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Hi All,


I am new to target tracker and I need some help for someone who is working in the elg what do I put 40-60plus of working slightly hove 40-60? What about someone secure in the ELG? Bit confused so use to working with sims



I use the 'just above', 'consistently above' and 'significantly above' as there is no measure of progress passed 40-60s+. I do this purely for SLT and pupil progress although it isn't ideal. If they are completely secure within in 40-60 then we give them '40-60s+', if they are working within the ELG we give them 'just above' and if they have achieved the ELG we give them 'consistenly above', Should they, by some freak of nature (I have 2 children exceeding in reading!!!), be exceeding we give them 'significantly above'. Although I can't really show progress from 40-60 and above in enough detail I can have a conversation with management about those children. Hopefully Target Tracker will resolve these issues, when a representative came to our coordinator's network meeting all of these issues around showing progress past 40-60 during the year were expressed.



It gets confusing when systems use the single summative ELGs as a developmental stage, which they are not. A child either is or is not at the ELG really - you can be more secure in some of the skills described within it than others but it wasn't designed for the incremental uses tracker systems want it to do!


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