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Work Experience


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I have just been contacted by an agency "Education Business Partnership" who organise work experience placements for teenagers. They now organise this instead of the schools direct.


I have had people aged 16 yrs from them before for a weeks work experience.


They have asked me to have a person aged 14 yrs for one day a week starting this month and staying until july next year.

My query is because I have never had a person this young for this length of time, has anyone else experience of this age student?

I've checked with my insurance they are ok (public liability)

Any tips or things I should consider?



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Thanks for the responses,


I think work experience placements are very valid, I just have an uneasy feeling about this. One because of the age ( trying really hard not to be ageist) and two because the placement is not now done directly with the school. When I said to the lady on the phone, oh yes I've had work experience placements before for two week blocks she said of the pupil, she's not attending classes on fridays so the request is for one day a week long term, she couldn't tell me why she doesn't attend classes on Fridays :o

I think I will contact the agency again to allay my queries and contact the school for further info on this particular pupil.


Anyone out there with secondary school experience and guidance on school policy of the why's, when's and where's, for pupil placements?




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Not sure if its the same, but we have a girl from the local secondary school (14 years old) who attends college one day a week and is with us one morning a week, we are only open in the morning on the day she attends. It is to help the "less academic" to gain a qualification. They do less GCSE's than the other children and this is a sort of NVQ. Sorry cant remember the correct title.


This one is the third I have had and lets say the other two were less than useless. This one is making up for the other two now she has got used to us. If you want any other info just pm me and I will try and help. Do you have a student policy/pack?



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I'm pretty sure we had placements of this nature within the last school I worked at and also that my cousin's daughter undertook such a placement and she had not been excluded from school!

The younger students did need a lot of guidance and support, especially at the beginning but they always undertook whatever they were asked willingly.

Good luck.

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Not had experience with someione so young but have had long term placements of older students of up to 18 months.


when we have them via education partnerships like this we always go to them and ask for help and advice. when we have 15 yr olds for 2 week placements have been advised that they are still classed as children and need supervising as such always working with a mentor.


before we started with the local partnership they came to visit us, did additional H&S checks and we had to sign a agreement with them to cover what was expected of us and them.


since then we have been sent many school students for short placements, but always have a number to contact for help and advice if we need it.


Our main problem is when they do not turn up.

I would ensure that the student knows who is the mentor, telephone numbers of who to contact and ensure they know they must call if they are ill or not attending,(so they cannot claim you did not tell them they had to call, or did not give them the number or....)

in the same way ensure you know who to call if they do not attend without calling you.....(we had one student who thought it would be a good 2 weeks off until they discovered we had called the appropriate number to say they were not attending etc....)



i am sure you have all other main student needs in place, procedures, dress code, confidentiality etc etc.


Hope it all works out, some students are a joy, (I did say some)



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Thanks for responses,

I contacted the school today and talked to the work experience co-ordinator, she described the set up much like Gizzy has explained.

I feel much more assured now ( and so does the teacher from the school).


I think the main problem was / is lack of communication between the agency who co-ordinates the placements, the school teacher and the employer. The teacher said that she felt a "loss of control" and "little informed" by the placement agency and was really pleased to speak with me. The teacher will visit once the pupil has settled but she has little control / input as to where the pupil is placed.


Gizzy, I do have a student placement pack and induction procedure but I do think i will have to adapt it because this pupil will be with me for just one day a week for nearly 6 months, whereas other placements have just been for one or two full weeks. I would appreciate a copy of yours to adapt, if you don't mind sharing, ( she is due to start next week so little time to adapt my own) thanks.

I'll PM you with my email address.




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we have been approached by the school for exactly the same thing today and were told that the agency would be contacting us.




It does seem, on the surface a good idea to help young people get an insight to what the working world is really like. I shall be watching closely to ensure that the "work experience" is beneficial to the pupil and I shall also review at what cost / benefit it is to the children, staff and preschool.


It will be interesting to hear other peoples experiences both negative and positive, of having such young members of our communities in our preschool settings.



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