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Information about the new SEN and Disability Code of Practice

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"Frustrated"finleysmaid :1b I completely agree that the system is unfair. As an Area SENCO, I worked with some wonderful settings who bent over backwards to successfully include children, funding extra support themselves (while I desperately tried to get them funding through our meagre inclusion grant) and receiving no recognition form other "professionals" about the great job they were doing. The child then started school and staff there often said they couldn't possibly include the child without support and reduced their hours which is an illegal exclusion!


On page 79 of the new code there's a paragraph about funding for SEN Support in the Early Years:

Local Authorities must ensure that all providers delivering funded early education places meet the needs of children with SEN and disabled children. In order to do this local authorities should make sure funding arrangements for early education reflect the need to provide suitable support for these children.


I was pleased with the "must" in the first sentence and disappointed by the "should" in the next but on page 1 of the new code it says:

In this Code of Practice, where the text uses the word "must" it refers to a statutory requirement under primary legislation, regulations or case law. ..... where the text uses the word "should" it means that the guidance contained in this Code must be considered and that those who must have regard to it will be expected to explain any departure from it.

To me, this means that be funding should be available but I know this probably isn't the case.


Have you seen the recent Parliamentary Inquiry into childcare for disabled children which was published last week? (I've attached a copy) It was extremely critical of local authorities for not providing funding for additional support in mainstream childcare. 41% of parents/carers who responded said their child did not access the full 15 hours of the free entitlement because the necessary support wasn't available. One of the recommendations was for the Government to "write to local authorities to make it clear that all eligable disabled children aged 2, 3 and 4 are entitled to access their full 15 hours of free early education and clarify the arrangements for redress for parents. " It might be worth us all writing to our MPs to ask if these recommendations are going to be actioned.

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