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From what I can think which isn't much first day back and all that ha ha ha ! I believe yes you can but there are other companies that offer it I think for a few hundred pounds if you want to test the water first but then again all of it todapends on which inspector you get from Ofsted ? plus Ofsted change the goal posts that much I could be talking from what I knew last spring which might not be same now x

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No, they are not yet available- and unlikely to be so before the election. However, the suggested fee of around £2500 for a nursery setting is not going to make them widely accessible I shouldn't think :o

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No, they are not yet available- and unlikely to be so before the election. However, the suggested fee of around £2500 for a nursery setting is not going to make them widely accessible I shouldn't think :o

:o:o:o If I had a spare £2500 to throw around (which i don't) I certainly wouldn't be throwing it in their direction :ph34r:

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Yes true snowdrop but we are still recruiting ! So she was understanding and is hoping to delay until end of month !

lashes - I can't work out whether I am envious that you (sort of) know they are coming soon or not :blink: but anyway GOOD LUCK - hope that you get the same inspector (she sounds very 'nice') and that all goes well for you! :1b

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I must say Sunnyday , I am glad she turned up and that I was there even though we were closed, as our last inspection was ' requires improvement ' because of staff recruiting issues, after having long talk with Ofsted in September , we have been actively trying to recruit , with no avail.

She was really nice , talked and told me what to expect and I also found out the last inspector who I was not confident with and was being regulated is no longer an inspector.


This lady was pleasant , informative and singing from the same hymn sheet although I was advised to get my SEF done ASAP !

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You can pay for an inspextion came into force last year but Ofsted havent sorted out the process or the charging policy and if it £2500 I dont thhink that woud be fair for a small setting like mine as we dont have that kind of money spare .

Good luck everyone : )

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