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Flying Carpet


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I want children to do some imaginative story writing about a magic carpet. Has anyone got any good ideas. I cannot think of a story about a magic carpet.

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When we did this activity with our children (pre-school) I couldn't find a story to read, other than Aladdin. We role played going on a magic carpet ride and talked about all the things we could see. We then gave the children a piece of paper with a border, which made it look like a carpet, and they drew a picture of where they would like to go if they went on such a ride.


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I haven't done the following activity but someone suggested it on a course - you set up hall with mats. Children then sit on them as individuals or in small groups. You have a mat too and talk/act out a story about going on the magic carpet. As you 'fly along' you point out the things you can see - may be some nursery rhyme characters, a character from a story, or scenery that's familiar to the children then you land the mats. Then ask if they saw anything you missed and see what suggestions come up. If it works may be do it again and as children become familiar with activity they could put up their hands to point out to the others what they can see.


Another idea might be to collect objects in a shoe box along with a small piece of fabric to act as magic carpet for a small toy - like a playmobile. Maybe it would work as a small world roll play type activity especially if they have had a go at the first suggestion.



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We use our 'magic carpet' in circle time in a similar way to Angela - to start with we prompt the children a lot . We make up our magic words first for getting the carpet to go up and down - can be bumpy ride though!

When they get the idea we go all over the place! - farm, zoo, seaside, macdonalds, fair, jungle the possibilities are limitless!

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I went on a course which had a whole section about flying carpets - from that I used the segment of the Aladdin video about flying carpets as an introduction


we had magic carpet rental, i pestered a local carpet shop for some samples, these became the flying carpets, number them and make a rental book for them, have some travel brochures for suggestions of things to fly past, we also used a book which has some great aerial photographs from around the world (its at school but I'll try and get the title for you), some different fabrics for roleplay...


Another idea was to have a 'flying carpet' that went home for the night, to encourage more imaginative thinking and involve the parents...


hope that is helpful...

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