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As you can see by my new update in the recruitment post... Anything can happen in regards to OFSTED and what comes out of an inspection... which impacts on so many things.


The inspection for us happened on a day where staff were as badly organised as I have ever seen them... even though they knew ofsted could be at the door and even while they were observed they still had no idea what they were supposed to do. Regardless of 1:1s, improvement plans and everything and these are my highest qualified staff (L5) in the setting. Great!

These days you can't rely on anything in regards to qualifications and standards. And now I need to hire an EYP at some point as well... how do I know that that person is worth a penny in regards to our setting.

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This is such a sad thread to read and I sympathise with everyone who has posted - I feel the same and am seriously thinking of leaving the profession now too, I just can't take much more. We are due an Ofsted and everything hinges on that, so I'm trying to keep on top of everything and be in ratio but it's impossible!

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Guest Nuby

This is really hard to read and so sad that we are feeling this way...... and to think we are planning to open one....

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This is really hard to read and so sad that we are feeling this way...... and to think we are planning to open one....

It may well be Nuby that we have been in this job sooooo long our to do lists are getting out of hand with stuff! Don't let it put you off planning to open one, just have your eyes wide open as to how at times during the year you may wonder why!

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Every week my husband and I discuss closing my nursery and out of school club. Is it really worth the stress and impact on my family life. We were graded good in December but still feel on a knife edge all the time. I have just been off for 3 months following an operation and loved my time at home (despite the massive pressure I felt worrying about what was happening in my absence). We are awaiting the results of some medical tests next week and to be honest I am half hoping it will give me a reason to say I have had enough and my health comes first so we will close before the start of next term.

I had tried to employ a manager to take some of the pressure off me but the quality of the candidates was too poor. My other option is to employ an EYP which may help a little-if I can get a decent one. As owner manager I often feel very alone (this forum helps enormously though) with staff having little knowledge of the changing agenda of childcare and having to be spoon fed new information as regards changes to the EYFS etc.

We have agreed to put the business up for sale over the next couple of weeks but in honesty I could be waiting for a long time to sell in the current climate.

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I went to into the bedroom to get away from grumpy family to watch a movie, but first had a peek here. My daughter just told me that I should stop my job because of the pressure - it's been a day of report writing, or report writing avoidance... You may guess who is the cause of the moodiness here! Anyway, my reaction to her suggestion was not one of relief and possibility, but of sadness. I love to be with children in nature (which is where our setting primarily is) and I'm so happy with what I have created over many years of dedicated work. I don't want to give up what I find so meaningful and inspiring. It is true though that I work and worry too much...

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I have had another full day at nursery today (alone despite employing 22 staff and having an owner) and I'll be there again tomorrow decorating and doing paperwork. I need surgery to remove some large ovarian cysts but I have given up my place on the waiting list as it was due to be Aug/Sep but now that's when re inspection is due. On days like today I feel utterly alone, and then I see the staff posting lovely family pics on facebook whilst I am single handedly fighting to save their jobs and really wondering why I bother.

The saddest things of all is that I walk into the rooms now and I dont see smiley little faces, I see poor staff interaction and clutter, work has taken over everything, I have no life other that work at the moment and no one else cares, its devastaing

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:( what can I say....I truly do empathise. Staff and committee just pile on more expectations and just don't pull their weight....do they think it all magically happens??! And who do they blame for any shortfalls - not the staff who didn't do anything to help oh no never....

No - seriously. Don't do it...down tools and take tomorrow off..!


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I think I can cope with the pressure and hard word because I feel I have some power. I'm the manager and owner, and have created the setting to be as I want it to be. Even if we spend equally many hours on the job, it's the feeling about it that makes the difference. It's because I feel that I have the power to change things that I cope. If you have an owner or committee you must speak to them. I assume that it's their responsibility that your work situation is manageable. In any case, they are dependent on you. And your work is dependent on your well-being.

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Caffinefreak..............before anything else, above inspections, smiley faces or lazy staff, YOUR health comes first. Get yourself back on the list for surgery......do it first thing tomorrow.............there truly is nothing more important. If you have the O people in and don't get the grade you hope for, at least you'll be fit and well enough to cope with that and well enough to kick some tail ends into action. But if you feel low in yourself, everything else will seem worse than it perhaps is? Please, make that call, tomorrow. xxx

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I have had another full day at nursery today (alone despite employing 22 staff and having an owner) and I'll be there again tomorrow decorating and doing paperwork. I need surgery to remove some large ovarian cysts but I have given up my place on the waiting list as it was due to be Aug/Sep but now that's when re inspection is due. On days like today I feel utterly alone, and then I see the staff posting lovely family pics on facebook whilst I am single handedly fighting to save their jobs and really wondering why I bother.

The saddest things of all is that I walk into the rooms now and I dont see smiley little faces, I see poor staff interaction and clutter, work has taken over everything, I have no life other that work at the moment and no one else cares, its devastaing

Dear caffienefreak - as others have said - you really must give consideration to your health needs above all else........yes I know that's easier said than done but please try......

