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Do i need to do anything else- Broken arm

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Hi all


We were having a lovely day until 2:20 when we were outside. One of our little 2yr olds (2yrs 8mths) was sat on top of the slide ready to come down on her bottom, I was watching ready to take a pic when she slipped I leapt forward to catch her but wasn't fast enough and she fell sideways off the slide landing on her wrist :(


She screamed for around 10mins whilst we put ice on her wrist, gave her comfort items and gently tried to get her moving the wrist. After this I decided to ring mum as its unusual for this little girl to get so upset over a fall and she was crying when I touched the wrist. Mum asked us to give it another 10 minutes and if not better then to ring back and she would collect her. So we continued with ice and comfort and rang mum back after no improvement. Due to mum working 40 minutes away she asked if we could give her some calpol, I agreed and stated she would need to sign to say she gave permission.


I administered calpol and dad arrived to collect. I explained the situation and got him to sign the accident book and the medication record. I also gave him an accident form and advised he get her checked out by a doctor.


I have not long received a text message to say that ".... has broken her arm. She is in a cast. She is ok".


Just want to check if there is anything else that I need to do? I feel awful for what happened and have apologised to parents, they said not to worry, kids will be kids. :(

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This would be classed as a serious accident due to the child breaking their arm.

You need to report it to RIDDOR by completing their online form. http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/report.htm

Some of the questions are rather obtuse, so follow their guidance notes.

Print off a copy of the RIDDOR report or the emailed acknowledgement, and email that with a copy of your outside risk assessment and the accident report to OFSTED with a covering email detailing exactly what happened, include additional info such as adult child ratio at the time outside, number of first aid trained staff etc (even though some of that may be in your accident report too) and what you will be doing as a consequence eg reviewing your risk assessment.

Print off the acknowledgement from Ofsted of the receipt of your email and store with all of the other information in case Ofsted wish to follow it up with a visit

Hope that helps

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ofsted/riddor and get the staff to write reports about what they saw (these need to be dated and signed) Speak to parents asap and check details. Record everything. Check to see if you need to alter/move equipment etc and draw a map of the layout. Put a risk assessment in place for the childs return.

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Thanks all. Rang ofsted this morning and went through all the details. They said to keep everything in a file but we don't need to send anything to them. They also said to complete a riddor form and send it off. What is lado for?

Just wondering why do we have to inform all the different people (ofsted, riddor and lado) I'm not saying we shouldn't but just wondered the reasoning. I know why we have to inform ofsted of course.

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A quick update. The children made this little girl a card and it was planned that I would drop it round after pre-school. However, mum text me to say they had been called back to the hospital because they had reviewed the xray and wanted to discuss treatment options.


I have just had another text to say that "It has been confirmed that xxx has broken both the bones in her arm and her arm has also bent and so they need to take her to theatre to bend it back. They can't do it over the weekend due to needing a specialist to put her to sleep because of her age. It will be either Monday or Tuesday she will go to theatre".


A very awful end to a rubbish day. I feel awful for the little girl. Another phone call to ofsted in the morning (he wasn't very nice on the phone this morning) :(

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Yes, you need to inform LADO, (Local Authority Designated Officer) for child safety/protection protocol. Have you read through your Accident Policy? Follow it to the letter to protect yourself and print off and keep copies of everything with the child's registration paperwork, as it's easier to find quickly if need be. Keep the originals in the accident record etc where they should be

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Oh dear Klc, she must have fell very awkwardly to have done so much damage, one day consultants will be available 24/7 until then it doesn't do well to need hospital over weekends or bank holidays, in the meantime they must be doing what they can to control the pain - how are the family managing? Both parents work I assume

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Been to visit today after the children made her a get well soon card. Luckily mum has a very understanding manager so she is off work. They have now put a full plaster on which is pink so she loves it. The little girl is managing very well and wants me to take her to the park and go on the slide!! She is on calpol and ibuprofen for pain.

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