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Funding forms

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It's our headcount day today for this term's funding. We always have trouble with getting forms back from parents but this term is worse than ever. We have asked, nagged and threatened that they will have to pay or withdraw their child, but I still don't have all of them back. Excuses are that they forgot, they've lost it, they didn't think it applied to them, they've already filled one in last term so just put it in the recycling etc etc! I have even tried telling parents how much the funding is worth to them this term.


I am tempted not to send them out anymore and tell parents they have to fill them in here. Does anyone else do this? If so, do you do it in an organised way e.g. form a queue, hand over your DOB evidence and fill in the form or do you just give them to parents to fill in when they drop their child off? We are full daycare with different attendance patterns so this will be quite an undertaking, but I think it's worth a try.


GRRR! :angry:

Edited by Stargrower
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Sound as though you have lots of funded children. My parents provide their child's birth certificate as part of registration of new child process. It's photocopied and put in child's file. I don't have many children so I fill in all the funding claim forms as they change them every term and parents can't understand them. I wander round with a clipboard for a few days and ask parents to check and sign - normally when children are collected as they have more time. I don't send them home anymore.

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A mix of both for me - this terms were filled in at home by parents and brought into pre-school before end of last term - all but one and she manages her own Nursery :blink: :D but it was easy to get her up to date at the beginning of this term :1b


I have also asked parents to complete them at the setting - but that doesn't work if children are delivered and collected by other carers.......


Not too much of a problem for me as we are such a small group it's fairly easy to keep on top off :1b

Edited by sunnyday
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We are claiming for about 50 children (2,3 and 4 year olds) this term but this will increase each term as children become eligible. I would love to fill the forms in and get parents to check and sign but this is a big no-no in my neck of the woods (Suffolk). We aren't allowed to fill any part of it in, or cross anything out or use tippex. If parents make a mistake, they have to fill in a new form.


Getting DOB evidence when children start is a good idea - thanks!

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We are Suffolk too.....hate the fact we cant change the front page....had one mum who put her child christian name in the surname box....whole new form....plus we have 3 terms where parebts sign at the bottom....to save forms I suppose but soooo confusing when a 2 becomes 3 etc...we also have one form for 2's one for 3's one for 4's.....anyone else he same ??

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Wow you poor settings! Quite simple up in the north west where we simply take a copy of birth cert child's passport if available, and parents id utility bill etc and keep these on file. We then fill the funding forms in our self including various info incl eligibility checks (the id collected) and send this off!


Parents have no forms to fill in at all! I guess our local authority is very trusting or are very much on the ball in checking their databases. I have to say they do a good job at storing lots of information on people on their systems when it comes to children at least.


Touch wood things don't change any time soon!

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All children here have to produce Birth Certificate before they can start - even babies - and we keep it on file. We tell them from the start at aged two that funding forms have to filled in every term for them to keep their place. Each term we give out forms - print a list of names and tick them as they return them then two days before we want them back we send a multi text telling them it has to be back by Friday in order for them to retain their place. No ifs, no buts. We are quite lucky because we have someone in reception all the time to grab them as they pass by.

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When a child first joins us I fill in all the details and then ask parents to sign them . After that the forms are printed for us, parents just have to check and sign them .Parents have to wait in a queue and their child is let in as they sign them I call them in individually. Parents know that they have to be patient and wait. We are advised not to let them home unless the child is brought to us by another carer other than parent. If there is a mistake we just alter it. Our headcount day is not for a few weeks. We have to do an estimate the previous term so half the money is always in my account before the term starts.

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we used to have them filled in onsite, no taking home, one staff member was available at collect and drop off time with forms, pens and clipboards.. once parents were used to it we had no issues..

those who had carers we sent one home and reminder text messages to return , with a deadline ,no form - child could not stay.. only took one to not give the form and be refused entry until it had been completed, never had it happen again.

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We too get parents to bring in children's birth certificates when they register with us (we keep a copy of this on file).


As for funding forms we have to download them and copy the appropriate number so that the LA can keep their costs down!!!


I don't let the forms leave the setting and get parents to complete them on site unless we never see a parent in which case they go home on the strict understanding that they are returned at the child's next session for all the non-return reasons above.


We then keep the forms in the child's file in case the LA need to see them.


