? Ours at the moment just states for personal use.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts !!

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I have thought about this often and my feeling is that you cannot legislate for it. If people are going to turn up to a public event then they must take the risk of being photographed (and it is a public event even if only Nursery there) If they really dont want their photo taken then they have the choice of not coming (and believe me i have one who does that!!!!!) We are photographed on cctv walking down the street something like 200 times a day...no one has any privacy now!

Somehow we need to find a way to work with social media...it's not going to go away. I look forward to other answers !

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Surely it would be pretty difficult to take photos at sports day featuring just one child? As a parent I would expect that there are probably hundreds of photos of my children, plus video footage, taken by other parents. All of my children have featured in local newspapers in connection with school. I don't see that there is any 'risk' associated with that and having their photos shared on social networking sites is certainly no different in my mind.


Maybe untag yourself if it worries you? Also just check the privacy setting to make sure it's only set to friends rather than public.

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We have a couple of adopted children in preschool who must not be photographed in the background of any picture going into another Tapestry. It makes it hard, but it's do- able. Similarly we always have to remind parents not to upload pictures to social media unless they have checked with all the parents first

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Thanks for all your thoughts... It is ashame that we can't just go with the flow any more isn't it ! I did say they should ask permission of other parents if needs be but clearly this parent won't have done. I know it's difficult to take a photo with just one child in but a video is clearly going to show more. If you have a policy with the inclusion of a "nothing on social media" can we really police that ??? So difficult !!

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If the sports day was in a public place.......a field etc, then there is nothing you can do to prevent anyone ( even total strangers) taking photos. Why not put out a letter saying you were disappointed to see photos of the event on FB and hope that in future, parents will abide by your request not to do it??

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Guest lillybeth

Not sure if this would help, but if you have asked them not to post on Facebook that is all you can do, however I personally would not be friends with parents at nursery on Facebook. if you untag yourself (not sure of correct phrase), then you will not be involved in the photos and then it is the parents responsibility.

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