I don't remember what your 'set up' is - is there really no way that you can delegate - staff must come on board as you say you are safeguarding their jobs.....

A huge hug is heading your way

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Guest sn0wdr0p

Caffienefreak have the op. Your health is so much more important than an Ofsted inspection. You will feel so much better after it. I had a hysterectomy in February and had a number of fibroids removed one of which was the size of a melon. I felt sooooo much better after it. Unfortunately another problem has now cropped up and I have gone rather downhill but for a few months I felt wonderful and so much more able to cope with my setting. Due to very severe anaemia I had been exhausted, memory loss and confusion and soon after the op was like a new woman. Down in the dumps at the moment as can be seen from last nights post.

Nuby please don't be too put off by our posts. I have other reasons for considering closing. Early years is a wonderful rewarding career and I will cherish wonderful memories (hopefully I will remember them) of owning my setting. I have been a large part of my local community and provided quality affordable childcare for hundreds of children and cannot go for a walk in town without being spoken to or smiled at or cuddled by a child or parent I know.

Meddling government has a lot to answer for and hopefully a change will put us all back on track again. I must admit I took a part in putting this lot in and will vote differently for the first time in over 30 years next time.

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Meddling government has a lot to answer for and hopefully a change will put us all back on track again. I must admit I took a part in putting this lot in and will vote differently for the first time in over 30 years next time.

Sn0wdr0p you are 100% right in all you say, the great parts of this job, will always be the great parts and nobody can take that away from us or the feeling you get from it.


As for the Meddling government, I fear that it doesn't matter who is in government, the outcomes will be the same. They just can't help themselves from meddling, having largely ignored early years for years now we are under the spotlight and I don't see that going away anytime soon. We may write to our MP's and complain about what is happening, they may "support" our views or say they do, but at the end of the day after all the support from our MP funding wise things just got worse!!


Governments will always want to promise more than they can deliver, because there is only so much money to go around and rarely is there any "fresh" money, it appears to be robbing Peter to pay Paul all the time.

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I'm nearly crying, this is so sad to read, I genuinely didn't think there would be this response. I thought it would let me know I wasn't alone.

Caffeinefreak - you must have the op - speak to your owner, tell her how you are feeling - if she/he doesn;t understand then they don't deserve you! I'm manager/owner and no one else in the setting shouldn't feel the same pressure that I do (does that make sense).

Take care everyone, the little ones need us to be at our best - even if ofsted and the govt still don't think we're good enough xx

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Guest lillybeth

Caffeinefreak I feel so bad for you, you are in an impossible situation. However the owner of the nursery has a responsibility not only to the children but also to the staff and that includes you. It is really important that you talk to the owner about your health and also about how overwhelmed you are feeling. I really hope you feel better soon and that you can get your medical problems sorted xxx

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this really is so sad and I jolly well hope that the Mrs 'O's' and Mr government people are reading this and hanging their heads n shame!!!!

I cannot imagine another 'business' sector (so Nursing etc aside) that has this amount of passionate people getting the stuffing punched out of them.

Please please any of you (or your family) with health related conditions put yourselves first - settings, Ofsted and the like will still be around to be sorted - you on the other hand may not, or be well enough to enjoy a quality life.

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Wow. I too am starting up in September and am beginning to wonder what I am letting myself in for! It's so frustrating if that early years work is undervalued, underestimated and underfunded. As the starting point of education we must surely be the most important!

I must echo the concerns of everyone by stating health must come first. Sadly Caffeinefreak you'll probably find that the dedication and consideration you are giving to others will not be given to you if your health fades.

I wish a better day for everyone tomorrow - you're all doing a bloody great job.

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caffeinefreak you do need to get yourself back on that list for operation. I know you feel like there is too much to do but just think if you don't take care of yourself then you wont be there to do anything! Then what will that mean for you, your family and all the other people that love you. If you weren't there someone else would have to do things and shoulder some of the burden. I have read this post and could echo it all!!!! however I do feel because we are all so used to 'getting on with things' and 'digging deep' that we forget no one is indispensable, sometimes we can let go and things wont fall apart, sometimes we have to let go in order that someone else can step up.

I was just saying to someone else who is a manger of a setting that I thought I had nearly reached the end of the road and she felt the same. I think it is both sad and telling that we have all reached this place, although I also agree that maybe it is because we have been 'just getting on with it' and facing more change than any other part of education for too long, too long doing things for good will and not much else. However I do believe that sometimes things have to really break in order that they can be properly fixed. Maybe early years is just breaking so it can come back stronger than before.

All I do know is that I don't like where education is going and I don't want to be a part of something I don't believe in. Although that does argue the case for where does that leave our little ones? who will stand for them? have we got anymore left in us?

As for the staff I could kiss mine sometimes when they come out on top and brain them the next minute lol maybe thats just being a manager.

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