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Foundation Degree

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:D Wow, that went quick, 1/6 of the course done already........ an in class exam, a poster and its presenation and 10 anotated bibliographies, had our last tutorials tonight a break till Jan now...it has gone quick!!!! xD


Just nativity and parties to go and i can relax...well except got to start a phamplet for FD over xmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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Where are you guys doing your FD? I am being 'encouraged/pushed' to do one but am unhappy with the facilities at our local collage - poor library to my knowledge and anecdotal evidence that the teaching is not so good. Few years ago I did the first 2 years (part time equivalent) of a BA Hons at university and thoroughly enjoyed it but they are not offering the FD (did not complete as I had an agressive form of breast cancer and treatment knocked me back for rather a long time - I thought they might have removed part of brain along with tumour :o Luckily brain slowly starting to work again now.) So I was thinking of OU - but not sure if I would enjoy distance learning as I found the networking with other students so supportive.

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Dear Hali

Well done - I bet you are loving it - but be aware it can be quite addictive as I am sure you have found out.

Have a good rest over Christmas - I'm busy studying as my next 2 assignments have to be up by 16 January otherwise I cannot progress to my level H as the external examining board are coming in.

So think about what you are going to do - start on it and get it done - then you can forget all about it over xmas - wish I could - last year when everyone had fallen asleep after xmas day lunch - guess what I did - went and did a bit of studying in the peace and quiet - must make another mental reminder - get a life!!!!


Dear Raine, you sount as though you would really be a good candidate for doing you FD and I wouldn't be too put off by distance learning - I do distance learning with Liverpool Hope and we work in groups and actually submit some of our assignment as a group - works well because we don' want to let anyone done - but I am doing nursery management - but am not sure how it works in other areas. I think there is a FD site which you may have had a look at which might help. Hope you are now getting the all clear - must have been very worrying times. I



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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope you are enjoying it hali.  Life does go quickly  :)  How are all the other students finding the course.




Well Angie, I'm having the most fabulous time - thank you for asking! Hali and I usually sit together exchanging knowing glances.



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I'm glad your enjoying it maz.  Are you thinking of taking it further.... Honours, perhaps........

Angie :D


Well lets just say Angie that since I have gained the reputation of being the resident class swot, I'm keeping my powder dry!



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I am taking the Foundation Degree with the O.U. and think that they are fantastic for support and help. You can e-mail or ring your tutor at times I know that college tutors would not appreciate. You have the option of attending tutorials locally so that you can meet the others on the course.


I obtained my level 4 qualification as part of the Degree really easily and have just fineshed a 60 point course and passed this year. I start my next 60 point course in January.


The O.U. has jsut been voted the best University for Student satisfaction.

You can do it at your own pace and add to your qualifications when life allows.


Highly Reccomended!


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To Terri


I am studying the foundation degree with the ou and I completely agree they are fab. Congratulations on your certificate in Early years. I found out a week ago I have mine too :D . Really chuffed as I wasn't particularly academic at school, it seemed such a bore. However, I am thoroughly enjoying myself now and my mums chuffed with me too :) Have you studied E115 yet? I am due to start this if Feb 06.



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WOW :o


I just studied one at a time, that was enough for me to be perfectly honest. 


What have I got to expect from E115  xD






Its very different from E123/4 and a lot more work so be prepared. It takes a while to get into the swing of it. I have been told that it is very similiar to the NVQ i.e. collecting lots of evidence of your practice.


Carol I am not sure I would like to study all three together as they run sequentially but hey horses for courses, I am sure you have asked for advice.

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I finished E115 in October and certainly agree that it is very different from E123/124. It builds on these courses and in fact the E123 and 124 readers are used in the E115 course materials. I also found that assignments from 123/124 were useful when doing E115.


The overall student view of E115 was mixed, the drop out in the early days was high and of those who completed it (it was the first presentation this year) some hated it and others loved it but my advice is to stick with it, see it as a challenge and enjoy it! There is alot of 'administrative' work which is time consuming eg the filing of evidence (in total over 100 pieces) each with it's own cover sheet with explanation. There are 12 Early Years Core Learning Outcome forms (EYCLO's) each consisting of two pages needing explanations and descriptions of evidence which when completed have to be signed by confirmers. Hope I don't sound negative as I am one of the ones who did enjoy the challenge of E115.


I am now almost at the end of E230 - just a little matter of an ECA to be in by January 6th and then my final course (E215) starts in May next year and that's it! :D


This year I just had E115 to contend with from February but in May I started studying E230 alongside it. It was a struggle at times due to clashes of cut off dates for assignments and trying to fit it all in. E115 is recommended as requiring 18 hours study a week and the student survey has shown this is accurate. Personally there were some weeks when I spent far more than that and others maybe slightly less so overall I think they have the recommendation about right.


I take my hat off to you Carol for doing all three together. I was confused to see you have just started or is it you have all the material for the presentation that starts in Feb 06? Good luck and if I can help at all give me a shout!

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I have the course work through for E123, E124 and E115 ... E115 is definately different from the other two.


I did seek advice as it is alot to do in one go, my Deputy is also doing the same amount of work through Chelt Uni.



Your Deputy might actually find it easier because its not necessary the work load that will be your biggest problem but rather the fact you are studying three courses that are designed to follow on from each other. So for example in E115 you will be asked to reflect on what you learnt from E123 but will not have studied it yet. I too also found it very useful to use evidence from E123/4.


