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PREVENT training

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One of my staff returned from college saying that Prevent training is mandatory for all staff. As the manager, I have booked on to LA 'awareness' training but not until April 16.


Does anyone know what the situation is regarding training. I had thought that we all need to be able to have an awareness and be able to recognise children/families who might be vulnerable to radicalisation but haven't been told the training is compulsory for everyone.

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Yes my son came back from the shop and said all children must buy chocolate every day :P .. but on a serious note we have not been told it is mandatory? Saying that all our team have completed a great online course on Prevent from the following link:



You need to complete this to get a certificate.. and it would be advisable to make sure all your team complete it and really understand it. It actually opens your eyes.

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The Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, which is currently going through Parliament, will place a duty on early years settings, schools and other institutions to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

Schools and nurseries have a duty of care to their pupils and staff, the Home Office said.

It added that the new duty to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism should be seen in a similar way to settings' existing safeguarding responsibilities.

A Government spokesperson said, 'We are not expecting teachers and nursery workers to carry out unnecessary intrusion into family life, but we do expect them to take action when they observe behaviour of concern


So i would say completing the online training would give staff enough knowledge to spot any signs of a person being drawn into terrorism and that it is sufficient enough. Using this along with existing safeguarding policies should be enough for staff to take the necessary actions required in these bills.


Also a good registration system might be a good idea, and ideally electronic, so any long absences or certain patterns can be recorded for all children. This would help spot if children are being taken abroad for example at certain times of the year or are being kept away from nursery for other reasons like abuse signs, maybe bruises, cuts or mutilation for examples.

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Hi all, had our ofsted inspection 26th Sept 2015 - all staff members asked what there understanding of Prevent was and how we would spot signs of a person being drawn into terrorism. As manager I was asked if we had accessed any training to which I answered no and that we were using our safeguarding policy and signs of abuse, but would call the help line number that I had inserted into the safeguarding policy if needed. The inspector was fine with that!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Register your setting with Educare through PLA website(you need to be member). You can then register all you staff for training.. excellent for refreshers - lots free as well as fairly low cost others. All training is modular and need to get a certain pass rate before certificate is printable. As admin you can sign up staff for courses as well as keep an eye on their progress. My staff like them as they can be done in own time and in stages if preferred.

Hope that helps.


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Register your setting with Educare through PLA website(you need to be member). You can then register all you staff for training.. excellent for refreshers - lots free as well as fairly low cost others. All training is modular and need to get a certain pass rate before certificate is printable. As admin you can sign up staff for courses as well as keep an eye on their progress. My staff like them as they can be done in own time and in stages if preferred.

Hope that helps.


Do you find their website user friendly Korycat? I find it quite confusing at times and I'm not too bad on a computer!

The training is ok though seeing as it's free :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am wondering if anyone has found any other on-line training about Prevent / FBVs? I have been given the task of investigating this and recommending one for our organisation to do.

Hoping for your help. Thank you


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  • 1 month later...

Just to add this was via our safeguarding children's board and was free and the presentation was good with video clips and time for questions , I did ask how those working in early years would likely come across this , she ( police officer lead for prevent) said the youngest she had dealt with was 6 and this was something that had been said , so inappropriate footage , YouTube etc a child may refer too. Any concerns can be referred to safeguarding team or whatever your initial response team would be and then from there it would be investigated for clarity etc and then on to channel panel . , who decide what support is needed.


I found it really clear and informative and gave plenty of room for discussion yet clarity.

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This Prevent training is all good and well, and it might be possible we spot signs of extremism within a child?! The youngest "case" they mentioned was a 6 year old! I can understand how children talk about things and this could lead to concerns. The course i linked, was more to do with adults being drawn into "Extremism".. and this can be anybody who is vulnerable enough to be susceptible to "extremist views."


The problem with this (in my opinion) is that "extremism" is not defined exactly. A lot of Right Wing groups are classed as extremist groups.. just because they have an opinion that does not suit the establishment? So anti-establishment views are classed as extreme views. For example; a person not wanting to bomb people in Syria could be classed as extreme, when in fact, it is a difference of opinion.


At the end of the day, this Prevent Duty, we now need to adhere to, is serving many different objectives that the government want to achieve.


a) the government want to stop extremism and radicalisation of people, in order to stop further terrorism or more people being drawn into terrorism.

b) the government wants to stop people being subjected to bullying or hate for being how they want to be.. ie Transgender is now being made more and more acceptable in the media, as so in the near future, people will not find a reason to ridicule a person who just wants to be happy. Why should a man who chooses to be a woman feel threatened or scared to do it?

c) If children can grow up accepting people's "differences" positively , or have the confidence to express themselves without fear, then that is a good thing for everybody.

d) the government want all people to integrate together no matter their religion, ethnicity or differences.. and hopefully stop all wars and we can all live happily ever after.


The problem is:


1) Barriers, including: language, cultures or other reasons make integration more difficult, and this is not easy to overcome any time soon.

2) The media (inc social media) constantly cause hatred between many groups, for example with far right groups competing against far left usually for political reasons.

3) Our Government constantly getting involved in other countries problems.. and in recent times, this is usually in the Middle East or Africa where a majority of people are Muslim. Sending Bombers into another Country without the Governments permission is a Criminal Act of course. Is this right or is it wrong?!!


There are many more reasons i could include.. but this Prevent Duty is here to stay and for whatever reason it's true intention, lets hope some good will come of it!

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