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I was just wondering what formats you all do for MTPs? I know there are different types, but I was wondering whether there has been a case where you have shared a selection? In the Reception/Yr 1 forum they have shared a number of MTPs on topics, some found on the Norfolk website, and I was wondering whether there was any similar examples for Nursery?


Thanks in advance for your help :D

  • 1 month later...

I thought that by replying to my own post that someone might have some pity on me and follow suit :D


Hi Gater,


Sorry, we don't really work to topics, otherwise I would have been happy to share!


Hi Gater!!


Ooops!! Sorry, actually I didn't reply because I couldn't think what mtps were, and was hoping someone else would post and I'd get to know!!

I have just now realised that you meant Medium term plans!!! Doh!!! :o


Could you not adapt some of the shared ones on the site to suit your requirements?


We draw up a selection of activities appropriate to each area of development that are also appropriate to current topic and circulate this to staff to aid Short term planning, as this is the real nitty-gritty stuff based on children's needs. Any help?





try this link which shows a good format for mtp

FSF Topic article theme of Growing


I tend to do a LTP to show areas of learning focus each week, over a 2 yr period. We don't write medium term plans ( say every month) just weekly (STP) plans relevant to the learning area focus ie: SPRING 1 - week 3, the focus is on Maths aspect 1. We use storys to enhance the activity planning and we cover all other learning areas in our continuous provision. Each week we consider the childrens interests and development needs and plan experiences and activities with this in mind.


Our long term plans ensure we do have an even coverage of all aspects throughout the year. Weekly plans ensure our planning is informed ( through observations) of the childrens interests and development needs, so these are met as required.





Hi Peggy

We currently use the stepping stones for our mtp and ELG for our LTP but I notice that you use the aspects, seems more and more people are choosing to do it this way. Do you find it easier to do your plans in this way?


I've to locate another recent message of yours about observations, we had a discussion about this at our staff meeting today - everyone seems to do it differnetly or just observe there own children so we have no set system wondeed if you could shed any light?




Hi Peggy

We currently use the stepping stones for our mtp and ELG for our LTP but I notice that you use the aspects, seems more and more people are choosing to do it this way. Do you find it easier to do your plans in this way?


I've to locate another recent message of yours about observations, we had a discussion about this at our staff meeting today - everyone seems to do it differnetly or just observe there own children so we have no set system wondeed if you could shed any light?





I stopped looking at ELG's or writing them in planning docs when it was pointed out to me by an Ofsted Inspector that children in Preschool mainly cover yellow and blue band, leaving green and grey(ELG's) for reception year. I do find that our children attain most but not all green band by the time they move to reception ( depending on whether they are rising 4's or 5's).


I have tried so many systems for ensuring USEFUL observations are done xD

THERE ARE MANY FACTORS THAT AFFECT THEIR SUCCESS, and sometimes it feels like they are just a chore. This is because unless staff see the benefit of observations they cannot appreciate why they spend time doing them.

The way each setting manages their system depends on the staff knowledge and skills. The main thing to understand is the purpose of doing observations, not just because "it is the done thing or Ofsted , or Quality Assurance or anybody else requires them." It is to inform and check our natural professional judgement of where a child is at, what their knowledge, skills and disposition is.

I now have 3 staff who are skilled in doing observations. This term I start a new system where I have given each child on the register a number.

Each member of staff has to observe 3 children per week. So,

week 1- Ann will observe children 1,2 & 3 and then 4,5,6 the following week etc until all children have been observed over a period of 4 weeks ( 24 children)

Sue will observe children on week 1 -4,5 & 6 and then 7,8 & 9 the following week etc until all children have been observed

Pat will observe children on week 1- 7,8 & 9 and then 10,11,12 the following week etc until all children have been observed.


These are focused observations relevant to the aspect focus of the weeks plans. (not necessarily done during an adult led activity as these are evaluated and recorded by which children access them)


This system I hope will ensure that all staff observe all children in all areas over a period of a term. I think it is useful if more than one member of staff observes a child. Each member of staff has a diary which they use to plan and record when they plan to do their observation, they can use this to highlight if a child was absent and missed and plan for another time to do the obs. The staff will decide what method of obs they will use dependent on the information they require.


I produce a planning book ( using a ring binder) which shows the weeks plans, we have blank pages where the staff can jot down spontaneous observations, particular skills children achieve, language used, 1st time a child leaves Mum easily, comments children make, choices they make etc. These notes on spontaneous obs are used to inform the following day/weeks activities/experiences. The layout of the page is so that this info can be torn from the page and placed in individual files ( no need to re-write them) headings are: name, date, obs, area/aspect to file under.


Each member of staff is allocated an hour per week non contact time to transfer their obs ( focus and spontaneous) into the childrens record of achievement files.


Hope this helps, I shall let you know how the new system goes. Basically systems haven't worked before because each member of staff have been told " do observations", "keep files up to date" these important tasks were not previously planned into the daily routine, or monitored, so weren't always done. Hopefully now they will happen. The system will be monitored by planned supervision meetings once a fortnight. If the work isn't done, I shall be asking why. :o and adapting the system accordingly.


Hope this helps.




p.s. Just remember observations need to be workable and give the information that is required, no point doing 5 obs on a child's language development when you don't know about her fine motor skills at say using tools and equipment. I want all my staff to know all the childrens developmental, social, independent levels of ability. The keyworker role- children allocated to one adult is for the purpose of setling-in and communication to build parent/child/setting relationships. not for achievement files, this is a whole staff team responsibility to assess, record and plan for all children.


Thanks so much for you ideas! With everything going on with transition at the minute, it helps that I know what comes before and after the year I teach - I appreciate your response :D


Thanks Peggy,


You have given me alot to think about. Have thought about the ELG for a while now. Our system we have been using has not been successful - everyone doing there own things - records suddenly being whisked away as children are leaving to update. Staff tend to only deal with there own keyworker children files . I think its time for a total overhaul but its finding the time!!!

We use the stepping stones/ELG for our records but now over half our children are under 3 so we are having to rethink that as well.

I think usisng the aspects will give us nmore scope but I will ponder on it for a bit.

What are in your children record of achievement files?



Thanks Peggy,


You have given me alot to think about.  Have thought about the ELG for a while now. Our system we have been using has not been successful - everyone doing there own things - records suddenly being whisked away as children are leaving to update.  Staff tend to only deal with there own keyworker children files . I think its time for  a total overhaul but its finding the time!!!

We use the stepping stones/ELG for our records but now over half our children are under 3 so we are having to rethink that as well.

I think usisng the aspects will give us nmore scope but I will ponder on it for a bit.

What are in your children record of achievement files?





Hi Smiles,

We include the home visit initial profile then pages for BTTM ( 4 components) then pages for FSC ( 6 areas of learning). The pages have 2 aspects each and blank spaces to write an assessment comment derived from a few observations, photographs and professional judgement. For each component / area there is also a plastic sleeve to put observations, art work, writing examples or any other evidence in.

I do feel that the achievement files are most useful for when a child leaves, for the parent to have as a keepsake. It also informs the record of transfer. I don't think they are useful for informing development needs on a regular/weekly basis because they take too long to go through, and therefore don't meet daily needs/interests of the children. To do this we use the comments in the planning book evaluation page and discussion at weekly staff meetings.

We do try and get parents to put comments in the achievement files but with little success, we shall be working on that soon.

I don't know if my achievement file blanks are on publisher or word docs ( on my other computor- which keeps crashing at the moment :o ) I shall try and attach them, if they are word docs,when I have sorted the computor out.



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