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Promoting Fundamental British Values

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Stick it notes on policies will be in place for now, Only planning on adding statements to existing and I have to have something to do when I get back to work ;-p


I have prepared a sheet from above link and given to all staff. ( if anyone wants it )


I did the 'PD' training link...and printed certificate ..though to be honest it was a case of clicking next, next....print, you wouldn't even have needed to read it, and could print as many in diff names as you'd wanted to...I at least expected a test .....not found any proper PD training in area yet, in fact our LA training is pretty non-existent for anything these days and lack of training is my biggest ofsted worry, I have questioned our advisor about it and just get told they are looking at it, many of our once county trainers offer private training now but at extortionate charges :(


Staff and committee have all been emailed links for PD, FBV, CIF, Safeguard inspection ofsted docs - printed email as proof all sent, will get to sign receipt on return...though prob a bit like leading the horse to water :/

Round here the Police are doing the training for Prevent not LA.

I'm also concerned about the lack of 'affordable training' too - our Advisors are now all private too :(

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It's crazy they send us this flippin great poster, dictating who should be doing what as 'core', anything they do put on is at least an hour away near the 2 big towns in our LA and then said towns get their own training schedule :angry:


I'm thinking I might put in my SEF that LA training is now very limited and will look at contacting other local settings to see if we can form a pyramid for training needs.

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It's crazy they send us this flippin great poster, dictating who should be doing what as 'core', anything they do put on is at least an hour away near the 2 big towns in our LA and then said towns get their own training schedule :angry:


I'm thinking I might put in my SEF that LA training is now very limited and will look at contacting other local settings to see if we can form a pyramid for training needs.

That could be the way forward Mouseketeer, in Kent we have Collaborations of local nurseries and buy in training, obviously cheaper because we can spread the cost between us. Have to lay down ground rules etc., and how much you are each going to put in per employee per year, then find out what everybody needs in terms of training, and find the best provider for it. It's not easy I am sure, I am part of one, but have nothing to do with the setting up or running of it, but yet again it's all our own time being put in for nothing, and venues where training held has to be almost for nothing to keep costs down, we are lucky there though, we have somewhere we can use for nothing. Organisation of it all must be a job in itself!

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This what I put in our policy, which I hope is enough:


If we have any concerns that an individual may be vulnerable to being drawn into and exploited by violent and extreme ideologies, we will contact our local authority Prevent Coordinator for guidance on how to respond appropriately. We will work in partnership with Prevent Co-ordinators, Channel Police Practitioners and the Local Safe­guarding Children Board (LSCB).

did you put this in your safe guarding policy - did anyone put anything in their equality and diversity policy?

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Stick it notes on policies will be in place for now, Only planning on adding statements to existing and I have to have something to do when I get back to work ;-p


I have prepared a sheet from above link and given to all staff. ( if anyone wants it )


I did the 'PD' training link...and printed certificate ..though to be honest it was a case of clicking next, next....print, you wouldn't even have needed to read it, and could print as many in diff names as you'd wanted to...I at least expected a test .....not found any proper PD training in area yet, in fact our LA training is pretty non-existent for anything these days and lack of training is my biggest ofsted worry, I have questioned our advisor about it and just get told they are looking at it, many of our once county trainers offer private training now but at extortionate charges :(


Staff and committee have all been emailed links for PD, FBV, CIF, Safeguard inspection ofsted docs - printed email as proof all sent, will get to sign receipt on return...though prob a bit like leading the horse to water :/

i am very confused now - what notes have you put on what policies?

this is all so confusing - they always have these big changes just as we break up for the summer then leave it to us to try and work out :blink:

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did you put this in your safe guarding policy - did anyone put anything in their equality and diversity policy?

That bit is in safeguarding. How we promote the values are in diversity.

I haven't been able to find any contact details to our LA Prevent Coordinator, if there is one. So I have used this guidance: Prevent - Hampshire.pdf and added this to the policy:

If we have any concerns about an individual, we will call the Hampshire Constabulary non-emergency number, 101, or email prevent.engagement@hampshire.pnn.police.uk.

Edited by Wildflowers
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That bit is in safeguarding. How we promote the values are in diversity.

I haven't been able to find any contact details to our LA Prevent Coordinator, if there is one. So I have used this guidance: attachicon.gifPrevent - Hampshire.pdf and added this to the policy:

If we have any concerns about an individual, we will call the Hampshire Constabulary non-emergency number, 101, or email prevent.engagement@hampshire.pnn.police.uk.

how much did you put in your equality policy - and do you mind if i ask what you put please?

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how much did you put in your equality policy [...]

This is what I've done about the Prevent Duty (so far - still a draft, so any views and suggestions are most welcome!)

Promoting Diversity

We promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs in the ways below:

  • We provide opportunities for children to have a positive sense of them­­­selves and confidence in their own abilities, for example through allowing them to take risks and talking with them about their experiences and learning.
  • We give the children opportunities to develop enquiring minds in an atmosphere where questions are valued.
  • We encourage children to express their views and to stand up for themselves.
  • We promote the attitudes of collaboration, sharing and valuing others’ views.
  • We discuss the reasons for our rules and codes of behaviour with the children, and help them learn to distinguish right from wrong and understand that rules matter and apply to everyone.
  • We encourage children to reflect on their similarities and differences, and provide opportunities for them to become aware of simi­lari­ties and differ­ences in people’s ethnicity, culture and ability through discussions, visi­tors, stories and images.
  • We challenge stereotypes through discussions, stories and activities.
  • We promote the principle that a child’s understanding of the world should never be restricted by a particular view or ideology, so aim not to convey any beliefs. We speak respect­fully about different ethnic and social groups and life styles, and will make every effort to ensure that the children’s learning environment is free from stereo­­types or expressions of discri­mina­­tion or prejudice.
  • We challenge any behaviours that are not in line with these values.

In the part of our child protection policy under the heading Definitions of Abuse, I've added:

'A child is exposed to abuse if being drawn into an ideology supporting unlawful use of violence or being exploited by adults pro­moting such beliefs.'

Then, further on in the policy under the heading Referrals, I've put:

'If we have any concerns that a child may be vulnerable to being drawn into and exploited by violent ideologies, we will contact ... and follow their guidance.'

P.S.1 - Note that 'the values' are the 'Fundamental British Values'.

P.S.2 - We will contact the police for information about how to proceed in line with the Prevent Duty.

Edited by Wildflowers
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Yes i agree it should have that final test.. although i think it is interesting enough to progress through and is very useful to understand it can be any person from any background that can end up a threat. During the module there is a part that you need to interact with by giving an answer (even all answers are correct) and maybe more of this could have been used.


Still this will be very useful to have completed and should look good in your certificates files :)

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