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Malicious complaint


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Feeling so cross right now. We received a letter from Ofsted a couple of weeks ago following a complaint and another today. It is very clear to me that it from an ex member of staff. She didn't leave on bad terms but things didn't go completely her way and this is the result. As childcare providers we are so open to this type of malicious behaviour from disgruntled staff and also from parents who owe money etc.... Ofsted are not visiting - they just said they would follow it up on our next inspection and to keep a note of it but it is so demoralising for the team. Anyone else had this?

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Sadly, I think this is becoming a more popular route for anyone who doesn't get their way. I 've had this happen to me too. One parent who owed lots of money told Ofsted we had put her child in a cupboard (!). I had a great deal of pleasure opening cupboards, stuffed to the brim to show Inspector that there not even an inch of space let alone a large child! (I didn't say that of course!)

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Having been through a very similar situation and receiving said letter from Ofsted - I have to say that I genuinely feel that Ofsted are very aware of this, the letters merely being part of the process they follow in order to both acknowledge the complaint and let you know that it is out there! Lets be honest, if they thought it was anything more they would be on your doorstep!! Its is so frustrating, can be very demoralising and sometimes difficult to rise above!! My advice - have a good old rant, file the letter and forget about it!!

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At least they are coming to their senses! I had a complaint from a disgruntled ex member of staff but of course she knew the ropes so made it a safeguarding complaint which would trigger an inspection! They found nothing, saw it for what it was but still a pain! They questioned her emotional state to work with children ..... Yet now has her own business. A few months later a nightmare parent did the same thing, Again inspected and nothing. Got 'Good' on both of them, but a big nuisance.

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we had this a couple of years ago - we knew who complained as her parting words were "i shall be complaining to ofsted!" - however they were really good about it - we explained the reason for her dismissal and her parting words - they explored the complaint very briefly but were happy.


it is so sad that ofsted now seem to have to check nearly every complaint that disgruntled parents/ex-staff want to make and what is worse is that these staff members know it too.

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Yes we have had a complaint followed up that triggered a full inspection recently.. this we believe to be from a member of staff who is actually still employed by us but isn't happy with a disciplinary hearing still commencing!


Obviously Ofsted came and found this complaint untrue, although they did pick up on a few other areas we do need to improve that includes.. references for all staff (even though been employed for years) and we now know not to employ anybody until we get 2 references back! And for a shelf that was low enough for a child (climbing on a chair and managing to open a child safe bottle of medicine) to grab. Although with staff around its unlikely it was still deemed a risk!


it seems Ofsted have really tightened their belts and are sticking to the book which is a good thing for standards of course, but also caught on a bad day it can be hell, at the same time, for silly mistakes on the DAY they are around.


All i can say is it will improve our setting even more.. so thank you for the complaint!

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You have my utmost sympathy - we have had 2 complaints in the past 12 months - both disgruntled parents and both unwarranted - my objection is that we have a Complaints Policy which both parents did not follow but Ofsted still take their complaint as gospel - both inspected and unfounded by like others - other points were raised. I really feel that Ofsted should ask have they followed the policy - if not - they should then go back to Ofsted if still not happy. How many other 'businesses' are so at risk from this kind of malicious behaviour?

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You have my utmost sympathy - we have had 2 complaints in the past 12 months - both disgruntled parents and both unwarranted - my objection is that we have a Complaints Policy which both parents did not follow but Ofsted still take their complaint as gospel - both inspected and unfounded by like others - other points were raised. I really feel that Ofsted should ask have they followed the policy - if not - they should then go back to Ofsted if still not happy. How many other 'businesses' are so at risk from this kind of malicious behaviour?

I agree, I think thats a great idea - they should have to prove they have followed the correct procedure but are not satisfied -you would everywhere else.

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Had an unannounced inspection based on 6 (yes six) complaints from an ex member of staff 2 years ago. ....could only have been her due to nature of complaints. Inspector, at the end of day actually said "I'm not quite sure what I'm doing here !"


Recently, have had a parent who withdrew her child from setting based on ongoing complaints....all unfounded....she had been difficult all through the setting. Final one - she stated that she collected her child and on return home found he to be dirty and smelly with dried excrement stuck to her, which she had to scrub off.....

Bear in mind we have CCTV - she left our setting at 13.17, carrying her child with her hand supporting under child's bottom (would have felt and smelled and 'accident' and my staff had recorded child toiletted at 13.00).... she then walked 10 minutes home with child in pushchair, got home, found child to be dirty, took to toilet,scrubbed them, changed them , then sat down and wrote an e mail telling me child was leaving and why..... miraculously though, the e mail hit my inbox at 13.20 ....only 3 minutes after she left the setting. Hmmmm - doesn't add up in my books. Insults our intelligence but makes me laugh at hers. What can I do but bite my lip ? Have kept CCTV recording and copy of e mail for Ofsted when they next knock on the door. So annoyed !

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've only had 2 complaints in 25 years. Both of them were by members of staff who had been dismissed. Fortunately, I had full and detailed records of all the warnings, meetings and disciplinary action that had led to their dismissal so forwarded them all to ofsted with my reply and had no further problems. It is unfortunate that we are open to this but conversely I guess it is vital that ofsted is accessible for those with genuine concerns - we just have to hope that they have enough experience to make professional judgements about the validity of the complaint.

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