There is obviously a better way as none of this applies to the funded 2 year olds - they apply on line and are given a code which they give to us - why this system isn't in place for the 3 and 4 year olds I don't know.

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So glad it's not just me, supposed to be off tomorrow but going to have to go in as I have so many outstanding forms. I have emailed saying I need the forms back or they will not get funding!! Still not returned, the worst offenders are the parents who I know are entitled to EYPP. I have always sent them home with their invoice but I think I might start asking for them to be completed in the setting.

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ours provide birth certificate on entry - we check details against registration form and note the birth certificate number on their registration form - we are not allowed to copy birth certificates any longer.

our funding forms are completed at home -any that arent returned in time the parents are billed for the half term - that is usually a great reminder to bring them in - these are then put in the adjusted figures.

not sure but i think that once they have completed the form once they just have to complete the back for spring and summer term confirming details are still the same as when claimed for autumn and sign to confirm this.if details have changed then they have to complete a new form but it is so much easier this way - and saves on photocopying and money

this applies to our two year olds too - as they still have to complete a funding form.

Edited by blondie
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Believe me it is ...we always end doing the sorting out when it goes wrong.


We had a situation a couple of years ago where parents had split up, dad had child a couple of days a week and put him straight into another setting in a diff county, mum assured me dad had been told not to claim any hours there as all in use with us, he then put in a claim form to, mum and dad both refused to speak to each other let alone pay any hours,we were asked to refund as they had a signed form, I refused as we had a signed form and what was the point in bothering with them if they didn't count for anything, they did finally agree to let us keep it, so the child actually had 28hrs free childcare a week for 2 terms as they didn't check the previous term (as not audit term) so it was missed. :-/

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Our county have changed the way we submit the headcount!! Its caused all sorts of panic....confusion......IT meltdown and threats! Get it in by ...or else!! Lots of pleading emails on how to 'get it right', then extention by 2 days....now a further extension......


Would like to be a fly on the wall in County Hall, ha ha!


Might be a bit like our first week back with lots of two's - tears and tantrums, nappies, bags to find, coats with no names etc etc.


They do say what goes around..........! :)

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There is obviously a better way as none of this applies to the funded 2 year olds - they apply on line and are given a code which they give to us - why this system isn't in place for the 3 and 4 year olds I don't know.


Our funded two's have to complete the forms as well. They fill in the code which we then have to go online and check as well as submitting the claim which is then checked again!


It seems some LA's have much simpler systems than others (ours!)

Edited by Stargrower
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Sooooo jealous...the time we spend printing the form,getting it completed,copying their evidence,choosing their ethnicity....(Cornish.... really ?? on the same list as all the other worldwide nationalities )chasing up the forms.....you wouldnt believe it.....only in Suffolk xxx

Cornish, yes really and my husband insists on ticking that rather than British. You would not believe how important that is to the Cornish people!!!

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ours provide birth certificate on entry - we check details against registration form and note the birth certificate number on their registration form - we are not allowed to copy birth certificates any longer.


Glad to see you aren't taking copies of birth certificates too; we were told a few years ago that we shouldn't be doing this - might be data protection??! :unsure:

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We have always had a very long Ethnicity list....AND always have to copy birth details....and send any copies of those children born outside Suffolk along with a copy of their PAF form too to the LEA....otherwise they ring us a week after submission and take all our time up with asking for their details.....Beginning to think we have the longest procedure to get our funding....methinks I will re-read our funding rules see if I can streamline it and be as quick as some of you guys.Or ask a few questions at our LOP meeting soon.....

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I send the forms home. There is one form for all funded children. There is space for the 5 digit number for 2 year olds, parents info which includes name, DOB and NI number for 3-4 year olds birth certificate or passport number of child, ethnicity etc. I then transfer all info online. Job done!!

If there are any late returners they are sent a text to remind them that if I don't receive the form by a certain date, then they won't be funded and they are returned immediately.



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I send the forms home. There is one form for all funded children. There is space for the 5 digit number for 2 year olds, parents info which includes name, DOB and NI number for 3-4 year olds birth certificate or passport number of child, ethnicity etc. I then transfer all info online. Job done!!

If there are any late returners they are sent a text to remind them that if I don't receive the form by a certain date, then they won't be funded and they are returned immediately.



All info - one form! Bravo West Sussex LA!
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