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Angry member of staff is making allegations


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Great. So thought I would share this information with everyone maybe it will help someone in future and to get an idea of what might happen.

A member of staff has decided to resign with immediate effect and has now called LADO on our case. All issues have been investigated and policies followed. She has done this to another setting in the past and tried to get them in trouble.

We have informed OFSTED naturally.

BUT what will happen next?


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Twisted versions of real events designed to get a member of staff into trouble.

The member of staff that left us has been bullying the same member of staff (who is an outstanding practitioner) for months and now tries to twist the truth and report her.

It's like "oh a parent reported bruises on their child and nothing was done about it" Even though we did a full investigation and the parent confirmed that she doesn't know whether it happened at home etc.

Lots of little things like that.. all blaming the same person she had it in for all along. I have kept records along the way and have witness statements from everyone but still it's hard. The girls are very upset.

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We have confirmation from the council that our member of staff has been bullying and reporting her children's previous childminder to OFSTED and has been aggressive (and still is). She lied on her application form about previous employment etc. and I know from a third party she threatened someone there. I received anonymous phone calls about her etc. many things have happened.

So therefore I had to confront the member of staff and she started crying and making all sorts of allegations against the childminder. Saying she will call the police on us etc. But none of what she says is true as the council confirms. And now she is trying to make trouble with us as the allegations against her have come out as true.

There are more things going on as well in regards to that person that I can't go into detail about but it is bothering me that she is now trying to get us into disrepute.

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Crumbs, it amazes me that there are really people out there that will cause so much misery and damage to other persons.

I would be contacting ACAS, PSLA if members, NDNA or your LA for advice and support.

It may well result in you having to contact the police yourselves for harassment from them.

It beggars belief that the alleged persons are working with children at all.

Keep your chin up and stay strong.


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Guest sn0wdr0p

Oh I feel for you so much. We had a staff member leave just before christmas and as in your case she twisted things and made an allegation against us to Ofsted. Fortunately Ofsted had been a month before and was more than happy with what they found so just contacted us for an explanation. I think they realised how upset (and angry) I was and that the complaint was malicious. I am a little shaken at the moment as i found out last week that she is not happy that Ofsted never came and I am worried she may try and cook something else up. I hope Ofsted realise that it was last October when she left and that again it is malicious. I am going on holiday next week and I am rather worried myself but my deputy has been well prepped in anticipation.

Ours was a qualified social worker and had absolutely no common sense who looked down on me and thought she was right all the time. For example: We had a child who cried when dad turned up to collect him (he was having a whale of a time and loads of fun). She said that should have been reason for a referral and that I was wrong for not making one. For goodness sake if we did that every time a child cried and did not want to leave we would be on the phone an awful lot. She criticised all my risk assessments and said they were not detailed enough - Ofsted and my EYA have seen my risk assessments and I have a health and safety qualification and used to speak at conferences for the Health and Safety Executive and I am pretty confident that they are fine but these are things that she could twist and complain about. She now works in an office with my EYA and I worry how much she is tainting our reputation with them (no reference was requested from me-we have 3 pages of complaints against her!)


I am sure that in your case Ofsted should be on to their game and realise what your ex staff member is playing at. Log everything- we have gone through everything she ever said with a fine tooth comb - just in case.

Keep your chin up. We are all here for you.

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Disgusting that the LA did not send a reference request... can you imagine the grief it it was found that we hadn't sought references??? Instant Inadequate for failing to ensure staff are suitable!! one rule for them and another for us... they must be in cahoots with Ofsted!!!

Maybe they were not put down on the application form...as far as I know you can't approach random ex-employers for references...

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Crumbs, it amazes me that there are really people out there that will cause so much misery and damage to other persons.

I would be contacting ACAS, PSLA if members, NDNA or your LA for advice and support.

It may well result in you having to contact the police yourselves for harassment from them.

It beggars belief that the alleged persons are working with children at all.

Keep your chin up and stay strong.


All of the above + I would seriously be considering consulting my solicitor........

Sending my very best wishes x

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Well today we received all previous allegations in writing from the LA and got a call from OFSTED saying that they expect the outcome of our investigation by the end of today and if they are happy with us having done everything by the book they will let us investigate internally and ignore the allegations made.

It was also the case in our case that the person did not put a previous employer on her CV or application form and she will probably do the same again to the next place - and get away with it. Something must be done to stop these kind of people before at some point someone seriously suffers..

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