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I am just looking for a bit of advise from you wonderful people. At the end of March the committee of the pre-school where I have been manager for the past 6 years tried to demote me and promote two other staff members so we were all acting managers, this didn't work as I have a contract which states that I am the manager now they are not talking to me and everything now goes through the new deputy manager, who doesn't tell me anything and emails the committee from home so I cant read what is being said. The committee have never been interested until March. Any advise would be great as I am so fed.

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Ugh, what a horrible situation to be in. Are you with the Preschool Learning Alliance? Maybe contact them for some advice, or try ACAS?

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Sounds like they are trying to 'manage you out'. ACAS sounds a good place. How supportive would your LA be? I have heard of a similar situation where the LA backed the committee! Record everything - conversations, emails everything. Did they follow the policies and procedures correctly when they tried to demote you?

I am sure that you will find lots of support and 'wisdom' from this forum. :1b Good luck.

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ACAS definately. PSLA will not help an employee, only the employers. Good luck with this, they are definately in the wrong here and you could take them to a tribunal over it..................whatever you do, DON'T resign ( though you would, I think, have acase for constructive dismissal). What a horrible situattion to be in. Record ALL that is said, or done and try to keep your head up x

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This is just dreadful. What changed in March to make them change this.

Like others have said seek advice from your LA. Have they completed a performance management or supervision or appraisal with you.

I'm not sure in law that this is legal, without any consultation and due process.

Are you on good terms with the rest of your team members. Are they also happy for this change.

I presume the deputy is happy to step up to the mark given your comments.

I would be demanding a meeting with them, take a friend, team member and document everything.

Hugs F x

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I totally sympathise...Ive been in a similar position - committee come in all guns blazing and its wrong!


staff (and id say especially managers!) are in a really vulnerable position in a committee run setting...It doesn't matter how long you've been there either (it can even count against you!) ...


I have completely lost all faith in this type of set up...and advisors in my case only seemed to encourage the committee.

it seemed that everything 'worked' for them - PLA, local advisors etc ...everyone believed the committee were genuinely 'trying to improve things'...but when 'help' / 'change' makes you feel puzzled, bad and inadequate rather than motivated and hopeful its a good indication that something is definitely not right!


I would agree with the above - definitely keep a record of what's happening and organise a meeting (keep minutes!) to talk through your concern and reassert expectations.


I too was undermined on many occasions by committee who communicated with other staff by email or whispered at the door way...once they start this nonsense its hard to halt it!


This kind of thing also depletes your own self esteem and confidence and the longer it goes on the more you wonder if maybe they are right and question your own practice ....(I am still suffering the effects of this damage) so you need to try and take action, with help, sooner rather than wait and hope it all goes away...


Do you belong to a union? - if so go to them now - if not go to ACAS - putting in a grievance would be the first step - the committee and staff have to be professional and follow the correct communication / consultation channels for a start .... perhaps make enforcing that an agenda item for the next staff / committee meeting!


It's a challenge to stand up to them but yes do try!


Good luck - Be strong x

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staff (and id say especially managers!) are in a really vulnerable position in a committee run setting...It doesn't matter how long you've been there either (it can even count against you!) ...


I have completely lost all faith in this type of set up...and advisors in my case only seemed to encourage the committee.

it seemed that everything 'worked' for them - PLA, local advisors etc ...everyone believed the committee were genuinely 'trying to improve things'...but when 'help' / 'change' makes you feel puzzled, bad and inadequate rather than motivated and hopeful its a good indication that something is definitely not right!


Do you belong to a union? - if so go to them now - if not go to ACAS - putting in a grievance would be the first step - the committee and staff have to be professional and follow the correct communication / consultation channels for a start .... perhaps make enforcing that an agenda item for the next staff / committee meeting!


It's a challenge to stand up to them but yes do try!


Good luck - Be strong x


As a manager in a small committee led group, I know that we are in a very stange situation in that we are often (not always) employed by people who have very little knowledge of being employers and also what we actually do! Bizarre :wacko: How many other 'industries' would allow this? But ignorance is no excuse and your committee, as your employer, is still bound by its legal obligations to everyone involved.

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Thanks for all your advise. In march a committee was held I was not present and by all accounts it was a witch hunt against me with no actually facts, following this a was given a letter stating I was to be acting manager with the others as chairman had found a letter dating back seven years, I was also given a written warning for thing that the committee are meant to do i.e. accounts. I queried this and they were retracted, then his wife tried to complain about me again didn't work.We are only a small team of 5, one retired in march so recruited 2 new staff, the new deputy moans constantly about having to work at home ( never done this before) not been paid enough etc. the other one doesn't like the change in the deputy attitude and the new staff think the deputy is the manager and are constantly asking her questions etc, chairman holds little meetings with her when he brings his child. Really thinking about leaving this summer its just not worth the hassle any more.

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You can not be just given a written warning a hearing must have been held where you should have been able to have a representitive of your choice and all evidence so to put your side across, if this has not happened then they are in breach of employment law! If you have it in you then fight it as it sounds asif they have not followed procedures at all however I would also be looking for somewhere else whilst I fought it.... If you can get the written warning retracted then they can not state this on a reference! If you ou get paid for being acting manager then do just that, ensure though you fulfil your job description.

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