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Manager having operation - worried


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Hi everyone

I'm manager of a preschool and am having to have an operation in November and I'm worried about being off for 10 weeks.

We are due Ofsted and I would like to be there for the inspection and my deputy is nervous about taking on the responsibility. If I contact Ofsted and explain my situation, would they take this into account or not?

She also doesn't want to work a full week and so I'm therefore wondering whether I should put another member of staff into an Acting Manager role instead.

Anyone else had experience of this situation, having to be off work a long time or worked in a setting where the Manager was off?

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Yes, last inspection (2009), I phoned to explain i would be having bits of time out for chemotherapy etc, so could they give me some time frame for our inspection as I wished to be there. They said no, to exact dates, but told me it was likely to be the following term. needless to say, no notice............and it was two terms later. I would call them, see if things have changed.

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I am sure that its the same as Narnia said. Also if you are the registered person you may want to consider not being for the time that you are off.

Also there definitely needs to be someone in charge when you or the deputy are not there. I always say to my staff 'there needs to be someone accountable if something goes wrong' I know this sounds bad but there needs to be someone that makes sure the gate if locked etc etc.

Best wishes for your operation.

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I had three operations last year and was off work between 4 and 6 weeks each time. I didn't inform Ofsted but in hindsite perhaps I should of done. I was always at the end of the phone when needed, we had Ofsted in 2009 so were well overdue. The EYFS 2014 states "The provider must ensure there is a named deputy who, in their judgement, is capable and qualified to take charge in the manager’s absence." I would not employ anyone who I did not feel was competent in takin,g charge in my absence, however I know it can be daunting for a deputy when Ofsted call. I also have a second member of staff who steps up to deputy when required.

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I too have been off for 8 weeks plus .. we did not inform Ofsted but I had two staff members who took over the role together one as a Temporary manager and other as the deputy for her... they worked together to ensure all was covered and as others have said i was always at end of a phone for advice .

I felt it a good idea to have a staff set up of a manager plus deputy while I was away so there was always back up and cover.. that said all the staff were level 3 and all able to take over at any time if needed..

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We are due re-inspection following and inadequate in May, I need surgery but wont have it done until re-inspection, I called Ofsted to ask if they could confirm that we will definitely have been inspected before a certain date - (the date according to their own time frame, which should be the latest that we will be inspected), I told them my situation and said I will defer surgery until after that date but could they confirm that we will definitely have been reinspected by then, they said they could not confirm anything and were not prepared to advise me further - Helpful souls.

Absolutely 100% make sure someone has named responsibility for every day, not just for our 'lovely' regulators but for your staff and parents to know who to go if they need anything.

Good luck with your surgery xx

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Thanks for your helpful replies and sharing your experiences.

Think I will tell Ofsted but will not expect much help from them then :rolleyes:

My deputy is well qualified and very capable, just doesn't believe me when I tell her how good she is. Think I'll do much more confidence building and handover in the weeks left before November and hopefully she'll feel more prepared to step up.

All your well wishes are much appreciated, I wish it were all over

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Guest sn0wdr0p

I was off for three months from February this year following a hysterectomy and left my deputy in charge. Fortunately we were not due an inspection but she was told that the minute an inspector turned up to call me and I would come in(luckily you are only in hospital a couple of day after this op). We had a malicious complaint a few months earlier and were inspected last December and graded as good and the complainant had a go again (obviously not happy with my result)in January but luckily Ofsted just contacted me and told me to have the info ready for my next inspection but I was in fear that they would try yet again whilst I was off. I was pretty confident that my deputy could cope. Just make sure your Ofsted file is well organised with all your evidence together which will in turn create prompts for your deputy. Good luck and hope all goes well.

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Just make sure your Ofsted file is well organised

Hi Snowdrop, thanks for your reply. Slightly worried about this part of your comment as I'm not sure what goes into an Ofsted file? Mine just has any updates we receive from Ofsted, letters etc. Should it have more?

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