If you are dead set on studying 120 points which I don't believe OU recommends it might be easier to do a level 2 course alongside E123/4 as the level 2 courses are independent of each other. I found E115 far more demanding than the level 2 course I did. It is 18 hours a week - some weeks a lot more and others less - and has a very different style to it. Obviously how many hours you work will have some bearing on this also. I work full time so I had to manage my time very carefully.


Wishing you all the best.

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Yes Angie I am ..... I must be mad,  and I plan to do all of level 2 next year.

I was going to do the degree at Chelt university and it was over 2 years there




Gosh, Carol, what committment!


As the others have already said, E115 seems to assume that you already have E123 and E124 out of the way.


However, I know that in the EY field, the OU won't let you take on a course unless they think you can do it. For example, the CertEYP/EYFD is only open to practitioners with a level 3. I started with nothing (not even a level 2) - the senior tutor decided I could cope with it. I thank her for making that decision.


So, I've done E123, E124, E115 - one at a time. And, in the interim, I've moved directly from "unqualified" to "level 4" (without passing "GO" - oops I'm in Christmas "playing Monopoly" mode). I'm starting the degree level 2 courses in Feb (just one - a 30-pointer) .


I have had the most spectacular support from OU tutors. Otherwise, I would not have passed all three courses so far.


Good luck to you and the rest of us!



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Thanks Diane,


I have covered quite alot of E123 & E124 on a previous course (CACHE CPD) and was previously level 3 qualified. OU suppport team have spoken to me and they are happy for me to do the 3 courses.


I am going to use a Monday for my study day and hopefully two evenings. Fingers crossed I can cope with it.



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Thanks Diane,


I have covered quite alot of E123 & E124 on a previous course (CACHE CPD) and was previously level 3 qualified. OU suppport team have spoken to me and they are happy for me to do the 3 courses.


I am going to use a Monday for my study day and hopefully two evenings. Fingers crossed I can cope with it.




Carol have you asked if you can get credit for your cache course?


You might have to cross your toes as well :o I am genuinely concerned that you think 1 day and hopefully two evenings will be enough to cover all three courses........you will need that for E115 alone. Sometimes especially when tma's were due I spent all weekend and every evening and still needed more time not because I struggled with the content of E115 at all but it just was very time consuming, I am sure Diane will back me up on this. I daren't even think about how it would be if three tma's were all due in at the same time.


When you say you have spoken with the OU support team have you actually spoken to the course team of E115, as judging by their views over last years E115 course I would very much doubt they would be in favour of you trying to complete all of these courses in one go.

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Thanks for you concerns and I will take your advice on board.


I have already checked but I can't use my CACHE CPD credits towards the foundation degree :o .


I have spoken to the E115 course team and I have been registered on the course already.


My working hours will also go towards my study time as well as all day mondays and two evenings and if it isnt enough time then I will make more time.... there is also the holidaysa s I only work 39 weeks a year.


I am an experinced leader of a successfull pre-school group and have always kept my training/knowledge of the early years field up tp date and if I need more time for my course work then the committee will ensure that I get it.


I have worked out a detailed schedule of when everything has to be in and I have nearly completed two assignments in draft form that have to be submitted in March 06.




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Enough said I read you loud and clear :D and admire your determination. Pity about the cache credits.


I can only comment from my own perspective of the courses :( . I too have 25 years of EY experience and also only work 39 weeks in an early years setting. You have the benefit of having the materials well before the courses start which we didn’t so that is a huge bonus. Unfortunately I was a guinea pig for all three courses and I think perhaps a lot of the problems we had have now been ironed out :o . It helps that your committee are so supportive too and you will also get heaps of support from your fellow students.


So all I am going to say is enjoy!!!!! xD

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Just found your comment ! I am also starting E115 in Feb. I have taken it the slow way as well completing E123 then E124 then this year trying a 60 point course K2100 (Working with Children and Families) which I have passed to my surprise as a yucky exam at the end of it! Bit worried about the comments I am reading as the person who is supposed to verify my E115 work I only see about twice a term. I also manage a Neighbourhood Nursery with 52 places have two children doing GCSE O and A levels and an epileptic partner which makes for an interesting and hectic life!




Let me know how you get on when you start :)



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Bit worried about the comments I am reading as the person who is supposed to verify my E115 work I only see about twice a term. I also manage a Neighbourhood Nursery with 52 places have two children doing GCSE O and A levels and an epileptic partner which makes for an interesting and hectic life!




Let me know how you get on when you start :)






You will be fine, don't worry about your confirmer. Seeing her twice in a term will be fine. She will just be confirming that the 'evidence' you submit is your practice.


I too have a demanding job and in hindsight if I could do it again the best ploy is to try and get ahead of yourself, which you have a good chance of doing if you get the material early. I followed the calender which didn't fit in with the school terms (needing to collect data, get evidence signed off etc)however the course team are well aware of this now and I am sure they will build this into the course as I know they are for E215.


Do all of the activities as they are really useful when doing assignments and can be used as evidence. Collect evidence now of your practice e.g. observations, policies, keep a reflective diary, training records, E123/4 tma's and notes etc etc.


If I can help in anyway give a shout. once the course starts there is heaps of support on first class. Good luck :o

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Thanks Debbington !


I have not received my material yet which as I am doing it through the O.U. is a bit worrying and I will chase it up.


Thank you for the 'start collecting now' advice and to start a diary of my days at work, I have always meant to and have just bought a large page a day diary to start next week. :D


Really appreciate the advice and no doubt will be contacting you for more wisdom as the course progresses.





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