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Apologies to those who don't get a break but only 2 days to go and I have rarely been so ready for it. I'm often tired by this point but the last 5 weeks have been weirdly challenging. There have been issues with colleagues, lots of work, a lot of focus on my EY environment (not a bad thing in itself just difficult), this last week my children have been SO loud and fractious and frequently just mean to each other.

This morning I reached the point where I sent a note saying 'please can someone give me a hand for a couple of minutes - I'm either going to cry or get cross'. My lovely head came in and was just what I needed but of course now I feel a bit stupid/rubbish for being vulnerable and letting others see it.

This evening I've just finished my second parents evening and my last but one appointment had a mum (who I really like) say "Do you think, because I do, that he would have been better off going in to the other class?" I have a YR/1 class and he is one of the Y1s so could have gone into the Y1/2 class.

I am planning to try to forget some of the difficult stuff from school, relax, rest, do a bit more house stuff and with any luck lots of baking, reading and crafty stuff!

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Looking forward to seeing your half-term makes in the 'our own makes' thread - your crafting beats my slightly runny marmalade hands down!

We have another week before half-term and, as you say, this half, though short, has been exhausting. Asking for help is seen as a sign of strength at my school - it's not something anyone does lightly so help is swift to arrive when we do - sometimes every one needs an unscheduled break. At least we're coming out of the 'dark on the way to school and dark on the way home' days.

Hope you enjoy your week!

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One more week :1b I'm hoping to spend it sewing and gardening.

To be honest we have got a nice lot of children this year - one or two had a few rules/boundaries issues, but (touch wood) they have actually settled to be really quite interesting! - you know the sort.... challenging enough to keep you on your toes- but at the end of the day not really a problem at all. I actually enjoy these children, they make you think outside the box a bit more :D

Parents - again on the whole not to bad.

We have few owner issues- but hopefully these are on the up now too.

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Have to say I cannot wait but only due to feeling really poorly this week, I really struggled to get through today.

Oh, :( I send my sympathies and bunch of virtual flowers :1b

I know the feeling.... I had two days off last week which unheard of for me - I think I've only every had a total of 5 days of sick in far far to many to mention my whole working life :blink:

I'm still not 100% - so counting down the next week

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Get well wishes from me too, hope you recover quickly and get to have some holiday time too. My kids have mostly been all right - mostly just colleague issues for me that I'm glad to escape from! Ever have that feeling where you know you should rise above things, be the grown up, model being a good leader, professional etc etc etc but actually just want to throw something on the floor, stamp your feet and rant a bit?! I'm having to work so hard to be 'nice' at the moment and I'm really not good at it!

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Half-term for me now - yay! :D

Of course I do have a 'to do' list - when don't I - but it is not too dreadful - will waste spend one day on that and rest of the time will be continuing to fill the skip that is sitting on my drive and decorating + (I hope) time for reading and for visiting friends :1b

Happy half-term everyone :1b

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Sounds like a great plan to me. I managed to get my school to do list done by the end of Monday - three long days but it was worth it. I haven't touched school work since Monday evening so feel like I've had a proper break. No visiting friends unfortunately - they've either been away or live/work in one of the places that didn't have half-term this week (i.e. everywhere but here!) but I have read lots, browsed gift shops for birthday presents (haven't felt that organised in ages!), baked a bit and done some tidying and sorting at home.

This afternoon I have, I think, returned most of my books to their rightful places and... I've finally hung up the curtains for my living room which arrived a couple of weeks ago! You wouldn't believe how ridiculously scared I was about that. They had to be made as windows were an awkward shape and I was dreading that I'd have either given the wrong measurements or chosen the wrong colour or... there would be some kind of disaster! But, they look lovely and between that and the books on the shelves it is starting to look like a real room again. Going to try and get furniture ordered this weekend and then I'll be able to sit in there too!

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We finished yesterday. Although I will be popping back in today to do some bits as I am off on holiday on Monday with my daughter which is going to be fab to spend some quality time together , she has been such a support to me especially as my son has become estranged but that's another story.


Work has just seemed less stressful since the inspection and received the very short report by email yesterday so that left me smiling as did the comments by our parents. Had a run in with one the other day that left me feeling rather angry but I bt my lip as you do.


So here's to all of us who getting a break and some r & r .


Oops did I mention I was going away , in the sun hopefully , adults only hotel too :)

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For half term, I will be working less hours haha. We have a real drop in numbers out of term time due to the large number of children we have that purely access the EYE funding.


So we're using the week to have a move round and get relabelling done.

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Funny you should post at this time Sunnyday, because I am now ready to go through all filing cabinets to take out old paperwork and shred it. Only thing is, I'm not sure what to keep and what can be shredded. I have old Registration forms that parents completed some of them I have had a quick flick through and are dated 2006 and I know there will be older ones, there are remittance advice letters from the county for payment by BACS for funded children dating back to 2006 plus older, ...........

Do I need to keep forms completed by parents giving us permission to take their child on day trips, documents from when I did QA with the county (3 folders) dating back to 2005, attendance registers dating back to 2003 (and probably earlier) and free entitlement forms completed by parents back in 2008. So much more...............!! :o No wonder the drawers are difficult to shut.

I know I must keep all financial accounts for 7 years but not sure of other things. I also believe I should keep Accident/incident books and insurance documents for years and years.

I have printed off a sheet from here a while back, regarding more official documents but its the forms that are not noted on there I'm thinking of.

I am in the right frame of mind today for having a massive de-clutter. Though it will take weeks I am sure, because I have accumulated so much over the many years I have owned the business.

Then there is the home clutter - I think I am a bit of a hoarder. I cant open a cupboard or drawer for things that "might come in handy sometime". But that will have to be in a few weeks time, I think.





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:o I have been burning lots and lots of old pre-school records - hope I don't live to regret it :blink: :D


I always have a bonnie with the old records.... I find it very soothing watching it go up in flames! :D

(just to clarify - for me this is old NEG claim forms over 4yrs, dob lists, and all the other non essential paperwork)

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Had a wonderful week with my daughter the sun shone brightly throughout so came home with a glow , no spray tan for this Essex girl! :) really relaxing time , it was the start of Carnival week too in Gran Canaria so a bonus too and so many fabulous drag queens who made us laugh so much.

Back to reality today , work, followed by CIN meeting , cooked dinner and now catching up on TV.


Hope you all had great half terms too.


Burn baby burn applies to a few I think ! :)

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