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Nursery action plan

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Hi there Hudson. Wouldn't your action plan depend on your self evaluation and what things are highlighted there to develop?

What sort of systems do you have in place to evaluate your provision?

A look at the Ofsted frameworks might help you, are you in a school nursery?


Certainly things like EYPP is still new, that might be something?

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Our action plan comes from our SEF and any other areas that we would like to focus/target.


I write it with the playgroup supervisor and we have:


Short term (i.e. NOW!) things - these include any changes in legislation, hot topics that have been highlighted in Ofsted reports, new training that we need to attend and things from our LA audit.

Medium term (by the end of this half term) so things like develop maths area, buy water tray resources, parent questionnaire

Long term (by the end of term/academic year) Bigger purchases that require fundraising, revising planning, developing outdoor provision - all the bigger "wouldn't it be lovely if we could...." things!!


The supervisor and I review it at the end of every term and the theory is that he NOW stuff has been achieved and everything moves up a box or stays in the 'in my dreams...' bit.

We don't necessarily do them in order, so sometimes the longer term ones are achieved ahead of schedule, which is always a bonus, but it helps to keep everyone focussed in and amongst the every day chaos :-)


I hope I've attached the first one I did when I was new to post last November (and it's all been ticked off too - yay!)


Action plan - Nov 2014.docx


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Me too! Start with the grade descriptors in the inspection handbook to draw up SEF. Then action plan with headings to show areas we want to develop. Under these specific actions needed to achieve these aims, with columns to show date to achieve by, who is responsible and final one for updates.

A summer hols job yet again!

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Surely we should now be questioning whether the Sef is fit for purpose as it does not match inspection categories from September. I'm loathe to update mine only to find a new version is released then...and as my action plan comes from my Sef....

Yes - I have already decided that this is a valid excuse reason for a bit of SEF avoidance

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Surely we should now be questioning whether the Sef is fit for purpose as it does not match inspection categories from September. I'm loathe to update mine only to find a new version is released then...and as my action plan comes from my Sef....

I shant be changing anything on SEF at the present time, in the past Ofsted have "moved" items for us to begin with when the categories up date. Will be watching and waiting, and as Sunnyday says, an excellent excuse .........

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