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Struggling with colleagues


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Hi guys

I'm room leader in a pdn, having major issues with the staff in my room. I feel i am going round in circles having to ask the same things day in day out and repeat myself about planning, cleaning, routine, consistency etc. I have particular problems with one member of staff, and the others are starting to follow suit. Its like she's the ringleader. I'm trying so hard to improve our setting but feel like I'm getting nowhere! Any advice or similar situations welcome! Thanks x

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Let them know whose boss ! Take this up in your supervisions or if you don't do these take up with manager.

Give them an area of responsibility , we have done this recently so instead of just me moaning , each persons area they can moan if not left how it should be.

Reiterate their job descriptions and emphasis that a great team works together.

Outline the duties in written form and get each staff member to sign that they have read and understood x

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Thank you lashes those are great ideas. How are you finding it working in your setting? Has having their own areas improved it? I find the others don't have the same level of cleanliness or tidiness (is that a word?!) as i do.. I hope this might make them have some pride in their area x

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Yes it is working , we are a packaway so even more reason I think to make sure everything has it's place as it makes it so much easier day to day , everyone is aware of their responsibility and this is the first term of doing this and next term it will change around again so they have a different area. I often think and know that keeping on moaning often falls on deaf ears whereas now it will help everyone realise why I do!

I have been completely open and honest why we are doing this , so far so good , x

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I feel your pain :( our team has always been close and I have always managed to inspire but past few months brick wall springs to mind!!! I have two in particular who are taking to closed conversations and moaning, other day I asked one to assist in a duty on a diff day to her usual - goodness response was not good. It's soooo busy at minuet but I think they just don't want to engage in the challenge and lead the kids I feel like my foot is always up their behinds. That's my moan over!!! (Sorry)


I have OCD and presentation issues which we all laugh about but goodness I think I'm not asking too much (most) of the time.


I don't know if it will help but I'm addressing it in a team meeting, going through our vision of the setting and what we can only do if we work together! also doing positive team build excersise. Following it all up on their one:ones. I'm also assigning areas for them to look after such as back cupboard, outdoor area then as above they can moan if it's not done to other staff x

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Guest degplay

snap! we have had our own areas for a little while now. some really do well and take a pride, others don't, it ends up in such a mess it is done by me or my deputy as we set up at the end of the week. i have addressed it with them in their supervisions, and had some very creative reasons why they cant or don't do it. If only they used the same creativity within their work!!!!! my lastest idea was to update our inductions and expectations leaflet (usually given to new staff), but within in it went over a variety of everyday issues, including what to do within their area, and handed everyone out a copy over Christmas with cute pictures and a little comedy in it - hoping they would find it interesting to read and would re-inspire, i wait with baited breath :rolleyes:

i worry that so much is been thrown at staff now, and there is such a lot of pressure they are becoming fed up, i keep telling them they should be in my shoes for a day! anyway back to my paperwork!!!!!

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snap! we have had our own areas for a little while now. some really do well and take a pride, others don't, it ends up in such a mess it is done by me or my deputy as we set up at the end of the week. i have addressed it with them in their supervisions, and had some very creative reasons why they cant or don't do it. I

I introduced areas a couple of years back the novelty soon wore off so then i moved them round each 1/2 term - 1 staff member was great would think of new ideas and keep everything clean and tidy but as soon as we had a move around someone else inherited her good work but then let it slack again :(

i talk about it in supervisions too and staff agree with me but then don't do it - hubby says disciplinary as he's fed up of me (and then i drag him & kids in at weekends) having to do everything - i even bring things like pencils home for my own kids to sharpen. the little extra things I'm asking staff to do are not rocket science!

Edited by thumperrabbit
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Thanks for all your replies! I thought it was just me but it looks like this is a common problem unfortunately. It sounds like we are all in a similar situation. Imagine a nursery with all of us working there! How clean and tidy and organised it would be... A girl can dream x

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Ongoing problem at my setting. I love the girls I work with - have worked with some of them for many, many years BUT I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall.

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How do you cope with that mollieben, i don't know about you but i feel if my 'friends' in my room can't respect me by doing what I *very nicely* ask them to do, is anybody else going to? Don't get me wrong, some staff can't do enough to help me and the setting, just a shame the rest of them aren't the same x

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It's hard. I have 'grown up' with some of the people I work with, having all been working in the setting for 10+ years. I feel like I am trying to be 2 people most of the time!

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I am in the process of buying a pack away setting and they have rotas, but they have a weekly rota.

For example on a Monday I would be responsible for: role play, EAD

Tuesday: Construction, snack area

Wednesday: Outside area, toilets,

Thursday: Small world, maths

Friday: Mark making, sand and water.

If a member of staff was in charge of setting up the role play every day for a half term, do they run out of ideas what resources to put out each day? What kind of role play it would be that day?

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We are a sessional playgroup and have rotas for things so that they get done but also so that people are accountable. We have a rota for the daily checklist, snack preparation and craft table.

Last year we had a bit of an issue where some staff would only do certain jobs, so the staff were given little keyrings with laminated cards on that had rotas for each day; down to which table you would be sitting at, at the start of the session, who would do hand washing, table cleaning, story reading etc. It was ridiculous but a necessary evil as the bickering was ridiculous! Pleased to say that staff have changed now and we all pitch in and notice when things need doing.

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I am in the process of buying a pack away setting and they have rotas, but they have a weekly rota.

For example on a Monday I would be responsible for: role play, EAD

Tuesday: Construction, snack area

Wednesday: Outside area, toilets,

Thursday: Small world, maths

Friday: Mark making, sand and water.

If a member of staff was in charge of setting up the role play every day for a half term, do they run out of ideas what resources to put out each day? What kind of role play it would be that day?

We do similar, but we're responsible for each area for a week. Each member of staff has 1-2 areas in the room that is theirs to ensure the continuous provision is kept updated, then we have 5 areas that we set up with enhanced provision, and each member of staff is responsible for that area for the week, then we rotate.

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We have 1 staff member per area. I initially asked everyone what they preferred to do . It has worked well over the past 2 years.

This way they get to know what the children can do in certain areas and if they are progressing.During their termly supervision they have the chance to say if they are happy to continue to work in that particular area.

They record each week Staff use these records and verbal conversations to update their key children on PRAMS.

I don't have many key children myself or an area so I can cover that area if staff are away.

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It is difficult this team working stuff.

It has taken me 3 years to get to where I am now with a team of people who are working together, there are moments when irritations etc kick in but I am blessed with a bunch of people who on the whole work together.

It takes time and patience. Look for the strengths in the team and build on those. Giving each member of team some kind of responsibility is a great idea but don't forget to point out all the things that are going well. We do this with the children we should do it to ourselves.

I have one member of my team and I am really not sure how she got her level3 but she has got it and as a team we look out for her. We are helping her to learn some life skills such as how to make a cup of tea! She is so gentle with the children and the children who are not settling easily, like her gentle ways, so whilst I am not convinced that she will push the development of a child she can settle them. At first the rest of the team did become frustrated with her inability to notice anything going on around her but now they support her. It is not an ideal situation but we have the provision to be able to.

Sorry I think I may have gone of the point. My main point is yes managing and motivating staff is tricky but remain positive and it will work.

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