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Staff Overtime/Toil


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Hello All,


Just wondering if anyone has a really good system in place to monitor staffs toil? Currently staff record their toil on a sheet that is kept in each room and then go via the room leader or management staff when they wish to take it.


Just wondered if anyone has a system in place where they can only take Toil under certain rules and what those rules are.


Just looking at a better way of managing this with a large staff team



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We have a basic rule that only 2 can be off at one time, whether annual leave or TOIL (we are a large staff team). They also should not build up more than one working day as TOIL, if it gets more they should take it - though we have sometimes to be flexible if lots of other staff are already booked to have leave.

Staff member checks diary and, provided 2 not already off, give request to manager. The manager then decides if the request can be granted as there are sometimes meetings etc that have to be taken into consideration too. This has been made very clear to current staff and new staff are told during induction.

Hope that helps!

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Lucky staff to be able to get it.. many work these hours with no hope of any recompense


As to rules it really will depend on individual settings needs.


Hubby used to get TOIL and they had things like

a maximum you can accumulate - any over that amount banked and you lost them

only in half days or full days, not odd hours,

had to be approved a set amount of time in advance, not at short notice.


there were others but cannot remember them, it all fitted in with the job he had and their needs for staffing stability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After spending far too much time over the last few years managing Sickness, Annual Leave, TOIL, Overtime etc, we have moved to a computerised system - OMG, should have done it years ago, staff have to log in on their page to book leave and toil, also to complete self certificates and log overtime. Requests for overtime and TOIL go direct to relevant manager in email to just tick yes/no and it shows manager a calendar for them to decide then email yes/no goes back to staff - done! Manager alerted if someone has returned and not completed self certificate. System produces excellent reports to help us manage and shows staff when they enter amber and red zones for sickness.

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